Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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But There is Wid Gunning who has always been thinking years ahead; who has made rhore money for exhibitors than any other individual ; who has made more money for creative production brains than any other individual. Wid Gunning is showing a new “ split of the exhibitor's dollar.” Go back again and recollect that the dollar left Chillicothe, Ohio, as payment for motion picture production and to foster better production. Wid Gunning sees to it that seventy cents of that dollar goes to the creative brains responsible for all the progress that motion picture production has seen. By building an organization in which every member is destined to partnership ; to share in just proportion as he contributes to its success — Wid Gunning gives the balance of that dollar to workers — And There’s nothing left for “ the middlemen, incompetents, relatives, wasters, and hangers-on of all sorts.” What does this mean when the dollar completes its cycle ? It means efficient sales, distribution and advertising of motion pictures, and it means better and more profitable motion pictures going back to Chillicothe, Ohio, as payment for that dollar. Isn’t it about time we had this condition? The swivel chairs of Neiv York never brought about one step of progress in the motion picture industry. The Lion’s share has been going to the coyotes ! Wid Gunning says: “ The Lion’s share to the Lions.” Any wonder that the foremost production — creative — brains of the industry are conferring with him on their future plans? Any wonder that the fastest stepping, hardest working sales and exploitation workers in the industry are being allied with Wid Gunning, Inc? A new film geography is being written, with LOS ANGELES and CHILLICOTHE in capital letters, and New York, well — new york.