Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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October 22, i g 2 i 2190a £nu<i«iniiiiyiiuiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiii^ I Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Co. Section ^iiiTiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiinintiitiiin New Projector Announced by Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co. Has Many Interesting Points of Merit {The Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company hare prepared the follozving story at the request of the Motion Picture Ne-ics Technical Department. This article describes their iicis.' " De Luxe" projector, for which they claim many points of merit. — Technical Editor.) The announcement that a splendid new moving picture projection machine is ready for the market, is Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company's important contrilnition to the progress of the industry for 1921. While the Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company, now the oldest maker of mo\ ing picture projecting machines, has kept pace with the requirements in a rapidly develoi)ing in A. C. Roebuck. President and Trcci.tiircr dustry where the growth in weight of projectors has been from less than fifty pounds to more than five hundred pounds, by building new models from time to time and at other times making improvements on the various models, it now announces the appearance of its greatest achievement during its more than twentv -three jears of experience in this line. This new projector is not a remodeling of an older type, but is a new machine from the floor up and it is only fair to say that for i)eauty of design, massive appearance, rigidity, etc., it is a wonder. Few other industries have grown so rapidly and have made greater demands upon the resources of the mechanical engineer in order to keep pace with the rapid evolution than has the art of motion picture projection. In an} line of endeavor where much depends on mechanical devek)pment, many ideas are put into use that arc more theoretical than practical and many things are accomplished by complicated m£-chauical movements where something more simple will evcntuallj be worked out and it is' therefore of the greatest importance to the user that he may have the opportunity of securing apparatus that is not only as simple as possible but that is practical from all points of view and will secure for him the highest type of projection. The new DeLuxc Motiograph claims to fill all of these requirements in a most admirable way. We have endeavored below to list the many points of i]ierit in this new machine. Beltless Motor Drive and Speed Control Resides eliminating the annoyances of breaking, stretching and slii)ping belts and the excess friction on the shafts and bearings as a result of the belt pull, this new connection is extremely simple. The metal and til)re speed control discs, which have proven so successful in use with ihc Motiograph during the past few years, have been still further improved. The metal disc is attached direct to the electric motor shaft, while .:ie shaft for the double disc is connected to jie main driving wheel of the mechanisrn, with (;nly one geared unit between them for si)ccd reduction. There are no bevelled gears, and as the motor is placed by the side of mechanism, all complicated connections have been eliminated. The adjustment for speed is in a con\enieiit location just behind and below the mechanism and may be easily set for a slight variation in speed and has a range suitable for all reasonable re(|uirements. Fire Prcxjf Enclosure of Mechanism The new DeLuxe fire proof enclosure takes a step in advance. It is not only completely enclosed, but is also very roomy, easily accessible and is of an unusifal artistic design. The film gate, hinged at the top opens from the bottom and can be quickly opened and closed. The side door next to the operator, is provided with three glass window's oX plate glass to permit observation of both loops. The left hand side door may be quickly removed and thereby is. out of the way for allowing inspection or, repair. It also has a large glass panel to permit inspection. . The left hand rear' door is hinged and this in combination with the left' hand side door when opened, makes inspection, etc., more convenient,* providing easy access to all parts on the left hand side of the mechanism and permits the easy removal of the Intermittent Movement Unit. Extra Large Shutters The shutter shaft being placed further from the optical center than usual, permits the use of a larger shutter, which provides for. in . creased speed on the Opening and closing move ment of the shutter across the aperture plate, thus shortening the period of non-exposure, and 'also" permits -the use of the new type of large ,Ienses. Shutter Adjustment By a vcrj' simple arrangement, the new DeLuxe shutter is provided with an adjusting thumb nut located on the top of the left hand side of the mechanism, which makes it possible to set the shutter to a close degree while in motion. This form of adjnstnicnl is highly cfiicicnl and very rigid. Improved Film Gate and Tension Besides being pivoted at tfie top and opening ■from the bottom outward, the new DcLuxe film O. E..SpaHt, Fice-Prcsidenl and .Manager gate provides '. for swinging both of the film tension shoes the same distance away from the aperture plate, vvhich prevents moving the film from one side or the other, when closing the gate and also prevents uneven tension of one shoe as compafcd wifh the other. The tension shoes are made of bar stock, are very substantial, wear for a long time and are easy to replace. High Intensity Arc Lamp The High Intcsity Arc Lamp furnished with the new DeLuxe is the latest in arc lamps. By putting the positive carbon (a) in line with the optical aj^is of the lenses and the negative carhqiy^at 3l little less than the usual angle from (Continued on page 2190h)