Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1921)

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2410 Motion Picture News Affiliated Acts for Film Interests on Coast The first public action taken by the affiliated Picture Interests, Inc., in behalf of the film interests of the West coast, is a letter mailed out under date of October fifteen at the order of the board of directors and signed by Secretary Ted Taylor. In the past, the industry on the West Coast has been made the goat of a number of local personal enterprises, and it is the intention of men of the industry that in the future the people of the industry will benefit as the result of these enterprises instead of the personal promoters. It is because of this reason that the letter of October 15th was mailed. There is no intimation that the proposed enterprise referred to in the letter is unworthy in any sense. The letter in full is as follows : " Your attention is directed to the fact that the so-called 'First Annual Exposition of the Motion Picture Industry' is a private enterprise of the 'Ethical Motion Picture Society of America.' " This enterprise has not been endorsed by the Affiliated Picture Interests, an organization comprising individuals and all associations connected with the production, distribution and exhibition of motion pictures in California authorized to represent the industry in matters of common interest, under which head come fairs, expositions, entertainments, etc. " So far as we know the 'Ethical Motion Picture .Society' is therefore acting only for itself. It has made no satisfactory explanation concerning the objects, scope, and proposed use of profits of its proposed 'motion picture exposition' to the board of directors of the Affiliated Picture Interests of California, and it therefore does not have the co-operation of the united factors of the motion picture industry." Los Angeles Theatres to Have Musician Strike The Musicians' Union of Los Angeles called all its members out of downtown theatres this week. The walk-out is to take place at the end of the week in each theatre. The theatre owners had given notice of a ten per cent reduction from the present wage scale which was $54.50 for seven six-hour days, with ninety minutes rest time. On October 4th the Los Angeles Theatres' Association notified the Union that they would not make a contract but that each theatre manager would regulate his working conditions. When the Unions demanded a contract the theatres refused to sign and the Union agreed to remain at the old scale pending the settlement of the contract issue. This is the second strike for Los Angeles theatres in the past two months. In September the stage hands demanded a six day week at the same scale as then paid for seven. The theatres refused and the Unions walking out were replaced by Union men who were out of work from the previous strike at the studios. Names Committee to Investigate Jbirst National THE Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America's headquarters announces that the committee has been selected which will undertake the task of investigating the present management of Associated First National Pictures in the name of the M. P. T. O. of A. The committee members are announced as follows: John Manheimer, New York, Chairman Board of Directors, Theatre Owners Chamber of Commerce; W. D. Burford, Aurora, 111., Board of Directors, Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America; M. E. Comerford, Scranton, Pa., Executive Committee, Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Easton, Pa.; L. J. Ditmar, Louisville, Ky., President Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Kentucky, and A. J. Kleist, Pontiac, Mich., Board of Directors, Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Michigan. The statement from the M. P. T. O. of A. continues as follows: " The committee fully realizes the seriousness and magnitude of its undertaking, in view of the numerous and serious complaints of members of our national organizations who are sub-franchise holders of Associated First National Pictures, as well as from exhibitors who are trading with that company in territories where there are no sub-franchise holders." Labor Interests Institute Suit Against Censors Dwight Thatcher Harris, chairman of the Kansas State Board of Motion Picture Review, has been summoned to Topeka, Kans., to confer with Attorney General Richard J. Hopkins concerning a pending suit against the board. Robert Blackstone, representing labor interests, has served notice of a damage suit for $5,000, following the condemnation of a film entitled, "Contrast," exploiting labor interest. MOTION PICTURE NEWS William A. Johnston, Pres. & Editor E. Kendall Gillett, Sec'y George D. Gould, Managing Editor Fred. J. Beecroft, Adv. Mgr. Published on Friday every week by MOTION PICTURE NEWS, Inc., 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. 'Phone 9S60 Bryant Chicago Representative, L. H. Mason, 910 S. Michigan Ave. ; 'Phone Harrison 7667. Los Angeles Representative, J. C. Jessen. Suite 205, BakerDetwiller Building, 412 West Sixth St ; Phone Pico 780. Subscription $2 a year, postpaid, In United States, Mexico, Hawaii, Porto Rico and Philippine Islands. Canada, $4. Foreign, $8. N. B. — No agent is authorized to take subscriptions for Motion Picture News at less than these rates. Have the agent who takes your subscription show his credentials and coupon book. Western Union registered cable address is " Picknews," New Xork. Copyright, 1920, by Motion Picture News, Inc. Missouri Ass'n Addresses Exhibs on Vital Issues In a bulletin addressed to the exhibitors of the state of Missouri, the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Missouri announces that meetings are being arranged for in every district for the purpose of submitting important questions for the consideration and action of the exhibitors in the various districts. The bulletin urges upon all theatre owners of the state the need for attendance at these meetings and the immediate carrying out of the recommendations made by the individual exhibitors of the state. The following matters are to be presented for consideration : Repeal of admission tax and of the 5 per cent film rental tax; correction of Copyright law to remove the inequitable music tax; present blue-law situation ; complaints as to local conditions such as town tax on amusement tickets; and lastly, the establishment of a public service department in the different counties. Exhibitors are urged to take concerted action with the other theatre owners of their districts in urging their Congressmen to secure the repeal of the admission tax and the film rental tax. Individual action is also recommended in winning Congressmen to the side of repealing the music tax by supporting the Lambert Bill now before Congress. It is also announced that a music service bureau is to be established to serve all theatre-owners who apply for the service with non-taxable music. Plans to establish local public service departments and to fight any blue-law restrictions already in force or impending are also to be discussed. Theatre Test Vote Shows Censorship Opposition A test vote taken by Howard Frankel, manager of the Majestic Theatre. Columbus, 0., was sufficient to reveal to him that the patrons of his theatre, at least, were overwhelmingly opposed to censorship on the screen. The test at the Majestic was made during the week that Paramount's " The Woman God Changed " was shown. The Ohio board of censors had cut one of the scenes of the picture and Mr. Frankel, in advertising the attraction announced to the public that such action had been taken. The balloting continued throughout the week. The result showed that the people were against censorship approximately three to one. Mother of Nat Rothstein of Equity, Dies On October 21st Mrs. Rothstein, mother of Nat Rothstein, of Equity Pictures, died in her Los Angeles home after an illness extending over a period of three years. The funeral services were held in Los Angeles on October 23rd. Mr. Rothstein visited the Coast recently and spent his vacation with his mother.