Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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December <? 7 , ip/p 267 Complete Plan Book "THE GAY LORD QUEX'* (GOLDWYN) This Picture Is Just Pleasantly Entertaining WITH Enplish locale and aristocratic atmosphere this famous stage play by Sir Arthur W ing Pinero will undoubtedly attract the attention of high «dass patrons. But the picture may not register so heavily with them as they are entitled to expect for several reasons. With probably one exception (Naomi Childers) every member of the cast is off on type. Thcv are all good artists, but the casting director miscast them. And the director and jjerformers have not quite caught the spirit of the story. The sets are elaborately correct and the photographv is very good. Continuity shows clear sequences. There is no question about the picture being pleasantly entertaining, but its real possibilities have not been realized and brought out strongly enoueh to earn it the attention accorded to special attractions. Young and gay Lord Quex loves the ladies and has so many affairs to his discredit that when he finds himself actually in love with a sweet young girl, he has a terrible time convincing her that his frivolous career is a thing of the past. Pulling possibilities and pleasing probabilities for respective audiences are: Metropolitan, good puller and generallv pleasing; Elite, good puller and generally pleasing: Family, good puller and very pleasing: Workers, average puller and fairlv pleasing.— Length, 5 reels. — Released November 30. — -Tom Hamlin. THE CAST and the now thoroughly subdued gay Lord Marquess of Quex Tom Moore ^'^^^ finally wins his great and only love. Muriel Eden Gloria Hope Duchess of Strood Naomi Childers cw r»r"T> A H/T ■dt AT\r-n Sophie Fullgarney Hazel Daly _ ^ fKOGKAM READER Sir Chichester Fray ne. .. Sydney Ainsworth Tom Moore has certainly surrounded him Captain Bastling P. H. McCulloush a bevy of screen beauties in his " Valma " (Frank PoUitt) .Arthur Housman latest Goldwyn picture, "The Gay Lord Lady Owbridge Kate Lester Q"" . , Jack Eden Henry Miller, Jr. ^'r Arthur Wmg Pinero's famous stage Mrs. Jack Eden Kathleen Kirkhatn P'?/., "^^''^ and the screen version Story by Sir Arthur Wins; Pinero. fulfi ls the intent of the great author. Scenario by Edfrid A. Bingham. ^ Hope, Naomi Childers. Hazel Daly, Direction by Harry Beaumont. Kate Lester and Kathleen Kirkham are the Photography by Norbert Brodin. principal ladies in the group, but some of the ladies in the picture caused the gay Lord Quex so much worry and trouble that he is PRESS NOTICE^ STORY more to be pitied than envied. Tom Moore is scheduled for a , ."^ "".^^ ^^"^ ^° ™any af days run at the theatre beginning ^"t" the ladies that when he finally in his latest Goldwyn picture, discovered a sweet voung g'rl whom he " The Gay Lord Quex." wanted to marry his nast always arose This is from the play by Sir Arthur Wing 'ccusingly to confront him. Pinero which had such a tremendous vogue, ' young man was not a man of low and Mr. Moore is supported by Gloria Hope, nnorals only he had roamed through aristo Naomi Ch lders, Hazel Daly, Kate Lester, society unhindereH and his love affairs Kathleen Kirkham. and Sydney Ainsworth. '"^^^ tnany. The old flames would appear The Marquess of Quex certainly loved the "as layinf ardent siege to the ladies. And iust for that he was known Voung ingenue. And she loved the cay throughout England as " The Gay Lord youne Lord Quex. but his past was such a Quex." His many conquests were noted te^ible thing to overcome. All this is pic freely in society gossip and the newspapers "."'^d m the Goldwyn picture coming to this often mentioned them. This did not bother t'i::^tre next week. the cay young fellow until suddenly he ^ "oore has in The Gay Lord found himself in love with a sweet young Vuex. one of his best screen offerings, girl It was then that he began to repent and SUGGESTIONS tried to blot out his past career. But the old Ther» ar. m^r,., ,„„. ..^ . i .i. , , ^. 1, 1. i \. ¥. lucre are many ways to exoloit this ghosts seem to continually haunt him. It nirtnr* =f».,. t,,,.. v i r J ^ r X. t a picture atter you nave booked it. but it .^tIP^t^'^ T%. °^ fornier flames, should he done in a hi^h dass manner The ■•The Duchess of Strood," visited the same ;,p„„, ^^^^ ^ ^ elite as the picture house party where the young man was is based upon a high class sta|e play Bu? laying siege to the hand and heart of the y^,, have some rood names to use The sweet young ingenue. author. Sir Arthur Win.. Pinero should be When Muriel, the young object of Lord p,entioned by all means, and the tiOe The Ouex; attentions visited her old fnend, Gay Lord Ouex," is a caotivating title And Sophie Fu Igarney, the mamcuns . she ,hen Tom Moo^e. the star, can be counted learned that her finance had formerly met ^elp pull them in. But don't neglect his girls there in great numbers. And mentioning the five women in the cast and Sophie was determined that a man with ^un as many photographs and cuts of the such a reputation would not win her young ^^ouo as possible to place. The fact that and intiocent friend. GoWwvn is in the midst of a hi. advertis Sophie boosted for another suitor think ing and oublicity campaign should impel you ing him a grand man, but secretly he was ,„ j^e brand name also, " Goldwvn P^c worse than Lord Quex ever dared to be. t„res." on ever occasion. If you have a There ^ a great anti-claimax when the gay ..^^iety list you should mail every prosoec Lord Quex locks Sophie, the, patron an announcement, using all the with him m a room to argue it out. And names as just mentioned. the great climax comes later when the young Lord Quex discovers his sweet young k'ttts t ■nwr'e< finance in the arms of his rival, in a back CATCH LINES room at Sophie's manicuring parlors. He loved the ladies and just see the trou But all comes out clean and nice after all ble it brought him. "MARKED MEN" (UNIVERSAL) This Is A Mighty Good Picture iiiy /W ARKED MEN " may be generally considered the best j^yi Hariy Carey picture to date as there is a wider appeal -A " A than in any of his former productions. In the first place it possesses the rare quality of being a Western picture with a woman appeal. .\nd the many beautiful "long shots" display ex|»ert photography. The direction of .lack Ford is exceptionally good and a realistic .sandstorm should certainly cause them to gasp. There is one star |)erformer not mentioned in the cast, and that is the baby adopted l)y the three rough men of the desert. And many real thrills are injected, one of which portrays the fall of a horse and rider from a high bridge to the distant water. Suspense has been provided by the fact that three men have escaped prison. Then they rob a bank and escape into the desert where they come across a wagon containing a mother and her newborn baby. After admonishing them to bring the child up to become as good as they are themselves she passes away. Only one of the three men survives the terrible trip to civilization with the baby. His sweetheart is waiting for him as is also the sheriff. The pardon came after the officer learns that the baby is his own niece. This is a mighty good picture. Pulling possibilities and pleasing probabilities for respective audiences are: Metropolitan, good puller and verv pleasing; Elite, average puller and very pleasing; Family, good puller and very pleasing; Workers, big puller and exceptionally pleasing. — Length, 6 reels. — Released December 21. — Tom Hamlin. THE CAST According to the reviewers the women will especially like this picture. It is said Harry Harry Carey ,o possess the essential heart interest. Jack P'acer.. J. Farrel McDonald Ford, one of the youngest directors in the Tom Gibbons Joe Hams business, is responsible for the production. Tony Garcia Ted Brooks Ruby Merril Winifred Westover Sheriff Cushing. Charles Lemoyne PROGRAM READER Storv bv Peter Kvne ^ occasion when a so-called Scenario by Tipton Steck. •Western" picture will take a firm grip Direction by Jack Ford. women. Ordinarily they show but passing interest. But we have a Universal production com I>1?irGS INinTIPF <;Tni?V '"S '° "^'^ theatre next week that is war I'xwin.r^— .tiwix i ranted to captivate the woman. And Harry Harry Carey in the Universal feature, Carey, the well known star of the " Great " Marked Men," will be shown at the Out-Doors," has the principal role. theatre for days begin This picture is entitled " Marked Men " ning . and is taken from Peter B. Kyne's Saturday Peter Kyne wrote the story which ran in Evening Post story, " The Three God the Saturday Evening Post under the title, fathers." "The Three Godfathers." This is heralded Three rough men, pursued by officers of as the best Harry Carey feature to date. the law, escape to the desert. While wanHarry and his oals are serving time in dering about they come across an abanorison under suspicion of being implicated doned wagon containing a woman with a in a train robbery. A desperate attempt to new-born babe. break jail is effective and after a thrillinn And when this woman in passing away deride across country and running battles with livers the baby in their charge, she admonnrison guards they separate and meet again ishes them to carefully raise it so that some later in a Western mining camp. day it will be as good as they are them In the meantime Harry has met and fallen selves, in love with a girl whom circumstances has In reaching civilization, one man and the driven to seek employment as waitress in a baby survive. The first person to see him dance hall. It is this girl that warns him was the Sheriff. The second person to catch that the Sheriff suspicions him. Then his sight of him was his sweetheart, old partners apoear and plan a bank rob It looked as if he would have to go back bery. As they had previously saved his life to prison again, as he was an escaped pris he felt that he should help them in sp!te oner. But he had done a heroic deed. The of the girl's pleading. baby was also to be considered. And the The robbers flee to the desert with the little babe was to blame for the happiness officers, in hot pursuit. After wandering for that loomed up on future's horizon. days they come across a wagon containing a woman and a new born babe. The woman in dying requests them to be the three god CATCH LINES fathers of the child and bring it up as good where a little babe polishes thi'ee dia as they are themselves. monds in the rough. After days of sunshine and herce sandstorms two of the men pass away and Harry ■ manages to reach civilization aga'n with the The mother called them good men and baby in his arms. And his girl is waiting these three escaped convicts tried to live for him. as is also the Sheriff. up to the thought. But the baby saves Harry from going back to prison again. And the baby unites Harry and his sweetheart. This production His sweetheart and the Sheriff were waitis described as a thriller, and filled with ing for him with open arms. He chose the romance and adventure. fn'rl and the Sheriff chose him.