Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1920)

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November 20, 1020 3995 Exhibitors' Own Box Office Reports (Continued from page 3994) PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOOK PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOOK DEVIL'S GARDEN, THE (BENNETT-FIRST NATIONAL) LIONEL BARRYMORE NOV. 6 '• ixatntr y.« «*.,m< story, well produced and acted." — if. P. News. DISCARDED WOMAN, THE (HALLMARK) SPECIAL CAST JULY 10 ■■H rt.. ■■<• ■„€> with tamtHai «»«w* sit uat %••»»."— M H. ^ ews. DOWN HOME (WILLART-HODKINSON) SPECIAL CAST NOV. 6 •• i*ume n u fitting moment » this ru»i <• story." — il. N. News. DRAG HARLAN (FOX) WILLIAM FARNUM NOV. 6 " If they like Furnum, it's a good bet.'' — id. P. News. DWELLING PLACE OF LIGHT, THE ( H AM PTON-HODKI NSON ) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 25 "Picture ix heavy and morbid, though icell acted." — if. P. News. EYES OF THE HEART (REALART) MARY MILES MINTER NOV. 13 " Mary Miles ilinter scores in story of pathos and sentiment." — if. P. News. FACE AT YOUR WINDOW, THE (WILLIAM FOX) SPECIAL CAST NOV. 13 " Propaganda picture developed along orthodox lines." — M. P. Netws. FATAL HOUR, THE (METRO) SPECIAL CAST NOV. 13 "Crude melodrama makes mediocre picture." — if. P. Neics. FELIX O'DAY (HAMPTON HODKINSON) H. B. WARNER SEPT. 18 " A good production Jrom all angles." — M. P. News. FIGHTING CHANCE, THE (PARAMOU NT-ART CRAFT) SPECIAL CAST JULY 31 "Robert W. Chambers' best-seller provides fair entertainment." — M. P. Newt. Exhibitor Comment — " A very good picture which pleased my patrons. Played it two days to big and average business." " Played this picture one week to big business ; a good production." " Opened strong. Good picture of popular brand." " Very good film. The public agrees, for business has been very good." " This picture was very well liked and had a succssful run." Consensus — " Oood picture, good puller." FICKLE WOMEN (DAVID BUTLER PRODUCTION-STATE RIGHTS) DAVID BUTLER AUG. 21 " David Butler has real state rights attraction." — if. P. News. FIREBRAND TREVISON (FOX) BUCK JONES JULY 31 " Buck Jones practically duplicates hie last picture." — if. P. News. 45 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY (KANE-FIRST NATIONAL) CHARLES RAY SEPT. 11 "Picture is entertaining, though Ray appears to be miscast." — if. P. New. Exhibitor Comment — " Charles Ray well liked by our audiences and feature played to better than average business." " Very fine picture. Played to capacity for four days and was close to breaking house records." " The entertaining qualities of this picture make It well worth seeing and my bouse was well filled at each performance. Fact that it played on the stage drew many people." " Charles Ray always entertaining and patrons welcomed him in a role far removed from his seemed to like. Box-office receipts larger than usual." " Great as an enlently produced." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." FIXED BY GEORGE (UNIVERSAL) LYONS-MORAN NOV. 6 " Lyons ana Muran produce successful farce.'' — if. P. News. FOOD FOR SCANDAL (REALART) WANDA HAWLEY NOV. 13 "Very obvious, but fairly interesting." — if. P. Neics. FORBIDDEN VALLEY (BLACKTON-PATHE) MAY MCAVOY BRUCE GORDON OCT. 16 " An exciting story concerning a Kentucky feud." — if. P. News. FOURTEENTH MAN, THE (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) ROBERT WARWICK SEPT. 11 " Borne entertaining moments in Warwick's comedy." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Fine picture, splendid theme and well done. Went very big all week." " Exceptionally good for Warwick picture ; well directed, well produced." " Robert Warwick is a star who does not draw big here. Featured Bebe Daniels with him In advertising and it helped some. Personally think Warwick is fine, but can't sell him to my audiences. Picture did only fair business." Consensus — Oood picture, good puller." FROM NOW ON (FOX) GEORGE WALSH OCT. 2 " Entertaining crook story, with George Walsh, well directed." — if. P. News. 'FULL HOUSE, A (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) SEPT. 18 " Stage farce loses its punch on the screen." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " A very entertaining story which went over big." " Below average business, as all Wasbburns are in these parts. A very amusing farce comedy and with most any other star would do much better business. No faults with photography, direction or cast. ' Skinner's Dress Suit " is the only Washburn that we have been able to do big business with ." " Played it two days to average business. A good picture." Consensus — " Oood picture, good puller." GAUNTLET, THE (VITAGRAPH) HARRY T. MOREY AUG. 21 " Poor treatment put* thi» one in the medinrrr < Uish " — If. P. News. ■GILDED DREAM. THE (UNIVERSAL) CARMEL MYERS OCT. 23 '• Common/jlarr «to«-M developed along traditional lines." — if. P. News. GIRL IN THE WEB, THE (HAMPTON-PATHE) BLANCHE SWEET JULY SI " A splendid production from all angles." — if. P. News Exhibitor Comment — " A good story. It drew welL Two days to average bust ness." ■GO AND GET IT (NEILAN-PIRST NATIONAL) SPECIAL CAST. .JULY 31 " Fast-moving melodrama furnishes thrills and excitement." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Splendid, snappy picture and a first-class box office attraction. Packed house and lobby every night It was shown." " Strong melodrama. Its sensationalism draws big crowds." " A real thriller which was boosted by all the critics and which drew the crowds." " Splendid picture full of action Played to big audiences." " A picture with life and interest. It is a true representation of real life and takes well with the audiences. A feature that will be an asset to any theatre." Consensus — " Oood picture, good putter." GOINO SOME (REX BEACH-GO LDWYN) SPECIAL CAST JULY 31 " Very g—4 entertaniment but not much like the original." — If. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Played it five days to big business." " Just an average feature to average business thre* days. " Played It one week to good business." " Picture fairly good ; business so-so." " Good action In this picture made It draw well and we had more than usual business." Consensus — "Average picture, average puller." GOOD-BAD WIFE, THE (VERA McCORD PRODS.-FILM BOOKING OFFICE) SPECIAL CAST OCT. 30 " Uootl production given rather illogical story." — if. P. News. GOOD REFERENCES (FIRST NATIONAL) CONSTANCE TAL MADGE OCT. 16 " Stars popularity may get it by." — if. P. News. GREAT REDEEMER. THE (TOURNEUR-METRO) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 4 " Fan Loan contribute* another winner." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " A fine picture but not the kind the public will pay money to see. It's too religious. Screen Is for entertainment, not for preachment. Fair business, but not enough to justify longer than one week run." " The picture was well received for the entire week. Tbe patrons say there Is " Just enough " religion in the picture." " Religious picture. Fair business." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." GREEN FLAME, THE (BRUNTON-HODKINSON) J. WARREN KERRIGAN JULY 14 " Kerrigan has Interesting detective story here." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " J. Warren Kerrigan well liked here, and the picture played to good business." GUILTY OF LOVE (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) DOROTHY DAL TON OCT. 9 " Star gives splendid portrayal of mis-led girl." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " This is an average picture but drew more than usual business." " Picture fairly popular. Dorothy Dalton very well carries off her emotional role." " Good picture which brought about the usual audiences " Consensus — "Average picture, average puller." HAIRPINS (INCE-PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) ENID BENNETT. . .AUG. 14 " Sullivan has taken a familiar Idea and made it throb with lifelike touches." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " A pleasing production to average business for one day." " Seemed to please. Week's audiences were about the averagePicture was fair." " Fine picture that is being thoroughly appreciated. It opened to nice business which grew daily, indicating that the public likes this type of entertainment." " Good picture. Business about usual." " Good picture but business about as usual." Consensus — " Oood picture, good puller." HALF A CHANCE (JESSE D. HAMPTON-PATHE) SPECIAL CAST). OCT. 30 •• Well acted and directed, but development sujjers." — M. P. Nens. HARRIET AND THE PIPER (MAYER-FIRST NATIONAL) ANITA STEWART OCT. 30 " Favorite formula given rich production." — M. P. Neus. Exhibitor Comment — " Regarded this as just a fair picture and drew average houses." " The entertaining value of this picture is good, and drew more than usual business." HEADIN* HOME (YANKEE-KESSEL & BAUMAN-STATE RIGHTS) BABE RUTH OCT. 2 " Babe Ruth makes debut and scores a hit." — if. P. News. HEART OF A FOOL, THE (DWAN-FIRST NATIONAL) SPECIAL CAST OCT. 23 " Very good entertainment in this complicated story." — if. P. News. HEART OF TWENTY, THE (BRENTWOOD-ROBERTSON-COLE) ZASU PITTS AUG. M " Zasu Pitts gives good performance." — if. P. News. HELD BY THE ENEMY (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) SPECIAL CAST OCT. t " Ctvil war romance looks good as a picture." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment—" An average picture. Fair business." HELD IN TRUST (LOEW-METRO SPECIAL) MAY ALLISON AUG. 21 " Incongruity and sadness mars entertainment value. — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " The best picture May Allison has ever appeared in, is the opinion of a manager and of his patrons." " Action well sustained throughout. Fine picture. Doing well." " May Allison getting more popular here. Picture pleased all classes." Picture has plenty of action and a very remarkable dog In It. Business average." " We found this to be a good picture as regards box office receipts and an entertaining production." Consensus — " Oood picture, good puller." HELP WANTED— MALE (HAMPTON-PATHE) BLANCHE SWEET OCT. 2 " Too light and vapid for a flve-reeler." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " An average picture to average business for one week." " This is an average production which brought usual business." " A good picture to poor business one day." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." HER HONOR THE MAYOR (FOX) EILEEN PERCY SEPT. 4 " Impossible story overacted and hardly entertaining." — if. P. News. HERITAGE (W. L. ROUBERT PRODUCTION-STATE RIGHTS) MATTY ROUBERT AUG. 21 " Worth a trial on strength of title." — if. P. News. HIDDEN CODE, THE (SULMAC-PIONEER) GRACE DAVISON. . .JULY 31 " Frankly a thriller and nothing more." — if. P. News. HITCHIN' POSTS (UNIVERSAL) FRANK MAYO SEPT. 4 " Colorful story and splendid cooperation make praiseworthy picture." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " A picture that would appeal te any audience. The people in this city like the Mayo productions." HOMESPUN FOLKS (INCE-ASSOCIATED PRODUCERS) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 11 " Rural drama is interesting despite a theatrical touch." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Good audience picture. Broke no records but did good average business for three days." " Ordinary photoplay. Not a bit exciting at any point. Much too tame for the general run of picture patrons." " Entertaining picture which drew more than usual patronage." " A very good picture. Filled house entire week." " An average picture In all ways. Pleased, but had no box-office draft." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." HONEST HUTCH (GOLDWYN) WILL ROGERS SEPT. 25 " Rogers scores again in human, likeable role." — if. P. Neirs. Exhibitor Comment — " Wonderfully entertaining picture which the audience seemed to like. Box-office receipts larger than usual." " Great as an entertaining feature and brought a well filled bouse at each performance." Box Office Reports continued on page 3996