Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1921)

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October 2 g , i p 2 i 2321 Nell Shipman Severs Connection Xcll Shipman and Ikrt Van TunIc, the producers of the current screen success, " The Girl from (jod's Country," announce that they ha\e terminated their contract with the ' corporation known as "Nell Shipman Productions, Inc.," of which firm W . H. Clune is presidentBy the terms of the agreement the corporation name reverts to Miss Shipman and, with Mr. \'an Tiiyle, her co-director and manager, the star is now preparing for further independent " Nell Shipman " productions. Miss Shipman's next story of " God's Country " is ready in continuity form for immediate production. The locale of this latest picture is laid in California as the author believes the title " God's Country " to be as applicable to that State as to the far regions of the Hudson's Bay. Miss Shipman is also at work upon the first draft of a big, special, " Snow " story, dealing with the most exciting period of American romance and adventure. Universal Salesmen Meet Metropolitan Workers Hold Important Sales Conference in N. Y. Fire Prevention Trailer Through Universal Fire Chief Kenlon, of New "S'ork City, has chosen Universal's New York Exchange as the exclusive distributor of the fire prevention trailer to be shown in New York City as one of the activities of Fire Prevention Week. The trailer was made under Chief Kenlon's direction and shows how carelessly tossed matches and cigarette butts cause terrible fires. 0.\F of the most important Universal sales conferences of the year was held recently at Keen's Chop House, West Forty-fourth street. New York city, when Uni\ersal salesmen from the New York and adjacent territories assembled to discuss policies and fall plans with various Universal executives. The conference followed a beef-steak diimer at which Charles Roscnzvvcig, newly appointed sales manager of the Big " U " Exchange, was the master of ceremonies. E. H. Goldstein, general manager of Universal, and H. M. Berman, general manager of exchanges, officiated at the conference and took the opportunity to quiz the attending salesmen at great length concerning the needs of the exhibitor and the ways and means of supplying the maximum number of exhibitors with the best possible service. A remarkable increase in the popularity of Universal pictures and Universal stars was reported by the various salesmen. From various parts of New York city, from New Jersey, from upper New York State and from southern New England, came the word that exhibitors arc hailing the 1921-1922 output of L'niVersal Special Attractions as being without equal in the film market, and as being almost one hundred per cent better than last year's product, itself a vast improvement over preceding jears. in The following Uni\ersal salesmen addresseil the conference, telling conditions in their territories and making suggestions for the betterment of Universal production and distribution from the viewpoint of the exhibitor: James Holden of the Hudson River territory; Leo .'\brams of the .\ew Jersey territory; Sol Edwards of the South Brooklyn territory; Leslie Sherwood of New Jersey; Joe Weinberg of the Bronx; Louis Weinstein, Harry Furst and Ben Price of New York city, and Morris Joseph, branch manager at New Haven, and his aid, H. P. Morgan. Each of the salesmen was enthusiastic over the reception accorded by exhibitors and the public to Universal's newest Special Attraction star.s, Marie Prevost, Moot Gibson and .Miss du Pont. "Old Nest" Scoring Big Hit in All Sections The (joldwyn home-olfice declares that reports from exh.l)itors in all sections of the country show "a sweejjing triumph" for "The Old Nest." The box-oflice returns received by the Motion Putikk Nkws since the general release of this picture substantially sujjport the announcement from the (ioldwyn ortice. In some instances, declares the Goldwyn statement, the second or third day has been bigger than the opening Sunday at theatres where the Sunday receipts are always counted upon to exceed week days. A case in point is that of the Ogdcn theatre, Ogdcn, Utah, where, according to .Manager Harmon Peery, the picture built up every day, the Tuesday business loi)i)ing that of Sunday. New Paramount Star Completes Feature Jack Holt has completed his first starring picture lor Paramount "The Call of the North," which was adapted by Jack Cunningham from the novel, "Conjuror's House," by Stewart Edward White, and the play by George Broadhurst. Joseph Hcnabery directed and Rollin Sturgeon supervised the production. ''No Defence" Is New Duncan Feature William Duncan, Vitagraph's Western star, recently finished a new picture on the Pacific Coast, and the film is now at V'itagraph's Brooklyn studio for final titling and editing. The picture in its rough form created a most favora])le impression among Vitagraph's executives. Its title is " No Defense," and the picture is based on the original story by J. Raleigh Davies. As usual in his recent Western features, Duncan has Edith Johnson as co-star. He directed the picture himself. r cuss OF SERVICE SYMBOL cuss OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram WESTEmi UNION Telegram Day Utter Blue DayUtier Bloa Night Message Nlt« Night Message Ntt> Night Letter N L teleSjam NKWCOMB CARL.TON. rRESlOUiZ OEOROE W. E. ATKINS. riRST YKMrtrnMatOmm Hiflht Utter N L II none of these three symbols sppears after the check (number ol vords) tntt Is • teleorvn. Othervlseits chartcter is lodkatad by the Cnnbol ippesrinfl alter the check. II none el these three symbols »99t*tt after the ctieck (number ol vorda) this is a tdcgram. Other•iselta character la Indicated by the symbol ap9esriflfl afur the chedu RECEIVED AT A351GS 39 2 EX TEIA !^ L03AJTGSLES CAXI? 16 •J k QLfINN GEtTERAL VIIA-GRAFH INC 469 FIF'iK AVE 1»Y0RIC m CONG3lA.3ULAnOITS ON OKE 30N OP V;AIXBIG5DRD IT OPEIIED A'T 'IKE KimJ^ GHEAOHE YESTERDAY l^y EN0R1-0U3 3U3I1TESS SOnP Aia GLAD OT) SAY OHE VERDICT OE OUR PATOITS AGREES VillH OUR NAMLY mT IT IS A GiLEAT PICOURE EU?;aRD A SJim iiANAGING DIRECTDR.