Motion Picture News (Jun-Aug 1920)

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1554 (Equipment Service) Motion Picture Net Directory of New Theatres ARIZONA Tucson~The Rialto Ihealrc ercxted l>y Rickarcls & Nace, of I'liocnix, will „nen soon.^ Tlie theatre will have a sealinf; capacity of 1,000. William Ciirlett & .■^ons, of Los Angeles, are the architects. A/M);fi— Holdherg & liurdick have begun the conslrnction of a 25 x 100 fool motion picture theatre in this town. ARKANSAS Jlmnpton—Ur. A. D. Dunn is rcmo.lelnig a store building here, and will operate a motion picture theatre in its place. CAJ.II.-ORNIA San Fn:ii,-isi-o~iUiUUv\n & Howell annoimce lliat a ll.oronglilv u|)-to-dalc niovuig picture house with a seating capacitv ot 1,000 wqll shortly he constructed at vVestwood Park. Madera— A. C. 11. Chamberlain announces the conslrurlicm of a new ,$100000 molinii imiu'x Ihralrc. lo \v.<y^■ a seatmg capacity „f,, p,,,pk.. This llicatre will have a special heating and rooling system. A $10,000 organ is to be installed in the orchestra pit. DoKmcy^Mr. PA Vandegrift opene<l his new theatre, the " EI Tcatro." a few weeks ago. Hollyu-ood—}. il Zcller, owner of the l;-is theatre in Hollywood, aniiouiKcs the ■^ile of his new motion picture lluaire as being on Santa Mnnka Hoiilev.iid near iNorlhweslcrii hvemie. I''i-.iiik V K'-ische IS the architecl The building will' cost */, and will be finished in September. //o//yrcoo,/— The owners of the Kinenia theatre are to erect a half-million dollar motion picture theatre, with a sealiu" capacity of 2,500. DELAWARE IVUminytoii—TlK new Wilmington theatre now m conslrnction on the east side of Market slrerl .,l„n, Kij,,,,,, .j^eet will cost about $_.s.^ cvdusive of equipment. Samuel 1 ,r>,„l,,,nni is president of the company and riu.ks V.. ICvans, secretary. The cn,npan> l,as been chartered under the name of the Wilmington Motion i-'icture Corporation. erect a new theatre building. The new theatre will be fireproof and up-to-date in every respect and will have a sealing capacity of r,200. /-•/'////--Man.-igcr W' Newman, of the ( ir.'ind fbc'ifrc, .liindunccs recnnstiuclion which will lake place at a cosl cif about $100,000. INDIANA Port Wayne — Negotiations are under bnlcl way for the m'l-linn .if and mov iii,!.: |>h Im-c llnMliv in iln^ , il, ■file building «ill !„■ cniistrudcd .il llic corner of Wayue and Calhoun streets. IOWA Lies Moines— 'V\-\e Ibiique theatre on Locust street between Sixth and Seventh IS reported as leased lo .\bc Fnmk. l .„id A. IL Blank. The lease provides for llie erection of a theatre building costing not less than $125,000. KENTUCKY BokPiii,! Cm-,,— The Crescent .Anui.cment ( nm|iaiiy. Ilirnugli its ni nri-rr J. I'. Maslci--,. l,:,s made appH.a buildiiis: penim tor the erection ' $125,000 theatre building. The new theatre will be located on Main street, and includes ihe building now occupied by the Elite theatre. The theatre will have a seating capacity of 1,500. LOUISIANA Lake Charles — Arthur Taylor announces plans for a modern movin.' picture theatre in the building of the Lake Charles Je\\'elry Company. Knapp & I''.:isl, local contractors, will do the work Ml rciiiiMleling Ihe building. .\,;c (),/,7,«,v— The town of Opelousa IS to get a .' motion picture theatre, to be built by a corporation headed by Adol]ihe Jacobs and Alex. Bloomenstiel. of Donaldville. £««,■(■,■— It is reported that a new theaIre to cast $100,000. will be started soon in this town. MASSACHUSETTS Boston— The Fleisclimaii Construction Company, of New York, has slartc.l work on the foundation of Loew's theatre budding at the corner of Massachusetts avenue and Norway street. The theatre will havea seating capacity of about Crump Theatre in Columbus, Ind., to be Remode led and Enlarged to 2000 Seat Capacity Over $40,000 to Be Expended bv C. E Ro Jer^ Dbd OKI.S arc often received lhat tell allci-alHMisthat increase a thealre^ -^•n ting capacily fifty to a hundre.l per cent, but 1 IS unusual to find a case where the seals have been tripled. This, l,o„ ^ afre" -^^ P'"™ f'^^t inH-e Crump „ withn'^\'''"'"'^"'fy"f97f'l'"'"l"^^^ with alterations completed will he abb lo accommodate nearly 2,500. Just li„« C 1 Kogers the manager, intends to carr^ nut these clKinges may be of some i„tc-i-, other officials who are thinking of eul. ,-g mg their own theatres. ^ FLORIDA Key West— Kay\ Thompson will erect .1 theatre m the business section to cost ai>proximately $30,000. The building will be 50 by 113 feet and will be constnicte.l of concrete. This theatre will be equipped with one of the latest ventilating svsteins Ihe South Florida Contracting and Engineering Company will do the construction work. ILLINOIS Clinton—]. C. Wilson, proprietor of die Star theatre, has purchased property on Washington street, between Center and Monroe streets, on which he intends to As the theatre now stands, it has 076 S •l''.'^ '-V?»'PP'-d,-i* 60 f'/et that has been found ample in size for -.m show traveling that territorv. Inasm ■ i, as at one. me people, 5 horse and cai loads of scencrv were taken care of n ; .e slage it was felt bv Mr Rote's ha^ lius part of the theatre needed hnt i f attention. He did feel sure, h tever t To gain this, he is removing two stn„ rooms m front as ^-ell as tl e tvvn -.^ ? "lents on the second floor fr i,t and t!T shortening his present lobb wV r, • feet long, to 49 feet Wi f ,;7^^ 50 andchanges^^eutirSn;n'brd' voted exclusively to the tbeatrl li alterations have been^fi^teh^^l;™^^ l e close to 2.500 and Columbus will oast a first class house. There will not e a post on the door. All the beams will he samr "''"^ 'h'^ «f •eni -nc V"^ '""^ 'atest con .ei icnces for ,ts patrons. A mezzanine There wiirb"'";'' ''^■""'^ ^^ded. iection r •'' -'T'^'^' fireproof pro e' "1 " ""f' niacbines having a cfiiect throw to the screen of 120 feet that';i, ^'"'"'1 ""^ ho"se will be contiri "T'^ ''"'"S will not come into te n. r ' The en Ihe fe^ ^i"" """'^ '"to the foyer at fromth ''""^'•"g and directed lea M ""^.different locations. When lea •' -,f -'"dience on the main floor hea rf "! "'^ "'•"<=rs of the i>y a special exit. allclatio'n!""'''"'? ^'^■Pended for the eat^nl °f th<= plumbing, U die ^oi f ^"""g With the 000 approximate $40, Pennsylvania Showm an to Erect New House cemlv'a.S''''' ''f""^y'^ania exhibitor, rebroken fn""'' ■•^I'ortly be for a new $75,000 house in Fai red.