Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1920)

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4156 Motion Picture News The Index to The Complete Plan Book (Continued from page 4154) PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOOK PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOOK HONEYMOON RANCH (BERT LU BIN-STATE RIGHTS) SPECIAL CAST OCT. 23 •• old time western full of real coicboys and has action galore." — if. P. News. HONOR BOUND (UNIVERSAL) FRANK MAYO NOV. 13 " Frank Mayo lias good material in this one." Exhibitor Comment — " This picture took well and brought good box office returns." HOPE, THE (METRO) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 4 " Antiquated plot is given impressive production." — if. P. Newt. Exhibitor Comment — The plot of the picture is good. Good receipts." HOUSE OF THE TOLLING BELL (J. STUART BLACKTON-PATHE) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 11 " A weird story with plenty of action and excitement." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Corking ghost story that pleased them all. Played to excellent business throughout week to universally satisfied audiences." HOUSE OF WHISPERS, THE (BRUNTON-HODKINSON) J. WARREN KERRIGAN OCT. 2 "Kerrigan lias another interesting mystery story." — M. P. Newt. HUSBAND HUNTER, THE (FOX) EILEEN PERCY SEPT. 25 " Farciul development of Fitzuerald's comedy drama." — if. P. News. IN FOLLY'S TRAIL (UNIVERSAL) CARMEL MEYERS AUG. 28 " Carmel Meyers attractive in mild, interesting story." — if. P. News. IN THE HEART OF A FOOL (D WAN-FIRST NATIONAL) SPECIAL CAST OCT. 23 " Very good entertainment in this complicated story." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Commeut — " A good audience picture. Its many leading love themes are apt to be confusing but it opened very big." " Good productions, which brought the crowds." IT'S A GREAT LIFE (EMINENT AUTHORS-GOLDWYN) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 11 " Best ever if you went to boarding school." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Fine production which played to good business." " Fine production. Played to good business." " Clever picture which appealed strongly to our patrons. Turned thousand people away Sunday night and did big business for the entire week." " Only liked by those who etnjoy Mary Roberts Rinehart's humor. Business far below normal." "This is a fair pneture, both from the entertaining point of view and the box office receipts." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." JACK-KNIFE MAN, THE (VIDOR-FIRST NATIONAL) SPECIAL CAST AUG. 14 " Human interest story rich in characterization, humor and atmosphere." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " A fine picture. Exhibitors say so. Critics say so, but the public is slow to appreciate It. So unusual, so different from what is generally seen on the screen. A picture that is ahead of the times. Did only fair both downtown and in neighborhood section." JAILBIRD, THE (INCE-PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) DOUGLAS MACLEAN OCT. 9 "Rather obvious, but fairly diverting." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Played last week and drew about average crowds. Consensus of opinion was that picture was fair." " Not so good as the McLean-May predecessors. Falls down on story, but acting of this popular pair keeps the interest going until the finish. Did fair business." " They all came — but they were disappointed. In point of business, it did very well. But I don't like to disappoint my people. They expected something as tine and peppy as 'What's Your Husband Doing?' and "Marv's Ankle." MacLean docs good work in a typical Charles Ray part— but it was not his sort of role, at all. May very good, also." "Disappointing after seeing '23i/o Hours Leave.' Fair business." "Very bad for the star and weak story. Business was poor." " Picture started big, slumped, and then ended big. But on the whole it's a lemon." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." KENTUCKY COLONEL, THE ( NATION AL-HODKINSON) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 25 " Old time favorite make" moss covered picture" — M. P. News. KISMET (ROBERTSON-COLE) OTIS SKINNER NOV. 6 " otis Skinner gives superb performance in lavish production." — M. P. News. LADY ROSE'S DAUGHTER (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) ELSIE FERGUSON SEPT. 11 " Mediocre picture made from best seller." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment—" Story criticized by newspapers. Audiences appeared to like it. Large attendance." " Elsie Ferguson draws certain class, but class is limited. Each of her pictures does just about the same." " Fair business. Story not much, but star carried it over." " Star attracted many, as she has not been out for some time. Picture not one of her best. Fair amount of business." " A good picture to extra big and big business for two days." " A very entertaining picture and brought big crowds to my house." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." LAHOMA (EDGAR LEWIS-PATHE) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 4 " A good production from all angles." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Much to my surprise, this one went over well. A very weak picture, with action taking place too far back to be of interest. Costumes hideous, though true to period. They liked this fairly well, but I'd hate to try to play another one like it ! " LAW OF THE YUKON, THE (REALART) SPECIAL CAST OCT. 2 " This picture proves a disappointment." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " An average picture which drew the usual business." LEOPARD WOMAN, THE (ASSOCIATED PRODUCERS) OCT. 16 " Melodramatic romance adapted from adventure story." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Terrible picture. Awful business. Was not liked at all." " An excellent picture and a good box office attraction." " Louise Glaum is one of the favorites here. Her acting pleased the audience and the details of the picture were well carried out. Drew big houses entire week." " Star fairly well liked, and picture did fair business. Was somewhat disappointed in the production, for while lavish the story did not carry." " Good production. Business was about usual." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." LIGHT WOMAN, THE (AMERICAN) HELEN JEROME EDDY OCT. 9 " Not above the averaae." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Helen Jerome Eddy Is fair in this picture. Business as usual." LITTLE GREY MOUSE, THE (FOX) LOUISE LOVELY NOV. 13 " Netw star's first picture mildly .interesting." — M. P. News. LITTLE MISS REBELLION (NEW ART-PA KAMOUNT) DOROTHY GISH OCT. 2 " Dorothy Gish scores in story filled with hokum." — M. P. News Exhibitor Comment — "This picture affords ml entertainment 'for most any audience and brings hearty laughs from everybody, even from those who claim the situations weren't funny. The pnotograpby and cast are very good, direction acceptable. Average business." " Star at her best. Picture only fair. Business no better." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." LITTLE WANDERER, THE (FOX) SHIRLEY MASON AUG. H " Heavier -than-usual story does not suit BMrliy Mason." — M. P. New. Exhibitor Comment — " A good picture which played my house three days to big business." LOVE FLOWER, THE (GRIFFITH-UNITED ARTISTS) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 4 " Not Griffith's best, but has audience appeal.''-if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Beautiful picture. Up to Griffith's high standard and appealed very strongly to audiences. Played two weeks to capacity houses and on account of big business was held over for third week." " Usual Griffith type. Business picked up every day." " A pleasing picture which brought more than, nr.rraal business." " Eightday engagement. Very good business. Griffith name still very valuable." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." LOVE, HONOR AND OBEY (METRO) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 11 " Too-familiar story causes interest to lag." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Fair picture. Better houses last two days than when picture opened." LOVE MADNESS (J. PARKER READ-HODKINSON) LOUISE GLAUM AUG. 21 "Excellent crook story; finely acted and produced." — M. P. New*. Exhibitor Comment — " Drew good-sized audiences for seven day run. More sex stuff which appeals to some, but is ' passed by ' by most patrons." " A pretty good picture but a poor box-office attraction." ' Name of photoplay drew rather large audiences. Star at her best in her emotional role. Business not bad." " The essence of mellow melodrama. No good as an attraction for those who look for plausibility in a photoplay. Glaum displays her ususl intenseness. Not a great picture, but one that will make money wherever patrons like thrills. Played to fair business." " Louise Glaum well liked here and picture presented her in ideal role. Did very good business with it throughout week." Consensus — "Average picture, average puller." LOVE'S FLAME (FIDELITY PICTURES CO.) THOS. J. CARRIGAN VIVIENNE OSBORNE OCT. 16 "Story has distinctive appeal." — M. P. News. MAD LOVE (VICTOR KREMER PRODUCTION) LINA CAVA LIERI NOV. 6 "Average prod uction stars Cavalieri." — .1/. p. News. MADAME PEACOCK (NAZIM OVA-METRO) NAZ1MOVA OCT. 16 " Picture looks artificial through poor direction and acting." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Drew big houses each day. This city has large number of Nazimova 1 fans ' and these liked the film. The women were exceptionally pleased with il." " Naziniova popular here. House did a normal business only. Lack of punch in previous Nazimova picturets has affected the box office." "The crowds came to see this picture because they are enthusiastic about the star. Nazimova. Drew well for entire week. " Worst Nazimova picture ever produced and shows plainly lack of direction and lack of judgment in picking story. Another picture like this and Nazimova is finished." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." MADAM X (GOLDWYN) PAULINE FREDERICK OCT. 9 " Tremendous drama faultlessly acted and skillfully produced." — if. p. News. Exhibitor Comment — " This is a fair picture, its only value being the fact that it was made before." " Medium business." " Pauline Frederick's greatest picture and one of the best productions ever offered by Goldwin. Broke house records for box office receipts Sunday and did big business during entire week. Held over for second week's run." " Wonderful production. Pauline Frederick is at her best. This picture went over extra big, making the biggest week in months." " Great picture. Audiences seemed to like this one very much. Big business during run." " The best work Pauline Frederick has ever done. Picture built for acting more than action." " Opened tdo very poor business : competition to circus and Fair as well. But has built steadily up etver since. Business, total, very good. A fine picture — a classic." " Not up to the standard of Nazimova pictures. There are moments in the picture that do not ring true. However. Nazimova followers seemed satisfied." " An average production. Box office returns fair." Consensus — "Good picture, good puller." MAN WHO DARED, THE (FOX) WILLIAM RUSSELL AUG. 14 " Probably Russell's best work to date." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " The picture is fair and brought the usual audiences." MARRIAGE PIT, THE (UNIVERSAL) FRANK MAYO OCT. 16 " Interesting story of big business and feminine pride." — if. P .News. MASTER MIND, THE (FIRST NATIONAL) LIONEL BARRYMORE OCT. 9 "Melodrama of interesting quality." — if. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " An artistic picture which played to only average *ouses." " Barrymore is a great favorite The picture pleased." " Large audiences. Very good attraction." " Powerful and very high grade picture which did better than average business." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." MID-CHANNEL (CARSON-EQUITY) CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG.. SEPT 25 " Drama lost amidst family squabbles and omnipresent dream ending." — if. P. News. Exhibitor rvunrv;*'-— " Big picture which drew more than usual business." '• A good picture which drew well." " Filled two houses during a simultaneous first run. Young has a steady following, who are enthusiastic supporters. This picture is different from those which have preceded. Star not so much in evidence as in 'Eyes of Youth.' Good support helps to make the picture interesting." " Picture is O. K. but we had poor business." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." MILESTONES (GOLDWYN) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. 1* " Atmosphere and scenic stuff, but short on screen drama." — if. P. New*. Exhibitor Comment — " Good picture but brought about the average business." Box Office Reports continued on page 4158