Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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2204 Motion Picture New The Index to The Complete Plan Book ] 'ICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOOE PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOO. JOURNEY'S END, THE (BALLIN-HODKINSON) MABEL BALLIN.JULY 9 •• Remarkable picture, eepecuUly since it i* titlele$»." — M. P. Netci. Exhibitor Comment — " Very well balanced picture. Absence of subcaptions well received, consensus being audiences appreciated trend not being brolsen. Receipts dandy." " No sub-titles are used, and tiiey are not missed. Plot rattier trite', but artistically developed. Urew well." " Too sombre and religious. Average business." " Originally booked for week, but was pulled off because management did not believe it would hold up for seven days. The picture is an entertaining one. however." JUDGMENT (WORLD) STATE RIGHTS-SPECIAL CAST OCT. IS • Historical drama adapted from I kfor Ilwjo play." — M. P. Neus. JUNGLE ADVENTURES (MARTIN JOHNSON-EXCEPTIONAL PICTURES CORP.) OCT. 1 " Certainly a novel and picturesque film entertainment." — M. P. News. KING-QUEEN-JOKER (SYDNEY CHAPLIN-PARAMOUNT) SYDNEY CHAPLIN JUNE 11 " Falls tc cume up to eapectation." — Jf. P. Netci. Exhibitor Comment — " Full week, but not to a full house. Material for a great comedy, but not with Sidney, who did nothing but overact and kill any possibility he might have had of being accepted." " Picture and business both bad." " Nothing to get excited about — but cleared expenses." KISS, THE (UNIVERSAL) CARMEL MYERS JULY 9 " A toell balanced story oj old California." — M. P. Heiot. KISS IN TIME, A (REALART) WANDA HAWLEY JUNE 25 '• [s diverting enough for hot weather business." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Went over good and brought fine business.' "A fair attraction with ordinary business." "Of medium grade only. Receipts fair." LAND OF HOPE, THE (REALART) ALICE BRADY JULY 9 " Entertaining comedy drama built around new and appe*Unt theme." M. P. Neus. Exhibitor Comment — " Pleasing performance. Flayed to dandy aftemooaa, but poor niehts." LESSONS IN LOVE (FIRST NATIONAL) CONSTANCE TAL MADGE JUNE 18 " Only a vehicle for the star." — M. P. Neivs. Exhibitor Comment — " Good picture which drew fine business all week on account of popularity of the star." " Not as good as ' Mamma's Affair.' " " Did good business. The star attracted a large number of our patrons and all seemed well satisfied with the offering." LIFE'S DARN FUNNY (METRO) VIOLA DANA AUG. 6 " Fairly good entertainment here." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Her name drew and business was good — but many expressed disappointment." " Dance draws big here, but this picture Is weak in spots. Fine business." " Viola Dana maintained her popularity in the picture. Well liked." " Splendid ' light ' picture. Receipts dandy." LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY (MARY PICKFORD-UNITED ARTISTS) MARY PICKFORD OCT. 1 " Mary Pickford's ideal picture — certainly a rare treat for her legion of admirers." — M. P. News. LITTLE MISS HAWKSHAW (FOX) EILEEN PERCY OCT. IS " Cinderella pattern provides proi/ram offering for Eileen Percy." — J/. P. Neics. LIVE WIRES (FOX) EDNA MURPHY-JOHNNIE WALKEk JULY 9 " New stars appear in orthodox story." — U. P. Newt. LITTLE ITALY (REALART) ALICE BRADY JULY 30 "Pleasing little picture, with Alice Brady contributing clever character sketch."— M. P. Netvs. Exhibitor Comment — " Alice Brady won many new friends in this picture, which did a good week's business." " Played on a bill with ' Message from Mars,' making combination that did very good business.' LOVETIME (FOX) SHIRLEY MASON JULY 23 " Sugary and conventional romance ideal for Shirley Mason." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Good picture but title hardly fits it." LURING LIPS (UNIVERSAL) EDITH ROBERTS JULY 30 " Inierest'ng little picture offers human touches." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — "Fairly good story, but why the title? There is no connection between the two." " The usual business on this picture which was fairly good." " An average production. Fair business." MAID OF THE WEST (FOX) EILEEN PERCY JULY 30 " A treak Eileen Percy comedy." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " A poor comedy ; average business." MAN AND WOMAN (JANS PRODUCTION, INC.) SPECIAL CAST. .SEPT. 3 " Orthodox program release on ' Clothes-make-man theme.' " — M. P. News. MAN'S HOME, A (SELZNICK) SPECIAL CAST OCT. 8 '• M'ill enter the class of exceptional pictures." — M. P. News. MAN TRACKERS (UNIVERSAL) LARKIN-HILL JULY 23 "Another Northwestern with plenty of action and strong dramatic moments."— M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Fine — fine business. Everybody liked it." MAN WHO, THE (METRO) BERT LYTELL JULY 23 ' Rather novel idea '■'.ays out through lack of variety. Exhibitor Comment — "A laugh-getter from start to finish. Drew big. Bert Lytell is up to his usual standard in this one. while the plot is a clever farce." " Only fair picture which did an average week's business" MARCH HARE, THE (REALART) BEBE DANIELS JULY 30 " Not up to Hebe's usual hiijh utandnrd." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Nice little picture. Daniels draws well here." " Star well liked here and drew well considering hot weather and showers." "Miss Daniels is charming. Subtitles are cleverly worded." MASK, THE (GEO. H. HAMILTON-EXPORT & IMPORT-STATE RIGHTS) JACK HOLT JUNE 25 " Terlinus mclodnima filled with all the old stock tricks." — M. P. Ncrrs. Exhibitor Comment — "Played with Charlie Chaplin in 'The Cure' and did a good business, the credit going to the latter production." MATCH BREAKER, THE (METRO) VIOLA DANA SEPT. " The right kind of light comedy entertainment." — M, P. Sews. MESSAGE FROM MARS. A (METRO) BERT LYTELL JUNE l •• Lytell acts splnndtdly in dull muraitiy picture.' — M. P. Aetc«. Exhibitor Comment — " Fine theme, poor acting and directing. Receipts good." " A fair picture. Appeals only to the high brow. Fair business." " In conjunction with " Little Italy,' very satisfactory." MIDNIGHT BELL, THE (FIRST NATIONAL) CHARLES RAY.... AUG. 2 " Whirlwind finish puts over Hay's latest." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — Undoubtedly Kay's best picture, excelling even • Scrap Iron.' " " Considered good entertainment." " Good picture, and played to good business." •■ Just about a fair Ray production. Receipts fair." " A mediocre picture which brought average business." " A good picture, but fell down on week run." ■■ Charles Ray's popularity here always assures a good house. Good crowds for a week's run." MONEY MANIAC, THE (LEONCE PERRET-PATHE) ^FECIAL CAST JULY 3 " The Moneiy Maniac " is i,eonce Ferret's best." — M. P. News. MOONLIGHT AND HONEYSUCKLE (REALART) MARY MILES MINTER AUG. " Frail and conventional and carries no sparkle." — M. P. Nows. Exhibitor Comment — " Drew fairly well. Receipts average." MOONLIGHT FOLLIES (UNIVERSAL) MARIE PREVOST SEPT. 2 " Fluffy little romance presents Marie Prevost as star." — M. P. Newt. Exhibitor Comment — " Marie Prevost's first picture was well liked by our audience, but not much as a drawing card." MORAL FIBRE (VITAGRAPH) CORINNE GRIFFITH AUG. 2 ■• An entertaining picture with plenty of heart interest." — M. P. New. MOTHER HEART, THE (FOX) SHIRLEY MASON JUNE I " Lrittle originality in mechanical Shirley Mason picture." — M. P. Nettt. Exhibitor Comment — " An exceptionally good picture. One of the sweetest, finest films we ever saw." MOTHER O' MINE (INCE-ASS'D PRODUCERS) SPECIAL CAST JUNK 1 " Sure-fire audience appeal in spite of formula plot." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Strong picture. Lots of human appeal. Only fair business, however." " At last a picture that lived up to its expectations. Business excellent despite unprecedented hot spell. " Theme not new but well handled. Record breaking business." " Great picture to big business." MYSTERY ROAD. THE (PARAMOUNT) DAVID POWELL AUG. Dull and uninteresting society drama." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Did it do good business? Did my audiences like it? Do I like it ? To all three questions the same answer will be adequate : Not very much." NIGHT HORSEMEN, T^E (FOX) TOM MIX SEPT. 1 • Mix not at his best in this sequel to ' The Untamed.' " — If. P. Newt. NO WOMAN KNOWS (JEWEL-UNIVERSAL) SPECIAL CAST SEPT. " Sure-fire entertainment in this human heart drama." — M. P. News. NOBODY (ROLAND WEST-FIRST NATIONAL) JEWEL CARMEN.. AUG. •'Good murder mystery picture evidently based on Elwell case." — M. P. Neics. Exhibitor Comment — " Business fair. Picture just an average one." " Went over pleasingly. Receipts good in spite of criticism that Jewel Carmen showed up t)etter as ' looney ' actress than ' sane.' " OH, MARY BE CAREFUL (PIONEER) MADGE KENNEDY OCT. ■ Snappii titUs and Madije Kennedy's demure personality are xuificient." — M. P.' News. OLD NEST. THE (EMINENT AUTHORS-GOLDWYN) SPKCIAL CAST JULY til • Undeniably Ooldwyn's greatest picture." — M. P. News. I Exhibitor Comment — " Very fine production. Did only fair business. however." " Sure did go over big and gave us great business. Splendid production." ■" Excellent production to big business." " Positively wonderful picture, and we stood them out for a block." " Fine feature with tremendous heart appeal. Went over big at this house." ■" Tb>' picture ran for three weeks, doing a record business for this time of the year." " Well worth seeing. Receipts fair." ONE A MINUTE (INCE-PARAMOUNT) DOUGLAS MACLEAN JUNE 1 •• Amusing hokum puts this one over.'' — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Doug MacLean made a personal appearance in connection with this one and we played to capacity business." " Poor business, with a dull and draggy picture whose climax and denouement was anticipated from the opening scenes. Nothing exciting, and business about equal" " Breezy, light summer entertainment. Somewhat better than Douglas MacLean has done before. Business not so good. Too hot." " Interesting theme. Star popular here and attendance was good considering hot weather." " A pleasing picture which brought satisfactory box office returns." ONE WILD WEEK (REALART) BEBE DANIELS SEPT. . •' Ingeniously constructed and genuinely entertaining farce comedy." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Good star in mediocre offering. Business fair." " Fairly good attraction and fairly good box office value." OPEN SHUTTERS (UNIVERSAL) EDITH ROBERTS AUG. "An orthodox picture of the 'preachy' type." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " An average picture with the usual business." OVER THE WIRE (METRO) ALICE LAKE JULY " Picture starts well and loses its punch." — M. P. Newt. Exhibitor Comment — " Fairly good business on. this picture which is only average." PASSING THROUGH (PARAMOUNT) DOUGLAS MACLEAN SEPT. l i "Homespun story with MacLean carries enough pep and ginger." — if. i>. ' News. Exhibitor Comment — " The average Douglas MacLean picture — light, and with plenty of laughs. Good box office value." PEGGY PUTS IT OVER (VITAGRAPH) ALICE CALHOUN OCT. "Rural comedy-drama affords satisfactory vehicle for Alice Calhoun." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Star pleasing — nothing to story. A good style show to fair business." Ft Box Office Reports continued on page 2205