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0 tober 15, 192 i
Lobby display for " The Shark Master" originated by the Superba theatre, Los Angeles
'Snow'* Lobby Display sed by Manager Walsh
iien Manager Walsh, of the ^'audette lire, Atlanta, played "The Call of the .\ith," for about a fourth, or fifth run ntly, he counted on the exceedingly ve'ather, and adapted his campaign of , loitation to off-set it. \\\ the lobby-frames were covered with e cotton' sprinkled with artificial \v," which, under the lights gave the es the look of being encased in ice. es were painted, and hung across the t of the theatre. The banner proning the picture and the name of the was lettered on pale green backi und, liberally sprinkled, while the 1 It was wet, with artificial "snow" h clung and sparkled, hercver it was possible to hang a bit bite cotton, "snow"-encrusted, the opV lunity was made the most of, until the kby fairly sparkled with snow and ice. t was most effective, and convinced pie that the Vaudette must be indeed e coolest spot in town."
Uses Blotters in Place of OrdinaryHeralds
Blotters with one side glazed on which i. printed advertising for a number of coming special attractions is an exploitation stunt which J. A. Morrison, manager of the Star theatre, Meaford, Ont., is using most successfully.
The advertising headlines the theatre and announces that "One of these stars will be featured every Friday and Saturday." Below this line is a series of small cuts of stars and pictures in which they appear, that are dated for the Star.
The whole is a tasty bit of exploitation that finds its way to office desks, banks, etc., and gets a place where heralds would not be tolerated.
Novelty Cards Advertise "Her Winning Way"
Manager Harold Kistler, of the Rialto Theatre, Atlanta, believes in getting the maximum of results from the minimum of expense. For a showing of "Her Winning Way," recently, he had five goodsized cards of a unique shape and size, a pale tan background, lettered in black and red, hung outside around the edge of the marquee of the theatre. These screamed for attention, both by reason of their colors and their position.
The cards read: "Cleopatra Made a of Anthon\ with 'Her Winning "Many a Man Has Lost His a Woman Thru 'Her Winning "Catherine De Medici Grabbed luirope Thru 'Her Winning Way.'" "Delilah Made Samson Look Sick with "Her Winning Way.' " "Anne Boleyn Stole a Crown Thru 'Her Winning Way.' "
Inside the lobby was a big wooden box, painted green, with a small, square hole in the top. On the side was a sign which read "Love Germs ! Beware !" Of course, everybody peeked inside the box and saw a fine collection of artificial frogs, fish, bugs, and sundry animals of that sort — some of celluloid, and some of other substances.
Alarc Way.' Heart Wav.'
Real Swimming Pool for Ray Picture
A real swimming hole was built in a corner of the lobby by Mgr. Nichols of the Paris theatre, Durham, N. C, in connection with his showing of the " Ole Swimmin' Hole." A good sized pool, shaded by a screen of bushes, looked like the real thing, specially with a cut out of Ray peeking over the top, and a bundle of clothes thrown carelessly on a bush at one side. Those looking over the screen saw a few kewpies gone " in washin " too, or resting on the lily-pads.
'his Mother O^Mine Stunt Went Big
tvery mother ill, in a hospital in Innapolis, received a bouquet of flowers
«week as a result of the presentation of other o' Mine," at the Alhambra Ttre.
dwan Forrest Young, exploitation ctor of the Alhambra, arranged that mg certain hours of the days on which other o' Mine " was shown, admission he theatre would be granted to all who a bouquet of flowers at the door. The quets were sent to local hospitals for ribution among mothers.
This lobby display for " The Old Swiinmin' Hole " ivas used by the Paris theatre, Durham, .V. C.