Motion Picture News (Jun-Aug 1920)

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Motion Picture News The llainiah .Hinsdale story " Tlie Turning of llic Worm " recently pnrrhascd by Mclro is Iieing adapted for the screen by A. P. Younger and will be known as "Don't Nag Your Husband." Miss Hansdalc was formerly correspondent for ihc Motion Picturi; Ni;ws at Spokane, Washington. Wyndhani Standi ng has been placed under contract to appear exclusively in Metro subjects for a term of years, The contract was signed this week. This luakcs a total of fovu slock players under contract by Metro licsides stars. F. P.-LASKY THE Sinclair Lewis story which ran scriall>' in :i weekly magazine and has miht Ihtii published in book form lii'rd " I'nr Air" is being adapted for the screen by Hivou Morgan and is to sctm as llie next play for Wallace Keid upon the comi)Ietion of his present sut)ject " Always Audacious." James Cnizc is to continue as director for Keid. Hcniah M:\v\v Dix is now at work on the conlimiity fur "ICasy .Street'' which is lo star Thnmas Mi.'ighau wild now on tiis wa>' to ibe coast following tin ci>nipk'titin of work in "Civilian Clothes" at the Eastern Famous Plavcrs-T .a'ikv ■Timlin';. The largest \,m bi of the Pacific coast has h. m Km^cJ for use in Ibe making of ibe marine scenes for the next Roscoe Arbucklc cemcdy feature " Brewster's Millions " and the company is to leave shortly for a cruise on the Pacific to take these scenes. Milion Sills has been selected lo l)hiy n.'inie role in ihc film version of lliL William N aUKhn Moody play " The b'ailh I Icaltr " under the direction of George Melford. BRUNTON ROIiKRT BRUNTON will begin Ihc prothiclioii of the first Duslin Fitrnuni siihject "The Trail of the Axe" liy Kicli^iiil Ciillcii al>mit AiiKUSt 15th :\iiil the Ruth R,)l;in<l M'l-iiil " Thr Avenging Anntt " 'u In m.uir f<il I'.llhc l))' llrnnliiii Hill h. .l;nlr,l Anijuvt 16th. Nil i.i-i^ tiir ilicsc pieture^ have 'l lir t hu ll s Hutchinson serial roni]i,iii\ niiikiiiL; the " Double A (1vciinii. " iiiiilir the direction of W. S. \ III is this week making nianiic si cues lictwecn Los Angeles and .San Diego. Lonis F. Gottschalk who has prepared the incidental scores for a great mindxn of photoplays has been engaged hv Ma^-llower to arrange music for the Dwan picture " The Sin of Martha Queed." A series of Western dramas to be known as Roy Stewart productions are to be made by Robert lirunton and information is given out that these Westerns will have an entirely new garb eliminating tlic gun fights, dance halls, tvpical Western sherifTs, etc. With "The Barbarian in the final editing stages Monroe Salisbury Players are making arrangements for the filming of the second subject which will be " Ethan of the Mountain" from the Siirah Waters story. This story gives Salisbury an entirely new out of door type role and will be directed by Donald Crisp. VITAGRAPH THE Vitagraph Company has made a new contract with AnlOTiio Moreno, which provides this serial star shall continue with this organij:alion for the next three years. Moreno is now at work on the 9th episode of the serial "The Veiled Mystery," and in as much Our IMotto: All the News, If it's News, When it's News Jfssc Lniliy a^ain in mv midst. Priscilin Dcaii drinks iced tea. Mrs. William VawKhn Moody lias iniiinl niir colony. Mary McLaren is on a pleasure irip to New York. Na/iniova lias been given ii beautiful Japanexe lomnnn. Frit/ic llunictt waiils lo nm Babe Riitli (or iiriviilmi Itoot Gibson has tulni lii, next picture " In Wronii Alice Terry is IcnniiiiK to do tlie taiiRO for " The Four Horsemen." Howard Gay has moved his inakr-np box and dress suit to the Katbcrim MacDoiiald sliidio. Mar-linll d,,,, H,^^ San I'r.iii. 1 I,... \,,r. I,. witll K.irl r,.i>pi 1 Uii w .].. Mav -Mil-.. .11 wli.n .1 Iiiil. pirl bad lh..usuii<l.s of (rtckl.'s and molasses colored hair, A trick lielt <Iid ni>t work in a hanRiiiR scene for " Con vict 13 " and Eddie Cline proved the hero. He saved the man's life. Margaret de la Motte is said to be an emotional actress but reports r<-ach this oflicc that she has shiiiiinying eyes. Kntb ClifTord wanted to be with 90% of the film stars and so slic has come back to tlio Buster Keaton has sent us his biograph in verse form — to verses in all which we claim is too lunir a biograph for a eomedian. Frank Bor/aKi is kmn Wiirif them dead with a woiiilcrfiil looking car. ('>inip<-iiiii>ii in llie matter of i\clusivr ili^iffiis is verv ki-cii in our ( i(y. iJireetor Jack Conwav sometimes known as MukIi Ryan Conway, finds a moving seat more pleasant during the l a lliqu;,' e days and so is ii.siiiK a complete Pulhiian Znsu Pitts eloped with her lending man, Tom ('.;illcry ! Once upon a time Tom was a newspaper man wliiih is enouRli to say (or liitn. Joe llowliiiK wears a niakrnp and >nioUfs :i eipnr just ti!^. t'ml. J '■ iliitil. .lilt. . 1)UI ill. I John Incc claims to be all at sea these days because he is makiuR pawnshop scenes .!■ it .lo, -^n't know anything .il"itii ih, ,-itmospherc that l.>iii Cil Mil, has foil 1.1 the t tlu 111 ,\h'l-ll l' 1 Hills .iii.l l.i.ulii 'it !.'!r \''w N i.rk. iioi.iuii,, c;in linv t« jili le KOW1 s for Sl.SO wliich is ii tip to the I'vliibiii rs not f.'.'r Vim.iVi'l Krcat Kit,' _\yilh.,i,, ti,T' pi. tini .1 liuiti the n.A( ,l,i> w,,. .irresled (or eounterfcidiiK which may or may not be appreciation of hospitality. The riicstc'r hinnanzee, (meaning a chimpanzee) workI'lS imdcr the direction of Itill S. rampbcll has learned bow to open a beer bottle since Jan, 16tli. Sam WnriiiT being English eaii never remember the name "f bis favorite brnnd of cigar• ties and rriieatcdiy asks for " l Hit* ■■ when he r.iillv \srn,is ■■ Lmky Strikes." When a loi-.d [i,-,per beard "TIk l-'oiir Ilorsenii-n of the Apocalypse " was to be filmed, the managing edilol s.-Tit the cub out to see if llil! Hart. Tom Mix. Harry Carey and Neil Hart had created another merger. The niirs h;iv. hueii taken friiiii 111, Alt ■,,iii.lil:i noor so that him will not fall III thflT ru-li 111 K'-t out at eiich o( iIh ■■ ^liflit tremors." TiLei.lciil.illy il iii;iv be added our hotil li.i^ m w red plush lurniliiri willi fr-.lil trimming, Metro has taki'o on 10,000 simp as extras and while we art on the subject Dave TlinnipsoTi, Metro's production iii:iii;ii-i I .'fi .= 1. ,1 whip ins|<-.i,l III .1 ,1,1 LMplmn,. for Rex lit ill, m.ikiug of "Tli, I'.iiir lliT-iiiiin," Si'eii^iiiii writL-rs claim the Screen Writer-" Guild is not a labor union, for nnrie of its members ever labor. After this fact becomes known there is expected to be a rush for membership, George Loan Tucker shot 1-10,000 feet of negative (or ■' I,adies Must Live." and as nc insists upon seeing every fool of ilie lilm every time he use llie -lunrs in editing. It may Ik that nil '/idK-; of t!ii^ Reiuratioii will be loo old to live before the hlni is released. Carbon copy before us tells us that Harry Carev sprung a new wheeze on the waternielon and whv it bad water in it. Of course nobody in this day and age ever h'e^ird of it being planted in tb.sprmg. When Noah beard that joke he kicke.l two windows out of the ark. . Los Angeles is fast becoming the paraitise (or the crap slionier. In recent weeks it not been necessary for him to even rattle the lionefor old mother earth bas been doing It for him. A chuck luck game here would need no attendant except to take in the money, (or these slight tremors as our local papers would say, have been coming at almost regular intervals. Outside of cracking a few window panes, the falling of several chimneys and other minor occurrences, no dama^:f bas been done save some of the native sons going into the back yard and sliooting themselves for (ear the world was coming lo an end. Many who do not receive the fabuous salaries paid to film stars liuve inwardly congratulated themselves that tourists and easterners have been leaving 111 droves, for it is predicted tlial if the eastward rush keeps up many of the landlords will be bunhiig for leii:ints instead oi Irving lo find a way to boost lluir renials. So far none of the weekly men liavc kvpt iheir heads during the sliake-ups and so we do not liave a film record of what lias been happening. Rccomnitmialion is lundf to tlie ofllc.Ts oi iIr. Ain,rii.aii S<ii.i,iv of Ciiii-matngraiiliir "thai -t camer.i be Lipiipped with shock absorbers and balancing pendulum setting so a camera "V, 5^ maintained absolutely still during tlu next shake-up and a 1,1m record can be made ol wbat goes on in front of ttie eaiiu-ra s eye. Ilokuma oO.ce ,s; ,» a ,bsh,-v,-led condinmi Willi pliotogi-.-,pl,s badly off ceiilered. l!il| Fariuim appears to be doing Ren Turpin a I and .li^nilud fauline l-ieder,rl,-s ha tbr a[.pearancr li.iMnt[ ini, iniicli tea .1 Im.IIv . l li;i promises to do a lot o' Straightening up. as the contract does not stipulate what class of production he shall continue in, it is intimateti at the stndio that he will be seen in feature productions as soon as the present serial is completed. The Earle Williams company, directed by Chester Bennett, continues at work on the exteriors for " The Romance Promoters " at Santa Barbara. Construction work on new stages at Vitagraph is progressing rapidly and plans provide That the enclosed stages will be ready for use early m September, whieh will make possible the doubling of filming capacity for this plant. TOURNEUR M(\URICE TOURNEUR has assembled the cast for his first A. P. release " The Last of the Mohicans" which will consist of Barbara Bedford, Henry Woodward, Albert Roscoe. Lillian Hall, Wallace Berry, Jack McDonald and Omar Whitehead, together with more than five hundred extras as Indians and soldiers. Producer Tonrneur is taking his entire company to a mountainous valley more :han one hundred miles from Los Angeles where ideal lake, stream and mountainous scenes can be secured. He plans to spend about two months on the making of this film. UNIVERSAL VACATION period is on for three producing units of the Universal. Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran have made final scenes for " Once a Plumber " from the Edgar Franklyn story and with ilieir wives have gone to Del Mar where they will vacation and prepare the script for their next play " Fixed by George " also an Edgar Franklyn story. The " Once a Plumber " film is being edited in their absence by their co-director Eugene Dc Rue. Other productions finished during the week are " Sundown Slim '' starring Harry Carey and " Out of the Sky"' ilu' cirrus ^mi-y dirL-cH-d li>' Reeves Fasmi :inil co-slarriny Gladys Walton and Jack Perin. Director Rolin Sturgeon ihi^ wceU put in production the second of tin Carmel Mvers features which is ii be tilled " the Gilded Dream " f l oni the si ( iry of the same name by Catherine Lciscr Robbins. Other productions in ihe making are "Outside the Law," Priscilla Dean picture directed Iiy Tod Browning, " Foolish Wives" a Strohcim special, " Black Friday " being directed by Frederick Thompson, ■* While Youth " directed by Norman Dawn and " Kate Plus Ten which is being directed by Stewart Pa ton. short ';ubject companies ^Mi, h-y^ finished "The l-nid' wiih Dorothy yiiiv npinK'iitc and dircctoi" KiMrd is doing the finpl -< \ i i al pictures made in Valley. Announcement is innde ibat Director Jaccard will in the future Ihe Of Hool Sllonll W OdiK 111. I J;!C(|ui ^ ciUiinL: Bear L