Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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7^ iC3 JL V A' V. V Trapped Caught in the cunning web of Oriental intrigue! Struggle as she might, flee whither she would, she could not escape the shadow of the clutching fingers that stretched even across the seas to America. What would you do to save the life of one you loved ? Would you pledge yourself to marry & yellow man? Would you fight like a tigress when at last you were driven at bay? Here is a story of love, adventure and intrigue on the shores of the Yellow Sea — a picture to stir one's blood — with its gor geous settings tinged with the color and mystery of the East Never has Alice Brady had a more thrilling op' portunity for her glorious emotional ability — a more colorful background for her dramatic powers. 'C/hs picture is included in your Realart Star Franchise XICE BI^ADY rnAWN /i