Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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886 From left to right (center) Mayor Cryer, of Los Angeles, Lucille Carlisle, Larry Semon and A. E. Smith, president of Vitagraph, at the ground breaking of the new Semon studio T o Help Rehabilitate Russia Rothacker Names Representative in Moscow; Films to Play Useful Part The rothacker film MANUFACTURING C O M PANY plans to take an important part in the rehabilitation of Russia as soon as political and industrial conditions there permit the launching of the work. As a preparatory step Dr. A. Altschuler, of Moscow, has been appointed as the representative in Russia of the Rothacker Film Manufacturing Company of Chicago, and the RothackerAller Laboratories, Los Angeles. A statement from the Rothacker headquarters in Chicago has the following to say about the plans being made for Russia: “ The rebuilding of Russian industries will be largely a matter of training young men to take the places of the industrial engineers, manager, specialists, who have passed on to a land where Bolshevism is unknown. “ Watterson R. Rothacker was the pioneer practical picture producer and there is no American industry which has not been filmed by the Rothacker organization. From pictures now in the Rothack “ The Prodigal Judge ” er vaults young Russians can be given a comprehensive and practical education in any branch of industry. “ Many of these Rothacker pictures were produced for other than educational purposes, but is is merely a case of re-editing to make them purely educational. “ Simeon Altschuler, who, with J. Wesley Smith, is engaged in the Furnishing Studio Service in Los Angeles, will give these films a preliminary editing in this country. Dr. Altschuler will do the final editing in Russia. “ Dr. Altschuler early foresaw the part the motion pictures of American industries would play in the rehabilitation of Russia. For over a year he has been negotiating with the Rothacker organizations. He is now prepared to import Rothacker pictures on a wholesale scale when the propitious time arrives. “ Incidentally these pictures will accomplish a great deal toward opening a market in Russia for those American products which the Russian students will see manufactured on the silver sheet. “ Dr. Altschuler is a brother of Simeon Altschuler and of Joe Aller, resident head of the RothackerAller Laboratories. He was educated in the University of Moscow and has traveled extensively. During the entire war he was identified with the Russian Red Cross.” Veiller Film May Be Adaptedjfor Stage Bayard Veiller, Metro director and playwright, arrived this week in New York from Hollywood, Calif., in response to inquiries from metropolitan managers concerning bis latest photoplay, “ Sherlock Brown,” with a view to adapting it to the stage. This picture, a comedv-drama, stars Bert Lytell. Motion Picture News Fox Releases for February Tom Mix in “ Chasing the Moon ” Heads Schedule of Five Features FOX FILM CORPORATION’S release schedule for February contains a number of productions rich in dramatic strength, according to announcement issued this week. Heading the list of offerings is a Tom Mix picture, “ Chasing the Moon — a story which provides ample geographic area for the virile star’s dynamic action and adventurous travel. The picture visualizes the romance of a young collegebred millionaire who forsakes the luxuries and refinement of his Eastern home for the more rugged, outdoor life of the open West, and then proceeds to entangle hims If in a series of startling episodes which take him to various parts of the globe. In Russia, in Spain, on the Pacific Ocean, aboard trains and ships, he pursues his way with the desperate speed. Then there are plotters, smugglers and the love of a woman. “ The Broadway Peacock ” is the title of the February release starring Pearl White. The picture was directed by Charles J. Brabin and concerns the love of a Broadway cabaret girl for the only man with whom she ever has been infatuated. His failure to return that love in like measure .creates the situations which make the picture one of intense heart interest. In this pro duction Pearl White, it is said, reaches unusual heights in emotional acting. William Russell’s picture will be “ Strength of the Pines,” a drama j of perilous adventure in the forests of the Northwest. As Bruce Duncan, adopted son of a New York man of wealth, Russell goes into a feud-ridden region of Oregon for the sake of a young woman to whom he is devoted. He encounters perils galore, thanks to the plotting of a timberland gang who aim to rob the girl of her property. The second production in which Maurice Flynn, former Yale foot j ball hero, is starred in a February i release. “ Smiles Are Trump,” is the title, and it depicts the trials of a young assistant paymaster for a ' big railroad. It is packed with sensational action and deeds of daring. Another picture in the February list is “ Little Miss Smiles,” starring Shirley Mason. An A1 St. John comedy, “Straight from the Farm;” two Sunshine Comedies, “ Please Be Careful ” and “West Is West,” and four Mutt and Jeff animated cartoons complete the list. The Mutt and Jeff offerings are “ The Phoney Focus,” “ The Crystal Gazer,” “ Stuck in the Mud ” and “ Too ‘ Much Sap.” tiFi I a MATT. President ROBERT SEU-ECK. VICE-PRESIDENT LE3T0* E. MATT SBC.-T»«A» Strand Photo-Play Company LESTER E. MATT. Manaoer 507-509 SOUTH SAGINAW STREET PHONE 1630 FLINT, MICH.. Jan. 12, 1922. Mr. J. H. Young, Manager, Vitagraph Company, Inc., 401 Joseph Mack Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. My dear Mr. Young, I just completed a four day run at my Strand Theatre, with your James Oliver Curwood Special"Flov/er of the North", and it behooves me to say without any flattery, that this picture surpassed anything I have s'hown during the business depression as a box office attraction. You may pass the good word along to other exhibitors, and refer them to me as to the quality of this picture and the wonderful opportunity, it offers for exploitation. As soon as your next special produotior is ready, kindly get in touch with me providing it is as good as "Flower of the North". In closing I wish to congratulate you and the Vitagraph Company on having such an excellent production as "Flower of the North". LEM/BR Yours very truly, St pejid Theatre