Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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February 18, 1922 1133 Intimate Views of Pius! XI KZ.VwTlr'snDc,mand International News No. II Contains Scenes of Funeral of Benedict XV for^ Anchor Product Fontenelle Film Co. Buys “His Nibs” LL. HILLER, the President of “ His Nibs ” • Syndicate, Inc., has notified the Exceptional Pictures Corporation, producers of “ His Nibs, in which Charles (Chic) Sale has transferred his protean art to to screen, that he has disposed of the Nebraskan and Iowan rights to this feature to Max Wintroub, of the Fontenelle Film Company, of Omaha, Neb. Mr. Wintroub is one of the most important factors in the better pictures movement throughout the Middle West. He has been in the state right field for the past six years, and has given even the smallest exhibitor his personal and careful attention, spending most of his time out in the field conferring with the exhibitors regarding their bookings, their likes and dislikes. AN intimate moving-picture portrait of Cardinal Ratti, who has just been elected Pope Pius XI, is the high spot in International News Release No. 11, just issued. The portrait of the new pope elected on Monday of course was not taken since he became pope, but was taken by International at a previous conclave and represents him in his cardinal robes. There are also views of an exclusive scene of the funeral cortege of the late pope within the Vatican and the arrival of the members of the Sacred College of Cardinals to cast their ballots for the new head of the Catholic Church. In addition, there are also shown some exceptionally fine views of the successful termination of the Disarmament Conference in Washington. The representatives of the various powers are depicted signing the momentous five-power treaty and President Harding is shown addressing the delegates at the conclusion of the parley. Of less international import, the British troops are shown leaving Ireland. Reminiscent of the former splendor of the German army are the views of Argentine’s army “ goose-stepping ” by in review. A unique wedding ceremony of Seminole Indians is taken in the picturesque Florida Everglades. For the animal lovers there is a 500year-old turtle captured in the Florida surf, a dog team race over New England’s snow clad hills and prize winning Persian cats in the Chicago Cat Show. John A. Kent, the new Eastern Sales Representative of Anchor Film Distributors, of Los Angeles, has been busy during the past week screening some of the pictures of Ins firm to state right buyers. The New York state and Northern New Jersey rights to “ The Heart of Lincoln ” and “ Another Man’s Boots ” have been sold, reports Mr. Kent, and many inquiries have been received concerning the new series of which he is daily expecting prints. Anchor Film Distributors is headed by Morris Schlank, one of the pioneer picture producers, and associated with him is Ben Wilson, the well-known independent producer. Now in production are a series of Peggy O’Day, race horse features, Jack Perrin sea stories, Alice Howell single reel comedies, and others. Mr. Kent expects to leave in the very near future on a sales tour of the principal key cities. At present he can be reached at the offices of the Arrow Film Corporation. Business Better in West I Interesting Press Book on “David and Jonathan” In the form of a periodical bearing the title “ Exhibitor’s Guide,” Second National Pictures Corporation has issued an interesting and practical press book for the first release, “ David and Jonathan.” The front page, in orange and black, producing a three color effect, carries a cut representing the burning of a ship at sea. The second page is taken up with three cuts, one, two and three column, which are supplied to exhibitors. The third page contains the story, taken from the popular novel by E. Temple Thurston and the photoplay itself. The fourth page is devoted to exploitation, beginning with directions from the conducting of a teaser campaign in the newspaper and offering suggestions for novel and effective lobby “ stunts,” tie-ups, etc. The fifth page is filled with ready-to-use advance notices, reviews, last day notices and newspaper paragraphs. On the sixth page are teaser lines and catch lines for the program, two short newspaper stories and one long one dealing with the manner in which the fight between Jonathan and a leopard was arranged and carried out. The seventh page presents the New Eddie Lyons Comedy Is “Keep Moving” Arrow Film Corporation announces that “Keep Moving” is the title of the Sixth Eddie Lyons Comedy in two reels shortly to be published. Reports from the territories indicate that Eddie Lyons, both as director and star, is more and more in demand than ever with the exhibitor and the public. Of the twelve two-reel supercomedies Eddie Lyons is making for Arrow’s distribution half of them are prepared : for the remaining six the demand is so great that the production has to be rushed with all possible speed at Los Angeles. Goodstein Expl Buys Rights to T OSEPH J. GOODSTEIN, President of the Arrow Photoplays Company of Denver, who is in New York City this week on a business trip, states that in his opinion conditions are showing a slight improvement in the Western States. Mr. Goodstein, who is one of the most energetic representatives of the motion picture industry, says that while the change noted is gradual it shows a substantial improvement. He believes that another six months will reflect a decided trend toward better times for the exhibitor. Mr. Goodstein has built up a wonderful organization for his territory. Jimmie Moran, who was associated with the Universal Film Company for several years is manager of the Salt Lake territory; Charles Zagrams, who is also secretary of Mr. Goodstein’s organization has charge of the Denver district, assisting Mr. ains Conditions ; Arrow Product Goodstein. Mr. Goodstein opened the Seattle offices about six months ago. Barney Shooker is sales manager in the Denver offices. A. H. Hout is in charge of publicity and exploitation and also manager of the Seattle offices. Besides his organization in Denver, Mr. Goldstein is owner of the Pal theatre, Pueblo, and the Pal theatre of Philadelphia. On his trip to New York, Mr. Goodstein visited the New York offices of the Arrow Film Corporation and purchased twelve special tworeel Eddie Lyons Comedies, known as the “Big Twelve”; fourteen Broadway Comedies featuring Eddie Barry, twelve five-reel Westerns starring Jack Hoxie; “The Girl From Porcupine” and two additional features to be produced in the near future. Mr. Goodstein also bought for his Denver territory “The Deceiver,” starring Carol Halloway. Selig Serial Soon Ready Nine Episodes of “ Jungle Goddess ” Completed at West Coast Studios at COL. WM. N. SELIG’S new wild animal serial, “ The Jungle Goddess,” in which Eliner Field and Truman Van Dyke are costarred, will be ready for release soon, according to Mr. Louis Auerbach of the Export & Import Film Company, Inc., world distributors of this chapter picture. Production at the coast studios is now proceeding according to schedule. Delay occasioned by the unlooked for frost, which seriously hindered the taking of wild animal scenes, has been made up for by constant night work. Director Conway has now finished the ninth episode of Agnes Johnston and Frank Dazey’s thrill drama. Work on chapters ten, eleven and twelve is rapidly nearing completion. It is understood that the accessories for the serial are being rushed to be in readiness for an early release of “ The Jungle Goddess.” The posters for the first six episodes are now ready as are the lobby display photographs for the first four chapters. Slides, heralds, banners, etc., will be available within one week. Material for a thirty-two page multi-colored press-book with exploitation and exhibitor aids, reproductions of posters, cuts, lobby photographs, and a complete newspaper campaign is now being assembled. “The Jungle Goddess,” it is said, will be backed by extensive newspaper publicity in addition to the trade paper advertising now going on. The former has been withheld to prevent its appearance before the serial is ready for the exhibitor and the public. “Torchy’s Frameup” at New York Criterion “Torchy’s Frameup,” a “ Torchy ” Comedy released by Educational, was shown at the Criterion 1 heatre^ beginning Sunday, Feb. 5. Ihis ‘ Torchy ” Comedy was booked for an indefinite run. This follows a two-week run of Educational s Ride on a Runaway 1 rain,’ which was shown at the Criterion for its fourth Broadway engagement. “Jungle Goddess” Scenarists in N. Y. Agnes Johnston and Frank Dazey, who collaborated in the preparation of the story and scenario for Col. Selig’s new wild animal serial, “The Jungle Goddess,” which the Export & Import Film Co., Inc., is state righting, arrived in New York this week from the coast, for a conference with Mr. Louis Auerbach, of this company, regarding the final episodes of the serial. The two scenarists it is understood are working in close cooperation with Col. Selig, in the production of the serial, being constantly on hand while the “ shooting ” is in progress in order to offer any impromptu ideas which present themselves. £ “ The Great Alone ” Makes Rapid Progress Isadore Bernstein, head of the West Coast Film Corporation, reports rapid progress with the big Monroe Salisbury feature, “ The Great Alone.” The new fifteen-year-old star, “ Draga,” is said to be doing remarkable work in support of Monroe Salisbury. Jules Jacquard, the director, has assembled an all star cast for this production, and has enlisted the services of Alfred Allen, Walter Law, Laura Anson, and many others.