Motion Picture News (Aug-Oct 1920)

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October i 6 , 1920 3025 Scenes from Robertson-Cole's special, "Kismet." On the right is Otis Skinner and Rosemary iheby and on the left is Miss Theby, Emmeu C. King and Leon Barry Wm. Fox Lists October Releases It has just been announced at the Universal's offices, 1600 Broadway, that Mr. C. H. Macgowan, who recently returned from Europe, where he was on a special mission, has resigned from the company after exactly eight years of service. His work with the film corporation has included almost exery executive capacity possible to one owning no interest in the company. Twice prior to this Mr. Macgowan has attempted to resign, and both times he was " talked " out of it by Mr. Carl Laemmle, president, and Mr. R. H. Cochrane, vice president of Universal. This time he convinced Mr. Cochrane an opportunity had been presented to him which it was impossible to refuse, and accordingly, his resignation has been accepted. Mr. Macgowan resigns for the purpose of starting in business for himself as the head of an organization to be known as " Macgowan's, Inc." The business of the company will be the distribution of high class moving pictures in this country and abroad. C. H. Macgowan, who is resigning from Universal to start his own film concern Metro Film Purchases "Invisible Ray" Bob Lynch, of the Metro Film Co. of Philadelphia, Pa., one of the most successful exchanges of that territory, has purchased from the Joan Film Sales Co. the 'rights to the distribution of " The Invisible Ray," a 15-episode serial starring Jack Sherill and Ruth Clifford, in Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern Xew Jersey. Among the devices prepared for the exploitation of " The Invisible Ray " are a series of illustrated 1'ooklets to be sent out by Lynch to his exhibitors. The booklets contain the most gripping scenes of the serial, with a caption under each picture in a humorous vein. Arrangements were made to supply the Metro office with all the electrical contraptions used for the exploitation of the serial, and manufactured by a firm in Xew York. WILLIAM FOX presents for the month of October an attractive list of productions. Xotable among these is the return of W illiam Farnum in his latest western production, " Drag Harlan," by Charles Alden Seltzer. In this Mr. Farnum is said by Fox to have one of the finest western roles he has ever enacted. J. Gordon Edwards, whose name has been associated with many of the screen's greatest productions, directed " Drag Harlan." Jackie Saunders is the leading woman. Tom Mix is to be seen in a tale of the great southwest entitled " The Texan,' written by James R. Hendryx. It is declared to be one of the fastest moving stories in which this popular star has appeared — " fairly packed with stunts of sensational horsemanship and tense dramatic situations," states Fox film. Pearl White appears in her second big feautre production for William Fox, entitled " Tiger's Cub," which is a screen adaptation of the novel by George Goodchild. " Tiger's Cub " is a drama of the great Canadian wilds. Miss White's role is said to be admirably suited to her histrionic ability. Departing from his familiar field of American ranch life, William Russell appears as a Captain of the Canadian Xorthwest Mounted Police, in a story entitled " The Challenge of the Law,' written by E. Lloyd Sheldon. Acording to William Fox, action, and plenty of it. is the keynote of this story, which deals with the activities of fur smuggelrs along the Canadian border. Helen Ferguson appears opposite the star. Shirley Mason appears in a romance by Frances Marion Mitchell, entitled " Girl of My Heart," which is expected by Fox Film to force both smiles and tears. Its pathetic quality is intense, but this is relieved by action in the lighter vein and by powerful dramatic incident, states William Fox. Raymond McKee, who has appeared as leading man with Miss Mason in several other productions, is again cast opnosite the star. The cowboy star. Buck Jones, "The Merry Cafe." a Mutt and Jeff cartoon, released by Fox, broke cartoon booking records on Broadway when it ran for four weeks at the Criterion theatre. Here is a scene from the single reel comic will be seen in another Western " thriller ' — this one entitled " Sunset Sprague." Clyde C. Westover is the author. The picture was released this wee. Buck manages to pack a thrill a foot into this production with his sensational stunts. In these perilous displays he surpasses his past performances. Patsey de Forest makes a charming leading lady and gives a de "OEPORTS from all the ex■t^-' changes of the Pioneer Film Corporation which now extend from one end of the country to the other and embrace all the important points in Canada, show that business for the month of September has reached a new mark in the records of the Pioneer and that the outlook for October is particularly bright with the prospects of breaking all previous records in the history of the concern." This is the main gist of a statement just issued from the pioneer headquarters. One of the outstanding features lightful portrayal of a " regular " western girl. Eileen Percy appears in " Beware of the Bride," a screen adaptation of Edgar Franklin's magazine story: Miss Percy enacts the role of a little bride, who attends a masquerade ball in the absence of her husband and becomes involved in all sorts of mirth-provoking complications. Louise Lovely will be seen in her first starring vehicle, entitled " The Little Grey Mouse," written by Barbara Le Marr Deely. " The Little Grey Mouse " provides her with a role that combines the light with the serious. " The Little Grey Mouse " is a strong tale of love of a brave and talented woman for a worthless husband. The first release by William Fox of the " Clyde Cook Comedies " will be in October with " Kiss Me Quick." This star brought the American theatre-going public to his feet with his droll humor and grotesque antics while he was the leading atttraction at the New York Hippodrome. " Kiss Me Quick" is said by Fox to be "one of the most excrutiatingly funny comedies of the season." "An Elephant's Xightmare " and " Hold Me Tight " are two Fox Sunshine Comedies to be released in October. in connection with the forthcoming releases of the Pioneer Film Corporation, centers on the series of Xick Carter pictures, based on the famous detective stories. The Xick Carter series will be made up of * two reelers. Under the heading of the " Pioneer Master Specials," comes Daniel Carson Goodman's " Thoughtless Women," which will be the next important release, according to an announcement made yesterdav at the headquarters of the Pioneer, 130 West 46th Street. Alma Rubens is starred. Good Prospects for Pioneer September's Business Reaches New Mark and October Outlook Is Fine