Motion Picture News (Mar-Jun 1920)

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VI' June i . i 9 2 0 4789 Broadway Showing of " Illiterate Digest" What is probably a unique record in moving picture circles, was made recently by "The Illiterate Digest," by Will Rogers, which is produced by the Marion H. Kohn Productions. The N. Y. Independent Masterfilm Corporation acquired the New York distribution rights for this novelty reel from Joe Brandt. Through error, is the report, the first issue was sent to the Strand theatre on Broadway, N. Y., and through another oversight the reel was shown at one performance without actually being booked. Two scenes from " Madonnas and Men," a Jans picture. Evan-Burrowa Fontaine is the lady Elaborate Premiere Is Planned Chas. Maigne Awaits Star in New York Charles Maigne has returned to the East after several months spent in directing pictures for the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation on the Coast, whither he went upon completion of " The Copperhead." He is awaiting the arrivel in two weeks of Thomas Meighan, who is finishing " Conrad In Quest of His Youth." under the direction of William DeMille, and who will come East to work under Mr. Maigne's direction in ''The Frontier of the Stars," by Albert Payson Terhune. Mrs. Drew Completes Fourth of Series Mrs. Sidney Drew has completed the fourth of her series of two reelers for Pathe distribution, in the Essanay studio at Chicago. " The Unconventional Maida Greenwood " is the title of the successor to " The Emotional Miss Vaughn," which is to be released by Pathe on May 30. CONSIDERABLE of an event in the history of motion pictures is to take place at the 44lh street theatre, New York City, on the evening of Sunday, June 13. At that time the Jans Pictures, Inc., special super-feature production " Madonnas And Men " is to be given its world premiere. This presentation is to be in the nature of an invitation affair to which all those connected in anyway with the motion picture industry will be invited to attend. In fact, the officials of Jans Pictures, Inc., especially request that should anyone be overlooked when tickets are sent out a few days previous to the showing that they immediately inform the company so that seats can be sent to them at once. The special showing of " Madonnas And Men " which was directed by B. A. Rolfc will give exhibitors, independent exchangemcn and all others interested, an opportunity to view what is said to be a most remarkable story* of ancient and modern times. " Madonnas and Men " will be presented with an augmented orchestra playing a specially prepared musical score. It is expected that all of the members of the all-star cast will be present at this showing of " Madonnas And Men." These players include Evans Burroughs Fori tai nc, Edmond Loew, Faire Binney, Gustav Von Seyffertitz, Anders Randolph and Raye Dean, as -well as Carey Wilson and Edmund Gouldi ng, who w rote th e story, and Violet Clark, who was responsible for the continuity. These players, authors and the well known people of the industry who will be in attendance promise to make this premier showing of "Madonnas "Madonnas and Men/' Jans Picture, to Be Shown And Men " one of I lie must important events in local amusement circles that has taken place in many months. Plans are already under way to give " Madonnas And Men " an extensive exploitation campaign not only in this country but through the British Empire and Europe ;is well. So confident are the Jans officials of the great success this ) eat lire is bound to achieve that [hey not only spent a small fortune lo make it but will appropriate another one to give it the widest publicily and advertising, Jot down in your date book right now that you are going to see "Madonnas And Men" at the 44th street theatre on Sunday evening, June 1 3th and keep the appointment, so you'll not miss seeing what Jans Pictures, Inc., assures us is a real triumph for the motion picture. BERT £. SMITH K*vCYtiU$ftllrN6C£[> BRAOyV JWu/ -S^y o/9i iVJ .Smj "THE ISLANDS ftEGENERATION" VITAGRAPH J