Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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1226 Motion Picture N e u s Paramount Films Begun Wallace Reid, Thomas Meighan, and Jack Holt Vehicles Are Started Charles' Urban, president of Kineto Co. (Photo copyright by Underwood and Underwood) ■ Eugene O'Brien Role a Marked Departure "The new Eugene O'Brien release, set for distribution in October, will mark a decided departure from the current O'Brien offering, Is Life Worth Living?, and will, in fact, present this Selznick star in a style of photoplay entirely different from any in which he has heretofore appeared." This is the statement just issued from the Selznick headquarters. "Clay Dollars" is a rural comedy drama, written by Lewis Allen Browne, and directed bj George Archainbaud Ruth Dwyer is the leading woman in "Clay Dolars." Florida Kingslcy and Arthur Housman are also cast in important roles. Wm. Nigh Works Rapidly on Warner Picture William Nigh is breaking all previous time records in completing "Her Daughter-in-Law" which Warner Bros, are producing with Vera Gordon in the stellar role. The picture has been in work at the Biograph studio for the past two weeks and aided by the cooperation of the Tilford Cinema Studios, who are executing the sets. Director Nigh has "Her Daughter-in-Law" more than twothirds finished. LAST week saw the start of several new Paramount pictures at the Lasky studio, and judging from present indications of production activities there will be at the high water mark for some time to come. On Monday Wallace Reid began his new picture, " Rent Free," which Elmer Rice adapted from the story by Izola Forrester and Mann Page. This picture marks the first individual directorship of Howard Higgin, who for a long time was production manager for Cecil B. DeMille. Lila Lee is leading woman for Mr. Reid and the cast includes Henry Barrows, Gertrude Short, Lillian Leighton, Clarence Geldart, Claire McDowell and Lucien Littlefield. Frank E. Woods is super\ising the production. Jack Holt, Paramount's new star, also began Monday on " The Call of the North," by Stewart Edward White, the original novel being called "Conjuror's House." WITH the announcement that D. W. Griffith's masterpiece " Way Down East " is to be released to exhibitor as a regular United Artists release. Synchronized Scenario Music Co. of Chicago announce that they will shortly have ready for distribution through their twenty-two branch exchanges s>Tichronized music scores for this as well as many other big fall specials coming from other producers. Prominent among these will be scores for Paramount's " The Great Moment Griffith's " Dream Street " and the fantastic importation "The Golem." ■' The Affairs of Anatol " another of Paramount's productions will be treated in especially fine style by the scoring staff of the Synchronized Company. The book was dramatized under its present title and Robert Edeson appeared in it on the stage. Jack Cunningham has written the screen version, Joseph Henaberj' is directing and Rollin Sturgeon is supervising. The story deals with life in the Hudson Bay district and is filled with exciting action of the outdoor type which is so well suited to Holt's abilities. Another to start work Monday was Thomas Meighan, who had just arrived in Hollywood from New York a day or two previously. His picture is George M. Cohan's romantic stage comedy, " A Prince There Was," the scenario being by W'aldemar Young. Tom Foreman is again directing Mr. Meighan and Frank E. Woods is supervising the production. Lois Wilson is leading woman and the supporting cast includes Sylvia Ashton, Nigel Barrie, Charlotte Jackson, Arthur Hull, Guy Oliver and Fred Huntley. Synchronized Music Scores are rapidly taking their place on the programmes of many of the country's greatest motion picture theatres. It is, however, also gratifying to the company producing them to note that hundreds of the smaller theatres where only a piano or organ are employed to furnish the musical entertainment are likewise showing interest in these scores. A special piano or organ score is being made for every feature picture of worth being released by all the standard producers. From a musical standpoint, declares the S\Tichronized Co., this means a great deal to the small house that is without a musical library and therefore dependent upon the repertoire of a pianist or organist. David Smith, who directed " The Courage of Marge O'Doone " and "Black Beauty" for Vitagraph ; now directing James Oliver Curwood's '■ Flower of the North " for the same producers Finish Cutting of New Marion Davies Film Cutting and titling of "Enchantment," a forthcoming Cosmopolitan Production starring Marion Davies has been completed at the International Film Studios. "Enchantment" is an adaptation by Luther Reed of Frank R. Adams' story "Manhandling Ethel" that appeared in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Enchantment was directed by Robert G. Vignola. The supporting cast includes Forrest Stanley, leading man; Tom Lewis, famous for years as a stage comedian ; Edith Shayne, Arthur Rankin, Corinne Barker and Maude Turner Gordon. Sub-Titles for "Hurricane Hutch" Listed Pathe submits a list of the subtitles of the new Charles Hutchinson serial, "Hurricane Hutch." which will be released beginning September 25th. The sub-titles, which follow, resemble closely the main title in the thrilling incidents that they imply. The sub-titles are : 1 — "The Secret Cipher"; 2 — "The Cycle Bullet"; 3— "The Millionth Chance"; A — "Smashing Through"; 5 — "One Against Many" ; 6 — ".^t Risk of His Xeck" ; 7 — "Enemies of the Deep " ; 8 — " Double Crossed"; 9 — "Overboard"; 10 — 'The Showdown"; 11 — -"Hare a 'd Hounds"; 12 — "Red Courage'"; 13 — "Xeck and Neck"; 14 — "The Secret in the Flame"; 15 — "The Last Duel." "The Sin Flood" Ready Soon; Has Fine Cast Goldwxn announces the completion of the photography on another hig production, The Sin Flood," adapted by J. G. Hawks from Henning Berger's drama, " Syndafloden," acted on the speaking stage in almost every nation in the world. An adaptation of this play was produced in New York by Arthur Hopkins in 1917 under the name of " The Deluge." Director Frank Lloyd completed the photography on " The Sin Flood " this week and is now cutting and editing the film. Helene Chadwick, Richard Dix. James Kirkwood, and Ralph Lewis appear in the cast. FLATHeAO PRODUCERS CORPORATION Columbia Fall? Moni. COMING^ Out of the silent placesof tKe ^reat North Voody Art Staton Le Ho\f Love -Intrigue and Smashing Ajdventure — Thra C.O'D. BLANCHFIELD 212 5up^rba Theatre Bld^. LoS* An^fflej New Scores for Fall Specials • Synchronized Music Scores Being Prepared for Coming Big Releases