Motion Picture News (Aug-Oct 1920)

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3028 Motion Picture News A scene from "The Truth About Husbands," a Whitman Bennet production Sleuth" Series to Pioneer Pioneer to Release Series Based on Famous Nick Carter Stories THE much-talked of and extensively advertised Nick Carter stories have been acquired by the Pioneer Film Corporation for the entire United States and Canada. The deal which has brought these famous Nick Carter pictures to the Pioneer, was closed by M. H. Hoffman, vice-president and general manager of the Pioneer Film Corporation, and John J. Glavey, representing the Broadwell Productions, Inc., of which enterprise Robert B. Broadwell is president. In making public the annou"<~rment of the acquisition of the Nick Carter series of 15 pictures, Mr. Hoffman characterized the deal as one of the most important that has been made in some time, inasmuch as hundreds of inquiries regarding the series have been received from exhibitors in all parts of the country and unusual interest is being centered on the series. Pioneer has issued the following statement in connection with the deal : " The name of Nick Carter has meant a great deal to two generations of American readers. It stands for a good, clean, swiftlymoving detective story, which has an unqualified appeal to man, woman or child, and it has been truly said that no character has ever lent greater possibilities to the cinema than the famous Nick. " Needless to say, every possible care has been exercised in the production of the Nick Carter tworeelers, and in every instance crime is punished as it should be. " Some idea of the demand for the Nick Carter series can be gleamed from the fact that Street & Smith Corporation, publishers of the Nick Carter books, in a statement just issued, show that over thirty million copies of Nick Carter stories have been sold, and the demand is just as great to-day as it ever was." Elaborate Settin of" White Ashes, AVILLAINLESS drama, with throbs of the eternal triangle developed in a most unusual manner, is the distinct novelty that Luther Reed has prepared for followers of motion pictures in his newest original screen story, " White Ashes," now under production at Metro's West Coast studios in Hollywood, Calif., with an allstar cast. That background of villainy accepted traditionally as being necessary to set off the virtues of the hero and heroine has been submerged by Mr. Reed in this fascinating story of social upsets and gilded love. Its swift action and unexpected situations as the country boy is projected from h;s prosaic job of soda clerk in a drug store Strong Cast for Hodkinson Hugo Ballin's Production Is Due for Early Release by Hodkinson ' I v HE first Hugo Ballin independ■* ent production, which the W. W. Hodkinson Corporation has scheduled for early release, under the working title of " The Honorable Gentleman " has an " extraordinarily strong cast," in the opinion of the Hodkinson organization. The line-up as reported by W. W. Hodkinson Corporation is as follows : ■' Rockcliffe Fellowes will be seen in the leading role. Mr. Fellowes is a great favorite with the theatregoing public and has been seen to good advantage in a number of Goldwyn productions in the past. He has also played opposite Constance Talmadge and is one of the foremost figures among the male _ leads appearing before the camera today. " Mabel Ballin, another very popular artist, is seen as the little blind gjrl, a most sympathetic role to which her talent and beauty do No Villian in Metro Drama full justice. Togo Yamamato, a successful actor both in his native Japan and in America plays the central role, and it is promised that his work in this production will be a ravelation to those who have seen him in the past. Such praise as this carries much weight when one takes into consideration the fact that he has been entrusted with many important roles, prominent among which was the part of the ChinesePrince in ' The River's End.' " " Nellie Filmore, one of the greatest character women, on the silversheet, who is also appearing in a current Broadway success, plays the part of the blind girl's Aunt with all her accustomed skill. Little Charlie Fang, who has been seen for the past six years in many Mack Sennett productions, is cast as " The Hatchetman " and proves himself to be probably the most consummate Chinese actor on the screen. Announce Curren Releases Thomas Meiphan and Dorothy Gish Are Starred in Paramount Issues gs Also Feature " Rosen Directing into the maelstrom of feverish gayety among the beauties of the stage pique the curiosity and arouse wonder as to how he will guide his stormy career without arousing the antagonism of what in an ordinaryplay would be the villain. But not alone in its villainless feature is " White Ashes " an unusual production, it is said, for it will have the added novelty of presenting a series of elaborate settings of a variety never before attempted, according to Metro. These " sets " were prepared by D. Anthony Tauszky, portrait painter, in accordance with a " camera color chart." Every scene is painted with a view to the scientific requirements of the color eye of the camera, states Metro. THE Paramount release schedule for September 26 includes two productions which already have had successful pre-release engagements in several of the largest cities, including New York. These are Thomas Meighan in " Civilian Clothes," a Hugh Ford production, and Dorothy Gish in " Little Miss Rebellion." That the picture version of " Civilian Clothes " is better than the stage production, seems to be the concensus to those who have seen both the film and play in which Thurston Hall and William Courtney were seen in the leading role. Here, indeed, they said was an ideal role for Thomas Meighan. Thompson Buchanan, one of America's best known playwrights, was the author of " Civilian Clothes," which was presented by Oliver Morosco at the Morosco iheatre, New York, September 12, 1919, and ran there far into the next spring. The task of adapting the play to the screen was entrusted to the capable hands of Clara Beranger. and the picture was the last directed in this countrty by Hugh Ford before he left for England to become Director-General of the Famous Players-Lasky British Producers, Ltd. Supporting Mr. Meighan are Martha Mansfield, who was seen opposite John Barrymore in " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ;" Marie Shotwell, Frank Losee, Alfred Hickman, Warren Cook and Maude Turner Gordon. " Little Miss Rebellion " was written by Harry Carr, editor of D. W. Griffith's scenario department, who, besides being a newspaper and magazine writer of prominence, was the author of " I'll Get Him Yet," one of Miss Gish's previous Paramount starring vehicles. The scenario was written by Wells Hastings. George Favvcett, veteran actor of both stage and screen, was the director.. Ralph Graves is Miss Gish's leading man and George Seigman, Riley Hatch, and Marie Burke also have prominent parts. Philip Hurn, writer of original scenarios. He adapts others from the works of famous authors for Metro "Legion" Convention in International News Excellent pictures of the recent big " doughboy reunion " in Cleveland are announced for release in International News 66, are contained in International News No. 66, released October 1. Newcameramen attending the convention „mpi <t4j3e^^American Legion " shot " the former warriors in a series of inspiring activities, including the grand parade in which 20,000 veterans of the Great War marched once again shoulder to shoulder to the strains of the patriotic airs that inspired them to victory two years ago.