Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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550 Motion Picture News RadiO-W'.'-Mat TALK from your screen WITH your quickly TYPEWRITTEN MESSAGES 50 RADIO MAT SLIDES $2. Accept no Substitute. For Sale by all Leading Dealers Mailing Lists MOVING PICTURE AND LEGITIMATE THEATRES 22166 Moving Picture by States, per M. $5.00 1219 Film Exchanges, for List 7.50 196 Manufacturers and Studios 3.50 419 Machine and Supply Dealers 4.00 3674 Legitimate Theatres U. S. and Canada 25.00 810 Vaudeville Theatres 7.50 A. F. WILLIAMS 166 W. Adams Street Chicago TRY ffleco Hoods FOR SIGNS, STAGE OR CANOPY LIGHTS They Cover the Bulb and Show Brilliant Lasting Colors Have Every Advantage — Save Your Dollars in Lamp Renewals, No Bothersome Dipping Easily Pul On or Taken Off 2&owVUmp. REYNOLDS ELECTRIC CO. 2650 W. CONGRESS ST. CHICAGO, ILL: “MOTSCO” The perfect Mazda Adapter and current reducer. Demand the "Motsco” If you want the best. Write for full Information MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 724 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III. LATEST ACHIEVEMENT In Ticket Selling Machines THE NEW 1922 AUT0MAT1CKET REGISTER Send for prices and full particulars AUTOMATIC TICKET REGISTER CORPORATION 1782 Broadway New York MOVING PICTURE MACHINES REBUILT GUARANTEED Powers 6A Motor Drive $190.00 Powers 6A Hand Drive 170.00 Powers G Hand Drive 135.00 MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 228 Union Avenue Memphis, Tenn. Theatre and Exchange Mailing List Service We r*nt list! of or address contemplated of existing theatres, exchanges, state rights owners, publicity mediums and producers, selected as te territory, class, etc. Twenty thousand changes were recorded In our list last year. Its use means a saying of from 20 to i0% In postage, etc. MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY CO. 244 West 42nd St. Phone, Bryant SI3S New York Addressing Printing Latest Springfield House Attractive in Appearance and Modern in Equipment Jefferson Theatre Has Unusual Seating Arrangement; Accommodates 1,000 Persons on One Floor Substantial in size, attractive in appearance and modern in equipment, the new Jefferson theatre at Main street and Jefferson avenue, Springfield, Mass., opened recently the latest addition to the list of motion picture houses in that city and central Massachusetts. While built to especially cater to residents of Springfield’s North End, it is so located that it is but little removed from the central business section of the city. The house has seating accommodations for i,ooo, all on one floor, without the sign of a post to obscure the screen view. The concrete floor is built saucer shaped and with a pitch so that every seat in the house commands a clear and unobstructed view of the screen and stage. The aisles are unusually wide and the space between the rows of seats unusually ample, making it convenient to get in and out of the seats, which are themselves roomy and comfortable. The first row nearest the stage is 30 feet distant from the screen, so that those occupying seats in the front rows will not have the feeling that they are too near the pictures. The ceiling is of a substantial height, giving the interior a large and airy appearance, this being added to by the absence of posts and pillars. The main color scheme is old rose, with blue and gold trimmings, all of artistic design, the entire effect being unusually bright and cheerful, but in no sense garish. Chandeliers of unique design in old gold shed a soft and soothing lighting and give just the right touch of harmony to the rest of the color scheme. The lobby, with women’s rest rooms on the right and men’s room on the left, as the visitor enters, are finished in colors harmonizing with those of the main theatre. A member of the audience looking back to see whence the films are being projected to the screen will see but a slight aperture in the rear wall. In the rear of that, however, is the operating room, with two motion picture machines, claimed to represent equipment as modern as any house of its kind in the country. Motion picture men and state inspectors have pronounced them the last word in equipment of its kind. They will be in charge of two expert operators. Louis Cohn, proprietor of the theatre, will be active in its management.— Agard. Davidson Now with Independent Supply Frank Davidson, who for many years has been in charge of projection at the Buffalo Mark-Strand and who is now operating the Buffalo branch of the Independent Movie Supply Company in north Pearl street, has been elected president of the Moving Picture Operators Local Union, 233. Other new officers are : Paul Graf, vice president; Elmer J. Bugman, recording secretary; M. J. Ostrowsky, treasurer; D. L. Martin, business manager and financial secretary; George Weil, sergeant-at-arms. The new trustees are William Melgier, W. B. Wilson and Harold Potter, Bert Shipley and Fred Vester have been appointed delegates to the Central Council. Louis Bernstein and Bert Ryde have been elected to the executive board. M. J. Ostrowsky will represent the union at the national convention. The new officers will be installed Dec. 28 in the union headquarters, Palace Theatre Building, 327 Main street. — TAYLOR. Falls Equipment Co. Sell Bellevue The Falls Equipment Co., of Niagara Falls, N. Y., were successful in obtaining the order for two Power’s G. E. high intensity outfits in the Bellevue theatre, Buffalo. This concern represents the Power’s machine through the Independent Movie Supply Co., of New York, distributor. Credit for this sale was given to another concern through a misunderstanding on the part of the News Buffalo correspondent. Rosenbaum Buys More Theatre Interests The Rosenbaum interests of Florence, Ala., have recently bought out all holdings of Southern Enterprises at Sheffield and Tuscumbia, and now control all the theatres in the Tri-Cities group. The new houses added are the Strand at Sheffield, and the Pastime and Strand at Tuscumbia— the latter house being one of the handsomest and most elaborate in the whole state. The new company will be known as the North Alabama Enterprises, L. Rosenbaum, president and active manager; Miss Pearl Hollis, executive secretary. New capital has been admitted to the company, with the idea of building larger houses in the Tri-Cities. — Hutson. Rebuilds Theatre Destroyed by Fire The Plaza Theatre of Waterloo, Iowa, which was recently destroyed by fire, is being rebuilt and when finished will be one of the best houses in the middle west and will be under the management of Schultz, Davis & Co. The opening is to be held during January. South-Western Theatres Change Hands Lawrence Wagoner of Tulsa, Oklahoma, has purchased the Majestic Theatre at Wetuompka, Oklahoma, from Curtis L. Hughey. G. W. Williams now owns the Lyric Theatre, Garlond, Texas, which was formerly operated by L. B. Brown. — NOBLE.