Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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436 A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR KORALLWHO READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT ' *..*r ,r.~* We take this oppor •riwajj tunity to thank you I i S V lit i i for •vour kffid favors Sn the past and look forward with pleasure to serving you often ~ during the new year. PLASTIC RELIEF ORNAMENTS, ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING FIXTURES PROMPT SERVICE A-l QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Write for Our Catalogues ©hr National |llastir Stelirf (Enmpmuj 328 MAIN ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO USE^e COLOR Instead of Dipped Lamps Infinitely Better, More Lasting and Cheaper in the Long Run Made of Natural Colored Blown Glass Do Not Fade or Wear Out §*£££ REYNOLDS ELECTRIC CO. 2650 W. Congress St. • Chicago, III Theatre and Exchange Mailing List Service We rant lists of or address contemplated of existing theatres, exchanges, state rights owners, yuoilclty mediums and producers, selected as t* territory, class, etc. Twenty thousand changes were recorded In our list last year. Its u»e weans a saving of from 20 to 60% In postage, etc. MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY CO. 244 West 42nd St. Phone. Bryant 8138 New York Arresting Printing LATEST ACHIEVEMENT In Ticket Selling Machines THE NEW 1922 AUTOMATICKET REGISTER Send for prices and full particulars AUTOMATIC TICKET REGISTER CORPORATION 1T82 Broadway New York Rebuilt Moving Picture Machines Results — Same as new Machines Motlograph 1002 D $185.00 Motlograph 1002 A 165.00 Everyth Ingfortheexh Ibltor MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 228 Union Avenue Mem ph Is, Ten n. Joie, Fort Smith, an Ideal House The new Joie Theatre, Fort Smith, Arkansas, reflects the most modern ideas of theatre construction from the electric ticket machine in the box office to the hot air heating plant under the stage. There is an entire absence of posts in the big auditorium. The main floor is 78 feet long and 60 feet wide from the orchestra pit to the standing rail. The balcony is as wide as the house and 43 feet deep at its narrowest point, the center. A Departure from the conventional theatre is the boxes. The place where the box seats are usually kept in most theatres is purely ornamental in the Joie and is filled with an art glass panel. The best seats in the house are in the loges on the front rail in the balcony, being only 31 feet and less from the stage. The stage itself is 32 feet deep and 78 feet wide with an opening of 38 feet. The main floor is inclined, affording a clear view of the stage from any seat in the house. The total seating capacity is approximately 1,500, of which about 800 will be on the main floor. The chairs are 21 inches wide, three inches wider than the average theatre chair. They are heavy, well fitted to the body, and with deep upholstered seats. The balcony has five inside stairway exits, with one leading to the alley. The building, strictly fireproof, built of brick, stone and reinforced steel and concrete represents an outlay of about $50,000. — NOBB New Theatre for Negroes Exclusively The New house, opened recently in Ponca City, Okla., is to be devoted entirely for the entertainment of the negro population of that city. The theatre is meeting with very good success. — Noble. Elect Officers At a regular meeting of the Moving Picture Machine Operators’ Union, Local No. 236, of Birmingham, Ala., held Sunday, Dec. 18, officers were elected for the ensuing year. They are as follows: President J. H. Sapp; vice-president, F. E. Walker; treasurer, C. M. Hiltbruner; secretary, J. F. Mankin ; business agent, R. A. Root; sergeant-at-arms, C. Gaston; trustees, C. M. Trent, J. N. Cason and J. Culpepper. Motion Picture N e u usiness &fe rings VIOLINIST-ORCHESTRA LEADER, married, l liable, 12 years’ experience, age 30. I have t library and know how to fit same. J. Harry Hurl< 319 West 14th Avenue, Denver. Colo. ATTENTION TO MANAGERS Musical Director, Conductor and Violinist with lot experience in adapting music to pictures, has wonde ful music library, would accept position in Theat where good music is appreciated. City or out. Fine references. Box 75, Motion Picture News. Ne York City. Mailing Lists MOVING PICTURE AND LEGITIMATE THEATRES 22166 Moving Picture by States, per M. $5.00 1219 Film Exchanges, for List 7.50 196 Manufacturers and Studios 3.50 419 Machine and Supply Dealers 4.00 3674 Legitimate Theatres U. S. and Canada 25.00 810 Vaudeville Theatres 7.50 A. F. WILLIAMS 166 W. Adams Street Chicago •MOTSCO” The perfect Mazda Adapter and current reducer. Demand the "Motsco” If you want the best. Write for full Information MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 724 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III. THEATRE MANAGERS ATTENTION When In need of first class organists or piano soioiata. call or write CHICAGO MUSICAL SERVICE BUREAU Specializing in Organists and Pianists for Motion Picture Theatres only. We have the largest list of high class experienced yrganlsts In the country. 20 Blast Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO Phone Wabash lilt For Perfect MAZDA PROJECTION MMOTSCO” ADAPTER and REDUCER Is what you need. Write for prices and full Information MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 724 So. Wabash Asa. Chicago, III. q — ? PHONE BRYANT 3605 M UNIQUE SLIDE CO J Ip-JUl Highest Quality Lantern Slides S 717 SEVENTH AVE., NEW YORK OLD MEMBERS | Send in Address eo we can put { you on new I N. A. M. L. j mailing list i mminuiiiUHiUMmuMiuimnniiiiiiiinniiiiiiimmumS BARGAIN! FOR IMMEDIATE TURNOVER 400 ft. capacity Pittman Professional, mahogany case. Pittman claw intermittent. regular and trick crank, outside reflecting focusing device, film register, direct finder. 50 .MM. F:3.5 Tessar lens, focusing mount, all adjustments. Outfit perfect. Worth S300.00: our price. $125.00. Wire 25% deposit and balance on examination. BASS CAMERA COMPANY 109 No. Dearborn St. Dept. Ill Chicago, Hlinois P. S. — Write Bass. Let him solve your camera problem for you. FOR BETTER MUSIC THE FO TOP LAYER 1600 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. 64 E. JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILL. 109 GOLDEN GATE AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.