Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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2276 Motion Picture New luuiumimuuuuuiiiiuiuuuiuiimuii Hepworth, Noted British Producer, Here Cecil Hepworth, noted veteran British producer, and Alma Taylor, popular Hepworth star, who are visitors to this country to study local film conditions CECIL HEPWORTH, the well known British producer, and Alma Taylor, the popular Hepworth star, are in this country on a two months' tour of study and investigation of American studio and film conditions. From New York they will go to Canada, thence to Los Angeles and back to New York. Asked if he wished to make any statement at this time, Mr. Hepworth said that it was his intention to produce for a broader market and that this was largely the purpose of his trip. He will have something more definite to say upon his return to New York. There is considerable variance at present, said Mr. Hepworth, in many minor details of technique between the British and American studios. In a general way, he believes the time has come for a marked progress within studios and laboratories. He also believes that the hit or miss methods of production and distribution must be greatly improved; that things in general from an art and business standpoint must get down to a sounder, more scientific and economic basis. In a casual conversation among many interesting things said by Mr. Hepworth were these: That Charles Chaplin is destined to become one of the gjreatest, if not the greatest, producer of pictures; that the day of the independent distributor is at hand — meaning that there must be a clear-cut division between a producer, distributor and exhibitor of pictures; that the heart appeal or emotional picture is wanted by the general public above all other considerations Mr. Hepworth's questions and answers shows already a keen insight into and knowledge of American pictures and the American market. Paramount Club Entertained by Zukor Three hundred members of the Paramount Club, comprising a large percentage of the Paramount home office employees, were the guests of Adolph Zukor at an allday outing held Saturday at his country estate, Mountain View Farm, at New City, N. Y. Eleven sight-seeing buses were specially engaged to transport the party, leaving the office at 485 Fifth Avenue at nine o'clock. Each bus was decorated with banners and the crowd attracted much attention. Army Issues Fan Magazine for Soldiers ■ The United States Army Motion Picture Service has issued the first number of The Silversheet, a new magazine devoted to the interest of the Army post theatres. This new " soldier fan magazine " goes to all Army stations in the United States and Panama using the Army Motion Picture Service. In and Out of Town Harry Spanuth, Commonwealth executive, with two features to which he has acquired American and Canadian rights, breezed in from Chicago. Alex Weissman, Boston manager for the F. B. Warren Corp., visited the home office over the week end. Although but recently, returned from a long foreign tour, Louis Brock, export manager in charge of foreign distribution of Selznick pictures, sailed again on Oct. 15, with England for his destination. Si Griever will arrive from the Windy City on Oct. 24 and spend some time at the Hotel Astor for the purpose of purchasing State Right productions for his territory. The opening of " Disraeli " at Loew's State theatre, Cleveland, sent Bert Adler, who is representing the George Arliss Productions, to the MidWest for a week. Exhibitor Committee MeeK ings with Zukor Delayec In a statement from the headquarter , the Motion Picture Theatre Owners America, President Sydney S. Cohen i vises that the meetings of the M. P. T. ' committee with Adolph Zukor, preside of Famous Players-Lasky Corporati( have not been concluded but have be ^■ temporarily delayed by the illness of > ' tional Counsel, Senator Walker and Co ^ mitteeman W. A. True. The filing ' charges against the Famous Players-Las Corporation by the Federal Trade Co: ^ mission and the subsequent advice of St ator Walker to discontinue public hearin of the committee have also occasion some delay. Mr. Cohen, however, states that in t absence of Senator Walker and Mr. Tn he and the M. P. T. O.'s general-manag have visited the Paramount executiv and secured several adjustments of grie ances submitted to them. Other complair are now being considered. After expressing appreciation for tl courtesy and attention given the commi tee by the Paramount executives, Mr. C< hen requests exhibitors to forward or ha^ forwarded the full facts and informatic concerning any complaint that may be sul mitted to Mr. Zukor for adjustment. Marcus Loew Opens Stat Theatre in Buffalo The new Loew State theatre, Buffalc opened its doors Monday evening, Octobe 17. "Everybody and everything " \va there. Marcus Loew, !Mayor George 5 Buck, a couple of dozen screen stars, of ficials of the Loew company and cit fathers, helped to launch the State. Fol lowing the vaudeville bill all the star were introduced to the audience, and Mi Loew and Mayor Buck spoke. Al Beckerick is house manager of th, State and Ralph Mau his assistant. Th house has a seating capacity of 3000. A innovation is the permission of smokin in the balcony, loges and upper boxe.The State cost $1,000,000 and is one 0 the most elaborate theatres in the Loe\ chain. Maurice Hellman Resign, from Universal Film Maurice Hellman, sales manager 0 Universal's short-subject department a Chicago, has resigned his position and wil leave the service of Universal, October 22 Mr. Hellman states that his relation! with the company, Carl Laemmle and tb other Universal executives are as close a ever and that the only reason he has fo making a change is the desire to go int< business for himself. He intends to go td California for a six weeks' vacation am' upon his return to Chicago will announcii his future plans. '