Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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PRODUCER ENTHUS OVER \i * Tcotf t o* ,Aev*?rW^f (Off# / c0tvCVS °V •'*• o^::^Tio^ ^'<e "oi w<l9\ i''1 li ?v rfv o^ -/• *e*c Ap sH^WzSZ %„ry ^ \re*tSV;Ae^' 4 %></ Bookin: s\eT Q/.% '4 &?£v3$£*'X* 4; 4, y ip?': gf f. o„ . */a 'tiaU v* /vr;^/r/ 'V, A;<? 4>*V % 4>o o’ /> o 4 /> Received your Booking Guide and I believe it will be a great help to the exhibitor in bringing to his attention the great library of motion pictures that have been released by all the distributing companies. I cannot state, without a more careful examination, the actual thoroughness of this searching but the idea seems to me to be extremely worth while. (Signed) Howard Dietz. Dir. Adv. & Pub., Goldwyn Pictures Corp. ' 4/ I have just received a copy of the new “ Booking Guide ” and it is to my mind one of the best propositions for helping the small exhibitor to arrange his play dates that has yet been issued. Good pictures are often forgotten by the smaller exhibitor and because there has been no handy volume available for him, he booked mediocre productions offered him by some salesman visiting his office when much better product was quickly available. My personal opinion is that your “ Booking Guide ” is a distinct asset to the business and in keeping with the progressive policies of the Motion Picture News in helping the business generally. (Signed) C. C. Burr, Affiliated Distributors, Inc. I want to acknowledge with thanks receip of the first volume of the Motion Picturt News Booking Guide, and I cannot refraii from expressing great admiration of tli splendid manner in which this has been pre pared. It undoubtedly fills a real want ii the industry, and I feel certain it is going prove of inestimable benefit to the smalle exhibitor, for whom, I understand, it i mainly, published. There appears to be n data omitted which might be of use to a thi atre. The Motion Picture News is to be coi gratulated ! (Signed) Alexander Beyfuss, Exceptional Picture;