Motion Picture News (Mar-Jun 1920)

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Ju n e 12, i p z o Clara Kimbal Young Picture Completed . Coincident with the metropolitan premiere at the Astor Hotel, May 26, of Equity's third Clara Kimball Young production "For the Soul of Rafael," which was accorded an enthusiastic reception, Equity Pictures announce the completion at the Garson Studios, Los Angeles of their fourth Clara Kimbali J oung output, " Mid-Channel " Under the direction of Harry Garson, cutting and titling of picture is now under way, and prints will be forwarded East within two weeks. "Mid-Channel." a screen adaptation of Sir Arthur Wing Pinero's drama of the same name in which Ethel Barrymore played the leading role severay seasons ago. Live News From The Producers Madge Kennedy 111, No Work for Few Days Goldwyn has been forced to suspend work on its eastern production of "The Girl With the Jazz Heart," from the story by Robert Shannon. The delay was necessitated by the illness of Madge Kennedy, who is being starred in the picturization, and it is expected that several days will elapse before the star will be able to resume work. Joe King is playing opposite Miss Kennedy, and the rest of the cast includes Leon Pierre Gendron, William Walcott, Helen de Bois, Robert Vaughn, Emile Hoch, Lilian Worth, Robert Tansey and Dorothy Haight. Lawrence Windom is directing. 4735 Screen Stars Seen in Stage Production For the first time in the history ot motion pictures, according to rcpmts, a theatrical drama of the speaking stage was presented with an all-star cas notion picture Stars at (June's Auditorium, Los Angeles, on the nighis ,.f Tune 3. ."i and 5, at which time a super-production of Augustus Thomas' famous drama " Arizona " will be given. Clara cast, pi Cosmopolitan Has Fine List Five Productions Nearly Completed and Many Others Planned Chambers' A N idea of the extent of Cos1 mopolitan Productions' picture plans can be gleaned from the fact that this company now has five new productions completed, or nearly completed, two more to be started this week and several others ready to be put into work within the next few months— every one of them taken from a world famous story or play. C Kimball Young headed the ayuig lb,' leading Fe in It was Miss Young's first appearance in a drama on lb, speaking stage since entering motion pictures nine years ago Playing opposite her in the leading male role was Hohart Boswovth, whose lame upon the stage was equally as great as bis success on the screen. The cast in. ludi such stars as Dustin Farnum, Gloria Swanson, Theodore Roberts and William Desmond, while Sessue Hayakawa bad the important role of the Chinese servant. Bessie Barriscale and Milton Sills Were both cast in important pans novel III, famous ' same name, .which ran serially in the Cosmopolitan Magazine. Another picture recently completed is "-The World and His Wife,." with Alma Rubens as the featured player. "A Whiff of Heliotrope," by Richard Washburn Child, is also ready "The Inside he Cut) " by Winston ..wllll, is now being filmed, and Humoresque, which is running Marion Dayics has started .... Buried Ralph Ruffner Joins Jensen-Von Herberg Announcement was made this week that Ralph Ruffner had accepted a position with the Jensen and Von Herberg chain of theatres, owners of the First National Exhibitors' Circuit franchise for the Seattle territory. Mr. Ruffner was formerly attached to the publicity department of the First National home office. His affiliations with the Jensen and Von Herberg interests will be in the position of director of exploitations for the Peoples, Star and Majestic theatres of Portland. at New York's Criterion theatre, the latest Cosmopolitan Productions' release. Proclaimed by some critics as the pictorial success of the season, and the logical successor to "The Miracle Man," it is admitted by everybody who has seen it as one of the greatest stories of mother love ever put on the screen. " The Restless Sex," Marion Davies' latest starring vehicle, is another Cosmopolitan Production that has been completed and scheduled for early release. This is the screen version of Robert W. Treasure," while "Just Around the Corner," by Fannie Hearst, and "The Passionate Pilgrim," by Samuel Mervin are now tinder way. Among other big features scheduled for early production arc " The Young Diana" by Marie Corelli ; "The Commandment" by Fannie Hurst; "The Wild Goose" by Gouverneur Morris; "Uneasy Street" by Arthur Somers Roche; Zal " by Rupert Hughes ; " Yellow Magic " by F. Britten Austen ; and " Superman " by Fannie Hurst. Fox Sales Force Visit New York Studio Tbe new William Fox studio and administration building in New York was the scene of two important events last week, beginning Monday with the official opening of the Structure and the meeting which opened the first day of the sixth annual convention of the Fox Film Corporation sales forces. Early on Monday the represi nta lives of the sales branch of the company gathered on the floor of the big studio. They were conducted through the maze of settings, and overlooked no detail of the highly efficient lighting installation with which Mr. Fox has equipped his productions department. 4 'Flying A" Sales Force Greatly Increased In order to hold the high points made by the " Flying A " sales force during the S. S. Hutchinson Tribute Month, and to insure against any possible summer slump in business, the American sales organization has been increased. The summer campaign includes several Specials of high grade, among which are listed " The House of Toys," " Peggy Rebels " and " The Week End," a screen adaptation of the novel by Cosmo Hamilton. Vitagraph Builds on Coast Additional Structures in Hollywood Provide for Big Increases AN extensive building campaign the improvements indicate a busiapproximately $200,000 in cost ness precaution against the developnas been inaugurated at Vitagraph's ments of the future Original Story Chosen for George Walsh " The Plunger " is the title of the story selected by William Fox to be the next George Walsh starring vehicle to follow " Number 17." It is an original story by Thomas F. Fallon. Western studios by W. S. "Smith, general manager, in keeping with plans outlined during the recent visit to Hollywood of Albert E. Smith, president of the organization. Work will begin shortly on a construction schedule to occupy the summer months and which is designcl to give Vitagraph one of the most modern plants in the industry by early autumn. The additional structures have been necessitated by increased production by Vitagraph in Los Angeles and the further increases anticipated for the future. Vitagraph will continue to maintain its Brooklyn studios, but more elaborate production by companies now maintained in the west has de Vitagraph's administration offices will be entirely renewed. A separate modern building will be erected for stars' dressing rooms exclusively. More stages will be put up, including one huge glass enclosed structure designed for the large sets of the feature companies. W. S. Smith recently was the successful bidder in probate court for ten acres of an old Los Angeles estate which adjoins the original Vitagraph property in Hollywood. This has been in use for temporary sets for the last two months. Under the new plans much of the extra area will be devoted to permanent sets, work on which has already begun. Vitagraph now holds twenty Preparing for Neilan's Work in Europe Marshall Neilan, as recently announced, will make an extended trip abroad within the next few months. He will be accompanied by an entire producing organization, including several internationally known screen celebrities. In France, England, Spain, Ireland and Belgium arrangements are now being made by Mr. Neilan's foreign representative, Harry Ham, for the picturization of some of the most noted historical landmarks of the globe. These will be embodied in the different stories which the director-producer will stage during his six months abroad. manded extra facilities. Further, acres in Hollywood. Goldwyn Closes Big Foreign Deal Arthur Ziehm, foreign sales manager for Goldwyn Distributing Corporation, has closed another recordbreaking deal for Goldwyn's third year product. This time the sale is for Australia and New Zealand and includes Booth Tarkington's tworeel "Edgar Comedies." the nrst three episodes of which are now being enthusiastically received in the United States.