Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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1902 Motion Picture News r e A 1 1 our Fire Extinguishers O. K.? The motif of the exterior of the Columbia is a Doric Temple. The entrance front is made of cast stone. The house seats 1,200 and was built at d cost of $200,000 â– Drt-j-Qi^ Roil^e Has Wonder 'n"^"' Roman. The wainscoting and floor of Along the wall boxes we find in half-rehef JjaLV^ll AVVJUgC xao tt W U the lobby are covered with mottled tapestry tile representations of the Xaeriades. completing the rlOUSe of ancient design. The booth was equipped by theme of the proscenium painting, which is an {Continued from page 1898) the Automatic Ticket Selling and Cash Register interpretation of the awakening of Spring in Greeks, or presented by them to some prom Company. {.Continued on page 1904) Test Your Exit Bolts Every Week