Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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February 11, 1922 1051 THE CARBON FOR PERFECT PROJECTION PINK LABEL CARBONS The reliable Pink Label “ELECTRA” carbon has been on the market ever since the beginning of the moving picture industry, and has always maintained supremacy as the world’s standard projector carbon. ELECTRA NEGA COPPER COATED NEGATIVE CARBONS This remarkable product represents the most scientific development of the metal coated, negative carbon. It has many advantages over ordinary negative carbons. WHITE A. C. LOWER CARBON FOR ALTERNATING CURRENT A supreme quality white flame carbon made expressly for use as a lower trim for alternating current. In combination with the Standard Pink Label, “ ELECTRA ” cored carbon as uppers, they give a brilliant pure white light. Recommended where the usual humming noise of the alternating current arc is objectionable. HUGO REISINGER 11 BROADWAY, NEW YORK SERVICE Projection — Ventilating — Heating — Fire Prevention Theatre Furnishings — Construction Material — Music Motion Picture News is in a position to advise any theatre owner on any equipment problem. We are in contact with all the manufacturers. Our Technical Department is at your service. Consult us if you need advice or help.