Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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*•« COMPANY Mm Smtultment Cinnpanp — — *~ 3«pt. £bit . liZl. Hr. urr*4 ■•Is*. ioldwyn Bum bating Corp., ««« rifcb At: . I«w York. ». T. OMT Hr . f •! : la our coATereatlon onr th« pboiM tb* other (Uy I proalsed to advls* 70a as to tha roOTlt of th* Old Nest mgagsmnt. Without any quoatlon of a doubt It la tba blg«aat production that OoUi^n haa avsr • ponaorad, *lch la aagrln? a great daal. Navsr la all ay azperlance hBTa I aaan a picture gT<m an the people aa a reault of mouth to south UTOrtlalng aa that itilch we experienced In our iraaantatlon of thla aplsidid production, whlok tj0Xpa to plaoe the action pictures on a par with •.ha flneat of all arte. Though we ployed the plature at two of our theetrea almultanacaaly tba bualneaa each day kept olloblng until the very laat sonent. "The Old Meat' la a picture that tkl loluatry abould be proud of. Very txQly yours. PARK THEATRE COMPANY. INC. ielAvB OiatrllHt las Corp. T14 lltt StrMt, ■•»., *aaklafften, D«C« aepc. »*tt mi Bie Park Theatre of Roaaoks wlahaa to ja^ntol'te ttM Ooldajn Siatrlbutlng CorpomtlOB in Itelr plature "Qie Old Beat". Wlthmit a lonbt this Is the best pioture that baa bean Tail In yaara and for a box of floe ittrastlaa it aanaot be baat. Wish to afty that thla plature broka all reoorda of this or ai^ other houaa U itoaaoka with the azaeptlen of the il top ploturea lol aa far aa the maiber of people played to. It brokB ;he raooi^ on thaaa. ^n thouaand people asw '^Tbs )ld laat* In Boasoka, Ten thoosand people left tba beatre well pleased and praising the pioture to the iklea. lo exhibitor will gat what 'a coning to Mb isd kls hOBse If ha doae not play thla plature. » Hare's to Soldwyn's "Old Rest". I£ay ther* Bra of thsa. Tours Tery tmly. SeptevtiMr. 22.1921. <r. Jaok Veil, kanagar, Olstrlbut lag Oorporatlos, .It. IMS, Ho. Iw Hr. "Slli I Juat closad a aost suooessful engagemnt onlgfet on "aie OM Best' and want to tell you that ba plature llraa up to all that haa been proalsed t It, and a^ axMbltor who oan get It cakas the raataat alstaJca of hla life not to grab It qulok. t's tbare from every angle. Uy pationa thaakad ma or bribing it to Mobarly and so pioture has ever eeo presented here that was so hsaTlly enlorsed by ooal persona of staalli« »s this production. I I My ooogratulatlons to you and the Soldwyn |3rpsr*tl0B for this niaaterplece aal heartiest 1 oaito to you for asking qo taka it. >lth bast wisbaa ad kindest peraanal '>»lta, I aa. WESTER UNION •tCEKCO ti caxao ctmsu iciibiiiai ana coacauitE a 1 vu* Mm iu IL t ani HUQLIDI CBIO 9IPT n MuiCTi ncnii: cokpi t*9 FirrE at iei tokx it II TOWl OP KBTT T10D9A1D IV rHEATH£ SJUTIB EIGVT HUMDHJU) OLD tsat BIS TO ■£ BUS OT£It FCR SStZt OOKSBJDTITE Din punm TO iFTmimiTEii iism tbodsus pud misaiois FIIQT THE II IISTOKI AIT flOTUXE 3TOO0 UP POK KOBE mi PITS MXB IV THIS TOVI Oli) KE9r BSOEIFTS OBBI WITB lUOH sDCCLOJia: mi Tom Piff^im ir host uuni op host puiasD UD vost aiTi3Pi9roiT vns. stem iv lora ui BsoBi&paB ma inmumcE aid reoeipts inoist idt oviz IT TBis TasintE BUT h Toin luiT THAns to tou mrzKc HUaHES IX) OIBBTTOB BAEXEfi FOR TBIS SFLEIDID FBCmOTIOI ALSO POH BEAL lAIIOIAL AD OAUPAIQI CEP UP THIS WmeUUI, Ton PS£D S IC7SB UAIAaili: DIREOTOK PAUOE TBE^TRE MISSOURI THEATRE 0HAMD-I.UCAS ST LOUIS. M MOWS nAvcas MO COM. S«pl«i>ber 6 1921 Ur. Jaok Wall, 0/0 Ooldwyn Pioture Corporation, St. Ionia, maaaurl. Dear Hr. Valli It Is Tery aeldoiB a pioture hoM oaused Be to alt down and write u letter speolally oanaendlng It, but I feel that In the oase of "The Old Rest" I should let yon know viiat a trenendcue suooeee It was wtaeh pli^ed here last week. "Om pioture scored froB Its Tery first showing and although buslnaas began big. It grew bigger at areiy porlomanoe due to the word-or-BOuth adTsrtlalng whlnh the plature reoelTed. I do not kiaow If the aane thli« has happened elaewbare pr not, but for the flrat tliaa In axparleooe 1 asw a plature get prolonged and entfanslaatlo applause at its finish. This was true of eTSry perfOTVaooe here of "73ie Old Neat" and ^ great hope la that yoB will pr«duae acre like It. With best wishes, I reaaln. Very tmjy 7»^«. ntsaci losopii loT n 4 acm IIOULE ALA J.». POPE 10a souarn siarK oosFi tu potsras 9t veidrleais u aDASEKar op au> iest jutt closed FnoruoTioR sooees cate EVriRE SATISIAiniOV PLEASED OUB AUDISUE BETTER THAI AIT PRODUaTIOI ZTER PUIED AT THIS TSSATRE HIOHIJ EID0R3ED IT RJiriT AID SOHOOLS VE PlaUI BEUETE THIS PICICHE WILL SITE KOBE THAI aiTISPAOTIOI II AU. CLASSES OP TEEATEES WILL GO OTER US TO AIT EIID OP AI AUDIEIOE OOR BUSnCSS IIOEEASED ITERT DAT DOBIK THE 3E0VZK OF THE FlOnmE HEHE AIT EXHIBITOR PAIUB TO KWE THIS PIOfCHE IUSSE3 AI •PIOSItJnTT TO SITE HIS PATBDIS THE PIOniBE IHEAI OF THE SEASOI ETERT KIWI LABDE AID .SMALL SEODLS PLAT IT VE VISS TOD BCH ICCI WI1B THE OU) lEST, OBDVI THEATRE J S TOt WR The W.M.Sauvage Amusement Enterprises ALTON. ILLINOIS Sept. 2}, 1921. Ooldwyn Pioturas Oorp., 3312 Llolell BlTd.. St. Louis, ko. Dear Vr. Welli I am Indeed pleased to Intora yen of the wonderful three day nan we had on your nors than plaaaii^ produotlen "Qie Old Rest" turning thousands of pe*ple away during the aagagenait. For fifteen years It has been the policy of tha Rlppodrome theatre not to repeat any produotlon, but we are oODpslled by requests to glTS a saoond showing of "The Old Rest". It Is qy sinoare wish that Qold^n will releaae more productions In ths class of "The Old Rest". nianUng you for past fsTora, 1 am, Toura TSiy tnaly. Nougotuck C0"n Srptiahtr 20,1921 Soldwyn Ilat Co. Sew Tork, R.T. Oentlaeai I want ta taka thla opportunity to aay a word about "Tha Old Beat". Is all ^ aiperlenoe I ivawe nsTer played a ploturw that has won the farorable ccnaaant of patrona as did this ploturs and, though In a small town where a three day run has nerer been a suooesa, 1 regret that I did not book it for a week as I so oonfidant I wo^d haTC dons a bigger business eaoh day for a week, aa was the case on the three day run. 1 hare heard nothing but the higbeat pralae for ths plature, both as a preduotlon snl a story, and m pleased to say that I personally think It ths best produotlon I hsTS OTer exhibited. Hr trip to lew fork hae been dslsyed, but I shall ses yon piwbably the caning week to talk orer Ooldwyn Week. Tery truly yours. 6rM THEATK^ North End Amusement Co. EvANSViLLE IND September 20. 1951 Mr* J«ak W«ll, ISgr,, OoXftKyn Dlttrltoutlng Corporation, St. loult, VOm Dear Ur* V^lli I wae etaodloe in tha lobby watohlne: the audiena* leaTlng the thoatr* aftar oob of the perforuBoes of "Iba Old R«at". A frlmd atopped to talk a ■omant aid aa ho waa aeoilagly in a graat hurry I aakad blA what all the ruah wae atont. His raplj waa: **! hAT* sot aeon i&other In eight yaara. I «■ afraid to put It off until tonerrow so I am oatohli^ tha flrat train tonight". I mention thla aa an illuBtratlon of Juat how deeply thla pldtore touohaa tha heart* Vo donbt there are lUce hafpanli^a #ieraTer the plotura Is shown, itj Halted Tooabulaiy doea not penilt ngr b^Iqs Jnst how woodarfnl "The Old Heat" la. There haa beaa snob talic of the uplift of tha eoraan tat Ooldwyn In produolng "Qia Old Neat" haa dona nore foi* piotiirea than all the oolmna that bare bean written or tha ipllftlng speeobea that have erer been made. Raapaotfolly yowa. ff7/e/pma cAJI Pictures