Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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t oh cr 2 2, I g 2 I 2165 ]E R R I T 0 R I A L SALES AND PURCHASES n the Independent Field 'iTATE RIGHT AND EXPORT N E fF S AND F I E fF S Heart of the North " Arrow Chief on LongTour Producer in N. Y. Shalleiiberger Will Confer With r^°r^o°d^u?e?'l'!t'h'joe Afrow Pfoducefs on West Coast Brandt of " The Heart Df the North," the big feature 3{ the North featuring Roy Stewart with Louise Lovely, which is selling so rapidly on the States Right market, arived in New York this week from the West Coast. Mr. Davis, who is treasurer Quality Film Productions, Liic, the new feature producing unit of which Mr. Brandt IS president, made the trip ross continent for the spelal purpose of helping to wind up negotiations pending on the disposal of territorial rights to " The Heart A the North," on which al-nost all the territories are ilready sold solid — and to nelp on the preparation of ipecial exploitation in many )f the territories. Vo Popular Stars in "Parted Curtains" lat "Parted Curtains," the WarBrothers' latest release, bids to be one of the outstanding ictions of the year is the firm iction of Harry M. Warner, IT member of the Warner orzation Mr. Warner bases his ment on the fact that the proion contains two stars, Hcnrv A'althall, star of "The Birth of ation," and Mary Alden, feat1 player in the " Old Nest," and rong story. The long list of screen plays h Mr. Walthall has starred in," Mr. Warner, " in addition to known ability as an actor of ren is but one of the factors that e ' Parted Curtains ' a good box e asset. Then there is Miss •n, who has taken the screen 1(1 by storm with her superlacharacterization in in 'The Old • ' These two stars, offered in ;iicture, are seldom available for 'liters. In fact, few produc can really boast of star play for the average feature — ali.nh it usually boasts of an all cast — does not live up to the dard demanded hy the public iV." oe Weil Publicizing Selig Serial he Export & Import Film ComInc., has engaged Joe Weil, e lance press agent, to do the adice publicity work on the new mal serial Colonel Wm. M. Selig making for that company. WE. SH.A.LLENBERGER. • president of the Arrow Film Corporation, left recently for an extended trip to the Coast. Dr. .Shallenberger intends to stop over in Chicago on an important business deal now pending and expects toremain there a few days when he will continue his trip to the Coast where many important matters await him. Dr. Shallenberger was accompanied bj' Morris R. Schlank, who is producing two series of comedies for the Arrow Film Corporation, who are releasing them under a franchise plan. Mr. Schlank has been in New York for a week attending to business connected with his pictures and although he had completed his plans some days pre\ ious he waited to accompany Dr. Shallenberger back to the Coast. While in California Dr. Shallenberger will confer with Ben Wilson, William LaPlante, Eddie Lyons, Reggie Morris, S. M. Herzig and Mr. Schlank, all of whom arc producing pictures for "Arrow" release. OVER forty first run contracts on the Warner Brothers' production, "W hy Girls Leave Home," have been consummated with exhibitors throughout the country, according to Harry M. Warner, senior member of the Warner organization. In New England alone it is said that fourteen theatres played the production for one and two weeks to capacity audiences. The bookings are said to have been made in one week, following the initial canvassing of salesmen of the Federated Film Exchange which controls the rights to the picture for that territory. That "Why Girls Leave Home" bids fair to be one of the biggest box-office attractions of the season is attributed, by Mr. Warner, to the fact that S. Barrett McCormick. of the .Mien theatre, Cleveland; William Fox, with his first run houses in Detroit, St. Louis and Denver; Temple, Toledo; and scores of others throughout the country lost no time in booking the production. Harry Rapf, the producer, declared the feature possesses all the elements of popular appeal and that its universal theme — the question of why girls leave home — offers exhib Schlank, Herzig and Morris are making two-reel comedies which are being released under the franchise plan and which number such well known ])la>ers as Eddie Barry, Helen Darling, Ja\ Bclasco, Vera Reynolds, Margaret Cullington, Lilly Leslie, Paul Wciglc Harry Gribbon, Neely Edwards, Charlotte Merriam, Eddie Baker, Jack DulTy. Keene Thompson, Harry Tenhrook. and many others c(Hiall\' well known to film fans of these comedies. Eddie Lyons of the famous team of Lyons and Moran is making a series of special comedies while William LaPlantc is filming four novels from the best known works of the late Jack Lrmdon for "Arrow" distribution, Ben Wilson is making a new serial of "Nan of the North" which stars .\nn Little, a series of six \\'estern pictures starring Jack Hoxie and a scries of four features from the published works of Peter B. Kyne, so it can be readily seen that there is a great deal of activity among ".■^rrow" producers on the Coast at the present time. itors one of the greatest opportunities for exploitation and newspaper feature stories. As an example of what has been accomplished with newspapers by the picture, Mr. Rapf stated that no production ever shown on Broadway has received as much free newspaper comment from the New York dailies as "Why Girls Leave Home." Special Trailers Prepared for Serial The National Screen Service of New York has prepared two special trailers for the use of exhibitors presenting the new Tarzan serial " Adventures of Tarzan." One of these trailers consists of a pictorial background, illustrating with photographs and drawings the wild animal thrills in the serial. This trailer carries the presentation announcement of the producers and distributors of the Tarzan chapter play, as well as mentioning the names of the stars and the author Edgar Rice Burroughs. The second trailer is for use in connection with the showing of each episode. This consists of a brief resume of the highlights. Eddie Lyons Comedies for Arrow Release ON the eve of his departure for California, W. E. Shallenberger, president of the Arrow Film Corporation, made an announcement which will be particularly interesting to Independent Exchange men. A series of two-reel supercomedies will shortly be released by the Arrow Film Corporation starring the well known screen comedian, Eddie Lyons, according to Dr. Shallenberger. Dr. Shallenberger stated that arrangements were made with Mr. Lyons several months ago to produce a series of two-reel comedies which will justify that muchabused term " super," and so Dr. Shallenberger says " Eddie " has certainly made good. The first two comedies, " Oh! Daddy " and " Pardon Me," have already been received. "The Road to Arcady" Cast Commended .\ notable trio of stars is one of the outstanding features of "The Road to Arcady," the first of a series of four society dramas to be released on the independent market by J. W. Film Corporation, according to E. S. Manheimcr who recalls the past triumphs of the three leading artists. "Miss Virginia Lee, who as the leading character in "The 'Road to .\rcady" is said to achieve her greatest success, has a large number of screen triumphs to her credit," said Mr. Manheimer. In 'A Woman of Two Worlds,' a First National production. Miss Lee scored highly in a role that demanded unusual ability. It was after this attainment that J. W. F'ilm Corporation successfully bid for her services. "Roger Lytton and Harry Benham are the two other figures of this stellar triangle. "Moving" Title of Next Tweedy Comedy " Moving " has been selected as the title for the next comedy in the Mirth series being produced by the Shiller Productions for the Reelcraft Pictures Corporation, and in which Tweedy is featured. The picture is full of actual experiences and happenings which have occured to nearly everyone. This is the ninth in the series, and is said to be the best of the lot. Film Wins 40 First Runs " Why Girls Leave Flome," Warner Picture, Has Unusual Reception