Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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Eight years ago, when huge grosses were unheard of, this picture earned $2,000,000. It will be one of the sensations of the present year. Newly edited and titled, with beautiful new lithographs and accessories. You will find a new movie generation waiting to welcome GEORGE KLEINE'S 1921 Screen Revival of QUO VADI5 ["Whither Coest Thou?'] By Henry Sienkiewicz Edited by DOTY HOBART Art Titles by WARREN NEWCOMBE The persecution of the Christians at the dawn of an era. The battle of the Gladiators in the arena. Ursus' rescue of Lygia from the back of a maddened bull. A court's intrigues for the favor of mighty Caesar. The jealousy of Caesar's wife, the Empress Poppea. The burning of Rome to provide a theme for Nero's' poem The Christian captives devoured by scores of lions. Released F. B. WARREN by CORPORATION 1540 BROADWAY ^ . NEW YORK CITY BRYANT 4364