Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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October I j , I g ? I 2007 William Fox •6R.EATEST COMEDY A CONNECTICUT YANKEE ■if KING ARVMUf^S COURT'* A miniature of the twenty-four sheet which Fox is presenting in the exploitation of its spectacular comedy, " A Connecticut Yankee " vhich contrasts the new with the Id. Make the figure ludicrous by hesc contrasts. The more laughs le gets the better for your business. Dozens of similar stunts will sug:est themselves in viewing the picure. Lobby Display DON'T overlook this important phase of your exploitation. Rcnember, your lobby is your show ridow to attract the passerby. ;ike it as attractive as you know w. The vivid contrast between the ,p-to-the-second present and the jlistant past offers a wealth of maerial to choose from for presentaion effects. And almost every cenc will suggest a novel lobby dislay idea to the wide-awake exibitor. During the run of this picture in OS Angeles, the management of filler's theatre transformed the ■iby into the hall of an ancient astle. Coming from the bustle of jhe present-day out-of-doors into he quiet of this time-old setting ut people immediately into the atlosphere of the picture and created le kind of comment that brought I w patrons to the theatre. Material to Aid Your Campaigns \VAST amount of material, listed elsewhere, has been repared to aid exhibitors in their xploitation of this picture, and an be had at the Fox exchanges. Whether your main campaign insists of newspaper or billboard ivertising you will find ample This eight sheet poster, with picturesque Mark Twain in the foreground, emphasizes the distinguished authorship For Your Netvspaper Advertising ONE, two, three and four column pictorial ads have been prepared, graphically depicting the various elements of the picture's appeal, with the laugh provoking element predominant. They are all made from pen and ink drawings, and will print well anywhere. Two of these are illustrated at the head of this section. If you prefer to prepare your own ads, you will finrl in the press sheet many excellent " selling lines " for your use. There are also one, two and three column scene cuts that can be used for either text or ad illustration purposes. For your editorial column, the press sheet contains a large number of stories, especially prepared with the editor in mind, and containing interesting facts about the production and the author of the story which have a legitimate news value. These should be easy to place and. William Fbx~ •GREATEST COMEOy A CONNEaiCUT YANKEE IH KING ARTHURS COURT" ture, known to everyone and read by the majority of people. It is the cleverest and most delightful satire on old-fashioned conditions, written by the most brilliant and most loved of American humorists. Everybody will want to see it and its pulling power is far in excess of anything you have ever played. Be generous and far-reaching with your paper. Billboards should be contracted for on a large scale throughout the community and well beyond the usual territory. Surrounding towns and territories should be included in the advertising field and reached through the mail with whatever material is used for that purpose. Special Morning Matinees Harry Meyers in his ludicrous costume makes an attractive figure on this "Connecticut Yankee" three sheet in addition, a large amount of publicity should be obtainable through the correspondence columns of newspapers by inciting discussions regarding the advantages of modern life versus the olden times, anecdotes of Mark Twain, etc. Paper STRIKING posters have been carefully prepared, bringing out the modern touch in the production and playing up Mark Twain, the author. The posters present the story with the comedy element to the fore. They are printed in colors that attract and fill the eye. Don't confine yourself to posting your immediate territory. Remember this storv is a classic in litera niight he arranged lor grammar, high school and college classes. They will learn more history from this picture than they could in many school sessions and if the teachers are approached on this premise they would probably be glad to arrange it. Mark Twain has taken history as a framework and upon it built the most delightful and funniest comedy ever conceived. History, at the best, sees truth through the veil of centuries. Mark Twain has stripped away the veil. " A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court " is going to delight everyone, but people are not all alike and they have to be reached through different forms of appeal. Use every possible avenue of exoloitation to start the attendance ball rolling swiftly and after that the picture itself will immeasurably increase the momentum daily. Bear in mind that this production should not only bring you immediate and big profits, but carries with it that kind of prestige that means new patronage for your theatre. taterial to assist you ■nnuiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiniiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiin mini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiimiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij EXPLOITATION AIDS Slide (1 Style) I (Prepared and to be had at Fox Exchanges) g^j„g ^^^^ 3„j [ 24 Sheet Stands (2 styles) ^ = 6 Sheets (1 style) Musical Scores and Cues | 3 Sheets (2 styles) Two Color Sales Campaign Book 1 1 Sheet (3 styles) *^ ^ = Sheet Cards (2 styles) Broadside and Press Sheet i 11 X 14 Lobby Display (7 Scenes and Title Card) c • , t. ou . • • t:. i 22 X 28 ' ' (2 Scenes in Colors) Special Press Sheet containing European comment I imrnmmiiniiiimmiiiimmiimiinmiminiimiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiii^