Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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"October 15, 192 1 2001 Landau's Style Show Essentially One Act Musical Show Alhambra Theatre, Milwaukee, Presents Highly Original Number \ STY LI-: show that was virtually a musical comedy was recently presented at the Alhambra theatre, Milwaukee, by Managing Dictor Leo A. Landau, rhe show opened with the Alhambra's' ■ piece symphony orchestra playing sometime " as an overture under the diition of Jerry Mastri. Immediately fol\ing this, a man and woman singer inluced the show by coming from behind beautiful, big, peacock blue drop, ich closed off view of the entire stage, 1 onto the runway, singing a fitting par. on " Make Believe," written by Leo Landau, as follows : Vow's the time the Alhambra'll show to you crvthing in fashion that is new, pay close attention for a little while this great review of style. ke believe you're parading 5th Avenue, iiere all the fads make their bow ; "'♦'All types of clothes, Hats, shoes and hose, ou are to see them now. 1st the things you should wear rom your feet to your hair, 3 when these curtains part — It are ready to start V* ur show of Make Believe. .0(!;i|| '"■^ On the last words of the song this main 1^ rop opened, behind which was -revealed stage setting representing the stage and and stairway of the Pans Opera House. the foot of this stairway — on either 'le — was a cluster of white lights in a ansparent globe, about seven feet high, hese unusual lights gave an exceptional lique appearance to the entire setting. In the center of the main stage was sus> nded a chandelier with six drop lights. The main background was of yellow ior with two panel lights. The over apes for this drop were of rose color !h a smaller one of dark blue undercath, with gold fringe. The side drapes ere the same as the center drapes and le long drops were of pale blue color, ith gold design. The pillars were of lue. .\fter the man and woman announced le show with " Make Believe," a girl ressed in a suit entered from the right ide stage, introducing suits with the fol)wing lyrics, written by Mr. Landau, to le tune of " Cherie " : You see, on me, I suit, just as cute as can be — vnd some to come, ou'll like even better, maybe, •kirts are same length as in the Snrinj^. "oats short or long are just the thin^- W'atch close and see Lach style is worth while. Ma Cherie." While this is being sung, tw^o models dressed in the latest suits, appeared from either side of the upper stage and met at the top of the grand stairway, which they descended together, parting at the foot of the stairway, one going to each end of the stage where the runway commenced. After finishing modeling on the runway to all the latest Fox-trots by the vMhambra's orchestra, these two models left the stage by the side stages, one model leaving at either side. At the same time two other models, displaying more .suits, appeared from either side of the upper stage and the procedure was the same — two models showing suits at one time, until all were shown. After this display of suits, another girl introduced " .street dresses " by singing lyrics by Mr. Landau, to the tune of " Caresses," as follows: " Street dresses now you'll view. They're all that's chic and new, The shades are right — Both dark and light, There's surely one for you. In tan and black and blue, And green and orchid, too — There's happiness one can't express In Fields dresses for you." As before, while this was being sung, the models displayed the latest things in " street dresses," following the same procedure as explained above. The next number on the program w as " Tailored Dresses," introduced with lyrics (by Mr. Landau) to the tune of " Mimi," as follows, and sung by a young lady: " Nobby are these fall fashions All in strict accord with proper style decree \'aried designs and colors Just the modes you want for your society. There is great satisfaction To know you have the best the market yields — It gives one a sense of bliss. Be they matrons or young miss. Why shop long, can't go wrong at Fields." The procedure of display was the same as heretofore mentioned. Next in order were " Afternoon Dresses," displayed to lyrics fby Mr. Landau), sung to the tune of " I Never Knew," by a young lady appearing from the side .stae:e dressed accordingly. " You'll never know how much you need a dress Like those you are about to see ; Until you go among both old and young And see how proper they will be. Black and blue, olive too. No matter what you're ta.ste be, there is one for you. You'll never know how you need a pretty street dress — You'll want more than one, maybe." After these dresses were shown, little Mary Clauder, a talented dancer, dressed in a specially designed dancing frock, sang " I Like It," after which she danced. Next, " Dinner Dresses " were shown. After these, " Coats " were introduced by Ivrics (bv Mr. Landau), sung to the tune' of " All by Myself." " A comfy cloth coat in the morning, A lovely fur coat in the night — You'll stay at home if you haven't one to wear, So unhap])y there, can't stand the cool air. A warm coat and you'll not get lonely — Watching the clock on the shelf — A nice Fields coat is great on anyone's shoulder — Then you'll never get colder All by yourself." Next, " Evening Gowns " were introduced by a man singing the chorus of ■' Beautiful Faces," which w^ords couldn't be improved vipon. " Beautiful faces need beautiful clothes — Satins and laces, nice ribbons and bows, An ankle may be joy, but any boy who gazes Won't warble its praises Unless it is covered with attractive hose. Many a shop girl, whom nobody knows Would be the top girl, in musical shows If she were dressed in the best From her head right down to her toes — For beautiful faces need beautiful clothes." As each model finished modeling the runboard she did not leave the stage, but instead, took her place on the stage or steps as designated for the grand finale. When all the girls had modeled and taken their places, the .singers, dressed in evening clothes also, stepped out from the two side stages and all sang lyrics, by Mr. Landau, to the tune of " All for You." " All for you, all for you. We have done our best for you — .Vnd we hope you liked the show, .\.nd will tell all those you know. .Ml for you, all for you, You have seen all that is new — To please you we've tried, Hope vou're satisfied With Alhambra's Revue." (Continued on follniving page)