Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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2036 Motion Picture News Interior of the latest theatre of the Adam Brothers Lobby of the Newark theatre on the opening night Adams Brothers Add Another House to Chain with Reopening of Newark Peter A. and Adam A. Adams Now Own Movie Theatres in Jersey City, Newark, Paterson and Passaic The latest venture into the motion picture theatre game of Peter A. and Adam A. Adams, of Paterson, N. J., was the reopening of the Newark theatre, Newark, N. J., under their management. The theatre was built by the Minor interests, but later passed to Spiegel. The present managers control houses in Passaic, Jersey City and Paterson. The house was recently opened with the Paramount picture, " The Great Moment." Harry A. Pinter, a showman of twenty-seven years' experience, will manage the house. A twenty-five piece orchestra will be conducted by Leopold Freudberg. The theatre has a capacity of about two thousand people. The main auditoriur is finished in marble and red silk tapes try, with lights throughout to harmoniz with the color scheme of the tapestry c the house. The stage settings are mad entirely of silks, stains and plush. Th predominating color of the stage setting is gray and rose, with backing of ri( blue. The main picture curtain is a gol en hue. The projection room is equipped wil Simplex machines, General Electric mo tor generator sets and transverters. A reviewing room, where pictures are alway looked over before their showing, is simi ' larly equipped. Open Remodeled Fremont House The old Fremont Opera House, practically rebuilt during the summer, was reopened during the week of September 18-24, much to the gratification of the approximately 12,500 inhabitants of the city of Fremont, Ohio, and the nearly if not quite 20,000 dwellers of the country outlying. While the theatre will offer high class road attractions whenever available, it will specialize in motion pictures, and will be open every afternoon and evening, Sunday included. Having a big asset in a First National sub-franchise, the management has been able to present First National attractions at frequent intervals and will continue so doing right along. The theatre is owned by A. H. Jackson of Fremont, former member of Congress from the Thirteenth Ohio district, made famous by ex-Mayor Brand Whitlock of Toledo, Ohio, now and for some time past United States Minister to Belgium, in his novel, " The Thirteenth District." Carl F. Miller, one of the best known theatre managers in Ohio, continues in a managerial capacity, with Frank Hudson as stage manager, and Prof. Charles Weiderhold in charge of the orchestra Vvhich will play pictures, presenting prologues every now and then, as well as road attractions. Hudson has been the theatre's stage manager since 1891. Hollywood to Have Another A motion picture theatre to cost $262,000 will be built on the corner of Las Palmas and Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal., by the Citizens Trust and Savings Bank of that city, according to a building permit secured. Stage and settings of Nczvark are of satin, silks and Plush Claim to Have Exclusive Patents Following the publication, a few week: ago, of a news item telling of the installa tion of a vacant seat indicating system in ; western theatre, a letter was received fron the Guerin theatre Seating System. Tht Guerin company stated that they wen the only vacant seat indicating system tha held patents allowing the reproduction 0. the seating arrangement on an indicate: board. A few weeks ago the News pub lished a detailed description of the Guerir X'acant Seat Indicating System. H V. Winn with De Vry Corporation Homer V. Winn, veteran advertising j and sales promotion man, is now sales director of the DeVrj' Corporation, Chicago manufacturers of the DeVry portable motion picture projection machine. Romain J. \\'aymel. who was Mr W''inn's assistant for some time, is the new DeVry advertising and sales promotior manager. Mr. Winn was formerly with the Aldrec & Winn Advertising Agency of Indianapolis and for five years was with the ]\Iaxwell-Chalmers sales organization. A