Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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October 29, i g 2 i 2251 HAL ROACH PRESENTS THROUGH ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS HAROLD LLOYD "NEVER WEAKEN' PATHE DISTRIBUTORS FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVE FOR ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS SIDNEY GARRETT Accept thanks for World's Premier showing of Harold Lloyd in "Never Weaken 99 All attendance records for any previous week broken. Am holding him over for at least two weeks longer. Public enthusiastic about show. Nothing longer than two reels on the program. Featured Lloyd only. First time ever done this territory. Previously could not tell whether Lloyd or multireel feature was pulling crowd. Lloyd featured alone has proven fact of his drawing power. Congratulate you on this clean type of thrilling comedy. Dr. H, B. Brockwedel The Symphony Theatre Los Angeles, Cal. Harold Lloyd has had some wonderful box office comedies but ''Never Weaken" tops them all. Here is a comedy to be featured above any other offering of your program. Here is an attraction for long runs and big money. Here is an opportunity to insure absolute capacity business. There is no question about Its value; it is simply a case of quick action on your part. "Never Weaken" is the most praised comedy production of the year. Book It Quick!