Motion Picture News (July-Aug 1921)

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790 Motion Picture News The Lindcll Theatre, St. Louis, which was recently renovated for the summer months. The Lindell is one of the Famous Players Missouri string of picture houses in this city Photograph of the recently opened Grand-Florissant airdome, a late addition to the Famous Players Missouri string of local picture houses. The demand for open-air theatres in the Middle West has gained such proportions that very few theatres are not contemplating the addition of an airdome to their premises Remodel Cincinnatti House The Lyric theatre, which has been operating since the close of the theatrical season as a picture house, will be closed in a few weeks for remodeling, according to an announcement by McMahan and Jackson, who have purchased the property. When the house reopens late in August or early in September it will feature Pantages vaudeville and first-run pictures. A new marquee will be erected across the front of the building, a contract having been let for the erection of a large and elaborate electric sign with the daylight lighting system, and artists have been engaged to redecorate the interior of the theater. New chairs, carpets and scenery will replace the old furnishings, and arrangements have been made to install a large organ. A new ventilating and heating system will be installed, and the lighting system of the theatre will be entirely gone over, so that the remodeling process will make of it practically a new house. — Adams. The Grand Florissant Theatre, St. Louis, which is undergoing summer redecoration. house is another of the Famous Players Missouri group This Building Activities in Pittsburg Mr. Jas. Provance will manage the new Liberty theatre just opened in Masontown, Pa. This theatre seats five hundred and is equipped with all modern fixtures. It is owned by a local business organization. The new theatre at Bentleyville which is being built by Mr. Alfred De Aught will be opened on or about September the first. The name of the new theatre has as yet not been announced. Two new picture palaces will be opened in September at Quinwood, W. Ya. One is being erected by Mr. Wells and one by Mr. J. N. Legg. Mark Browar now controls the following theatres in this section : Kenyon theatre, 1200 seats, on the North Side; The Center Square and the Victoria theatre on Center Avenue, and the Broadway theatre of McKees Rocks. Pete Alderman, who formerly managed the Rialto theatre on Fifth Avenue, will be assistant general manager of these theatres with headquarters on Center Avenue. Nathan Kaufman will open a new theatre in Coalport, Pa. This house will have a seating capacity of 600 and will be called the New Dixie theatre. It will be opened up the latter part of August. John Bazzano has bought the Empire theatre of Vandegrift and will change the name to the Liberty theatre. This theatre will close for remodeling, but will open within two or three week*. The Equitable Amusement Co.. of Huntington, W. Ya., will erect a halfmillion-dollar theatre-office building, with a roof garden at a choice down town location. The incorporators of this organization are J. P. Smith, O. J. and W. E. Deegans, L. N. Frantz and Conner Hall, all of Huntington. Mr. J. P. Smith, who came to Huntington from Richmond, will be the general manager. — Wheeler.