Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1920)

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November 20, 1920 (Equipment Service) 3979 The Burton Holmes Pictures are made with a UNIVERSAL O ,UR illustration shows Burton Holmes operator making pictures in Alaska with a Universal. This is the camera that records the travels of the famous lecturer and globe trotter in every clime and corner of the world. ' I 'HE Universal Motion Picture Camera has a reputation all its own for making the best pictures under the hardest conditions. That is why it is the preferred camera of the explorer, traveler, newspaperman and the United States Army. It is extremely compact and portable. As accurate and finely adjusted as a watch, as rugged as a war tank. Has exclusive features, such as a built'in dissolve, which give it a premier claim on your attention. Immediate Deliveries We will be glad to send you illustrated literature on the Universal which describes the construction features which have made this camera a sensational success. No Advance in Prices Buikc& James in? 252 EAST ONTARIO STREET, CHICAGO 225 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY