Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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734 Motion Picture News EXHIBITORS’ REPORTS ON NEW RELEASES What the Big Houses Say EARLY RETURNS FROM WEEK RUN THEATERS FAMOUS PLAYERS The Little Minister — A splendid drawing card when well exploited for most people have read Barrie’s book and want to see the picturization. (Middle West.) I consider this a wonderful picture and as we had average business on it, I cannot understand this, as it should draw much better. (West.) Very good picture to very poor business. (East.) Fine production which drew well. (West.) Very good picture. Business fair. (Middle West.) Under the Lash — Picture went over very well. At any rate, attendance was fair. (South.) Proved excellent box office attraction and played to big business. (Middle West.) Rent Free — Not up to Wallace Reid standard. Story too thin; comedy too forced. Business not up to average. (Middle West.) The name Reid is only thing that held up this business. Average business. (West.) G et-Rich Quick W alii ngford — This was a very good picture. The comment we heard was uniformly good and apparently quite sincere. (South.) Picture well liked by manager and critics but pulled off before end of week. Business bad. This house is especially a woman’s house and they did not seem attracted by it. (Middle West.) Humoresque — Drew better class of people who had heard much of the picture from previous run. Did not attract general patronage. Belief that people are afraid of weepy pictures. (Middle West.) The Toll Gate — Drew fair audience, especially the shoppers and passers-by for second run showing. Author of scenario once located here. Attracted all classes. (Middle West.) Three Worad Brand — This picture comes up to the usual Hart picture. It went strong with the regular Hart fans. Others greeted it with a perceptible touch of indifference. Business about as usual. (South.) The Sheik — Second run here, but business was tolerably good. That's about all that could be expected, of course. (South.) Exit the Vamp — An average feature with business about as usual. (West.) The Bride’s Play — Pleasing picture. Business only fair. (East) The Last Payment — Terribly punk. Receipts average. (East.) Back Pay — Very fair. (Middle West.) A Prince There Was — Fairly entertaining picture. Average box office receipts. (West.) White Oak — A fine picture but poor business. Hart not the box office card he used to be. (Middle West) ASSOCIATED FIRST NATIONAL Tol’ble David — Greatest picture in months. We turned people away on many performances so great was its drawing power. Will book this for early return engagement. (Middle West.) One of the best box office attractions in months. Star very popular here. (Middle West.) Her Social Value — Had to pull it off on fourth day. (Middle West.) The Lotus Eater — Nice picture, but business was not so good. (East.) R.S.I JP.— Poor picture. Our patrons didn’t like the picture nor Charles Ray in it. Business showed the disapproval of the public. (Middle West.) Greater Than Love — Run in on short notice at end of week, drew very well. Business quite satisfactory. (Middle West.) All for a Woman — Splendid. Receipts swell. (East.) Tivo Minutes to Go — Fine production with good business. (West.) Molly O— Extended run went over good. (West.) FOX Queen of Sheba — ' Played to over 45,000 in two weeks, and still going strong, at 50 cents. (Middle West.) Beautiful picture. Did well during second week. (Middle West.) It’s a dandy. Beautiful business. Running for second big week. (Middle West.) Over the Hill — Business just fair for the third week. (East.) On second week at popular prices and going fine. (East.) Thunderclap — Business bad. Surely not fault of picture as those who saw it seemed to like it very well. Not type of picture for this house. (Middle West.) Winning With W its — An exciting tale, fairly well done, which held the crowds to the end. Good title to bring in the passersby. (Middle West.) Connecticut Yankee — Biggest and best thing since “ Over the Hill.” Patrons delighted. (East.) The Devil Within — Picture only mediocre, but on account of star, business very good. (East.) UNITED ARTISTS Dream Street — Picture lacks noted stars. However, it did good business for week. (Middle West.) Marvelous picture but our patrons did not care much for it. Lost money on it. (East.) The Iron Trail — An average picture which flopped at box office. Patrons did not like it. (East.) Fair picture with fair business. (West.) The Three Musketeers — Best picture with Fairbanks is what our patrons admitted. Played it for one solid week at advanced prices to good business. (East.) UNIVERSAL Conflict — The most wonderful picture of the season. Drew capacity houses all week. (Middle West.) Not as good as we expected but business was pretty good. (East.) The Fox — Mighty good Western picture. Plenty of dash and pep. Our patrons like Carey and they attended strong. (East.) Playing With Fire — A real live picture that pulled the crowds. (Middle West.) Shattered Dreams — Good picture which brought fine business. (West.) SELZNICK A Man’s Home — Good picture but no special drawing power. Fair business. (Middle West.) Opened strong, but fell off at end of week run. Those who saw it, enjoyed it. (East.) A Man and a Maid — Good comedy drama. Elaine Hammerstein is becoming a favorite with our patrons. (East.) Handcuffs or Kisses — This was a very good picture and the catchy title it bears seems to be a valuable asset. Business was good for the run. (South.) GOLDWYN Theodora — Too spectacular to appeal. Lacks heart interest. Too big. Movie fans like things more personal. Did fairly well but not what we expected. (Middle West.) Very disappointing. Rather a bad failure. People did not seem to enjoy it. Evidently local patrons are getting tired of spectacular films. (Middle West.) One of the most lavish spectacles ever seen here. Played to capacity houses during two weeks run. (Middle West.) Failed to hold up for second week run at advanced prices. (East.) METRO The Conquering Power — Very fine picture. Valentino splendid. Business very good. (East.) Fairly good picture with average box office receipts. (West.) REALART The Speed Girl — Well liked. Crowded houses every performance. (East.) Morals — A good picture but brought only poor business. (Middle West.) VITAGRAPH The Little Minister — Consider this one of the best pictures of the season and played to splendid business in spite of fact that same picture under different production was being played at another theatre nearby. (Middle West.) Fine production. Pleased patrons. Business fair. (West.) Flower of the North — Fair picture. Business quite off. (East.) HODKINSON Jane Eyre — Unusually good picture. True picturization of classic novel. Exceptionally well directed. Business was splendid all week. (Middle West.) The Sin of Marth Queed — Very poor picture. Impossible piot. Patrons laughed at it and asked how long it was made. (East.) R-C PICTURES At the Stage Door — Splendid picture. Business was good. (Middle West.) The Lure of Jade — A good picture and a good box office value. (Middle West.) The Barricade — Kenneth Harlan well liked from recent pictures. Satisfactory program picture. (Middle West.) GRIFFITH The Birth of a Nation — Came as a life saver to start off the new year right. Drew well all week and on last night could not accommodate crowd. Was held over for second week but could not hold entire week though many inquiries were sent us after it was takeh off. (Middle West.;) Did fair business considering its former showings here. (Middle West.) ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS A Sailor-Made Man — Great. One of the best pictures on the market. Our patrons were delighted with it. Some came more than once to see it. (Middle West.) STATE RIGHTS The Parish Priest — Fine. We played to good business although it was the third consecutive week. Had the support of the Bishop. (Middle West.) The Heart of the North — Picture with an interesting plot which pleased our audiences greatly. Played to better than average business. (Middle West.) The Black Panther’s Cub — Went over big for second week. Is powerful picture. (Middle West.) Girls Don’t Gamble — Mediocre picture. Business not very good. (East.) Burn 'Em Up Barnes — A real good picture. Played to extra good business. (East.) Mickey — Did not draw good business for second run. Too many similar pictures presented since. Not believe type that people will see second time. (Middle West.) This “Ann Wife” display teas used hy the Terminal theatre, Neicarh, N. J.