Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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1956 Motion Picture N e w ^^^^^ Every Arrow Picture Is anindepend' ent Picture ♦ ♦ produced by a master producer enacted by popu' lar, clean-living stars .... offered to exhibitors and exchanges at a sane price which permits a good, reasonable profit. The Time Has Come! Let's Smash Monopoly Once and for AIL God Made the BullMan Put the Ring in Its Nose Do you get that ? The bull can rage and roar, paw the earth, and snort fire from its nostrils. Put a ring in its nose and a man can lead it to slaughter. Is there a ring in your nose ? Are you being led to slaughter to fatten the wallets of a group which wants to seize your business ? The amusement business is one of first importance to mankind. But there's no place in it for any group which tries to "own" it, and "own" you. Wake up ! Show these would be dominators who you are and what you are. Don't let 'em put a ring in your nose. Show independent pictures. Yours for Independence, Arrow Film Corporation 220-224 West 42nd Street, New York Distributors for United Kingdom Inter-Ocean Photoplays, Ltd., 162 Wardour St., London See Your Independent Exchanges Anywhere