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Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1920)

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4126 Motion Picture News Christy Cabanne is now engaged on the final scene of " What's a Wife Worth," with an all-star cast. METRO Bayard Vellier has arrived on the Coast from his trip East. He announces the engagement of Montague Glass, the author of " Potash and Perlmutter," to write a series of original stories for Metro. Arthur Somers Roche, Done Byrne, John Russell and Eugene Buch will also contribute stories for futijre film productions under Metro's auspices. Mr. Russell is expected to arrive in Hollywood shortly. Preparations are now under way for the filming of Nazimova's new starring vehicle " Aphrodite." Ray Smalhvood will direct. Eddie Cline has completed the editing of B u st e r Keaton's " Haunted House " and is beginning work on a new comedy. Alice Lake's company, engaged in making scenes for " Mother Love " aboard a lumber schooner, was seriously endangered by high seas. Production Manager David H. Thompson hurriedly engaged a number of tugboats and rushed them to the aid of the film party. The company was brought safely ashore at eight o'clock in the evening. Henry Bendel of New York has been engaged by Metro to take charge of all costuming for Metro productions. Mr. Bendel has been a fashionable tailor in New York, Paris and London. INCE Thomas Ince has completed the direction for final scenes of " Lying Lips." Seven hundred players took part in the "shooting" of some of these scenes, in which the Sacred Heart Church was a feature of the settings. William Seiter has been selected as director for " Bellboy 13," Douglas MacLean's new starring vehicle for release by Paramount. Margaret Loomis plays the leading feminine role. Hobart Bosworth will appear exclusively in Thomas Ince's subjects for the coming year. F. P. LASKY Cecil DeMille is scheduled to begin production work on his all-star special, " The Affairs of Anatol," from Arthur Sintzler's play, on November 26. Announcement is made by T. E. Hancock of the organization of the Pacific Film Company to distribute nationally for independent producers. A series of five-reel pictures will be produced, the first of which will be titled " The Fatal Thirty " and will present an all-star cast including Lillian West, Fritzie Ridgway, Carl Stockdale, John Hays and Al Fremont. Plans have been completed for the distribution of "The Indigestible Weekly," " The White Cap " comedies, the Sunset Burrud scenics and two-reel Breaker comedies. Jackie Coogan, six years old, who played the "kid" role in Chaplin's big comedy and is now playing in " Peck's Bad Boy," received a fracture of the skull on Friday of last week when his father's automobile was hit by a traction car. He is recovering but will be absent from the studio for over a month. Irving Willat has engaged Gordon Mullin for the heavy role in " Partners of the Tides." HERE AND THERE The Tom Santchi Company directed by Robert Bradberry has completed work on the filming of " LaRue of the Lonesome Land," and plans now made provide for the making of the seventh which has been titled " Sagebrush Musketeers." The interiors will be made at Cyrus J. Williams studio and the company will then leave for Red Rock Canyon near the Mojava Desert to make the exteriors. At this point there are some marvelous rock formation which have become known as " Indian Temples " and around these much of the exterior action will be laid. Vera Sisson will play opposite Santchi and other principals are Fred Gamble, Frank Rice, Earl Dwire and Will Patton. Allan Dwan arrived in Los Angeles on Sunday from his Eastern trip. Our Motto: All the News, If it's News, When it's News Chillv nights. The Clan is gathering. Tesse Lasky is in town. Carl I.aemmle is coming soon. J. D. Williams may come West. A. Zukor is coming West the 15th. Samuel Goldwyn is due to arrive. . F. B. Warren is still with us. . , , . Louis B. Mayer is back in town. Why don't Dick Rowland come on out? B. P. Shuleberg registered at the Alex. Ethel Clayton is expected in our midst from London town. Jack Woody is living in the anticipation of a trip West. Paul Brounet has delayed his western trip in order to see Paris. President L. R. Thompson of S. P. threatens to go to New York, again. Rumor is heard that William Fox is going to come out and see his studio. Kathleen Kirkham was up in the mountains and had a run away sleigh ride. Harrv Wilson has gone East with Sol Lesser to make George Beban famous. General Manager Hammons of Educational lias not been on the Coast for four years. Tom Ince was seen working the other day when he directed a number of scenes for " Lying Lips." Al Jolly was janitor at the Robert Brunton Studios, but fell heir to an estate of $90,000. Tom Santchi now being enpaged in making two-reel westerns claims quality and not quantity is what counts. Speaking of all-star. Carter de Haven and his wife have King Baggot, Otis Harlan and Grace Cunard for supports in " The Girl in the Taxi." Mabel Julian Scott celebrated her birthday November 2nd, but forgot to send congratulations to Senator Harding, who was celebrating, too. Edward Kidder, Charles Ray's Manager of Production, is authority for the statement that Ray's "Peaceful Valley" is better than the original play. . Conrad Nagle and his wife are parents of a child, and everybody about the Lasky plant had congratulated him an hour after the stork arrived. Ralph Lewis is going to nay Broadway his respects for the next two months. Mrs. Lewis (her first name is Vera) is going to see that Ra'ph does it right. In mentioning the film notables who came to town this week, we neglected to insert the name of Peter Gridley Smith. Pete is here and is going to live with us. The entrance of Mack Sennett into the dramatic production field led a film distribution to say Mack was getting like Eddy Foy who insisted upon plaving Hamlet." The Universal technical staff built Monte Carlo at Monterey for Stroheim. President Laemmle hearing this upon his arrival in New York, did not hesitate, he is going to see Monte Carlo. Anthony Paul Kelly is out here to help Louie Mayer make better pictures. By the way, his first visit to California and he told the Chamber of Commerce President " he was in love with the climate." Claim is made by Jack White that he is the youngest producer-director of the wor-r-r-r-r-r-ld. Jack was about fourteen when he came into this seathing industry in 1912 and he is still with us, making mermaid comedies. The film industry did a great thing when they adopted Wi'liam H. Crane, for six months later he and Mrs. Crane celebrated their wedding anniversary, thus proving to the world that there are film people who can keep out of the divorce courts, all of which is a nastv thing to say. Lloyd Hamilton contends thaf where there is a still there is a way and claims scenes in the coming comedy " Moonshine " will show a storm brewing, ship anchored over the bar, and genuine cocktails of the feathered type, and mourners passing the bier, which is altogether too much for one comedian to think of in one week. Believing the film producers are right in selecting books for filming according to the popularity of the author and his work has led Jay Chapman and Rene Rivierre to begin negotiations to secure the film rights on N. Webster's great work, titled " The Dictionary." Who said the original play writer was going to have his inning? Albert Kaufman finds that his press agents have been under-pressagenting " Man Woman Marriage for they have said in the public prints, " This production will cost $250,000 when completed.'" Al having passed out the coin, says they have reached the $400,000 mark now and then some. At the same time we learn that 400,000 feet ot negative have been shot and this is to be cut down to 8.000 feet. Allan Holubar don't care how much money he cuts out of a picture. The man who snoops around our Court House to see whose getting married or sued and puts in half of his time in discovering how many new film companies are organized every day. brings in a notation containing several names who have launched a more or less well-known project to fill the Pacific with pleasure yatch. Some people of the film industry have more money than they need to make films with in spite of the present day financial stringency. But to the News — there is the information that came to hand — Seacraft Corporation of California — Capitalized $250.000 — A. E. Featherstone. Hal E. Roach, Dustin Farnum. Thomas H. Ince. William LaPlante, Attv. Baker Builds Replica of Canfield's Canfield's, the world-famous gambling palace of former times, is to be reproduced in all its pristine glory in the George D. Baker Production of the Saturday Evening Post story, " Temple Dusk " by Calvin Johnston. George D. Baker is exceeding his past efforts in making this feature the most beautiful production that he has ever directed. The immensity and the costliness of the Canfield interior alone may be judged by the fact that it will occupy the entire stage of one of the largest studios in the east. Both Mr. Baker and Mr. Sawyer, of the Sawyer-Lubin ororganization, are determined to avoid no expense in making " Temple Dusk" a superfeature worthy of the name. Therefore, instead of using the interior of the old Canfield's they are building an exact duplicate but on a scale two and a half times as large as the original mansion. A special crew of stage hands are working night and day under the supervision of Charles Hunt, Mr. Baker's assistant, in order to have the massive set erected in record time. Andre Barletier has been specially engaged by Mr. Baker to take charge of the camera work and the lighting detail. Barletier has won a reputation for himself as the camerman who photographed " Earthbound." Quality and Service PALISADE FILM LABORATORIES, Inc. Opposite West 129th Street Ferry Morsemere 621 F. DOUBLIER, General Manager O. W. BIARMER, Special Representative THE PIONEER OF MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY 220 WEST 42nd STREET Telephone Bryant 768