Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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February 25, 1922 1181 THE MONTH w\ 1. be* ,e*‘ Jf\k r mu«W «** very T*** W^-% mli30>e V^>8 1 -V ot the Vi® Tbe h»slor^-lCt>jre»^vot **^>1 \\* ^plp tBU« . 1 K| ' ivXSUl "^'.Tn CrCli MBion.'VeB **'d wJ^nb\\ ot^^GVor^s 53>,su rlb iPa Ml jss* ****** 1» ^-SnfSS.s^s. fa Qi\i*hU„ ,« C1 TV. yoo »* „ oront^1* THE STORY of ■: r 200.000 Mil.HS OF i BNTBKEMNMHW; 7t n™» '^iw £\ar« Ati°H CFFEBR ;BSABT MnrtvE Slow oll^ l\/fARCH will be the biggest month in the history of the industry. paba*1' iBAtBBB TBtSBtB This is the tenth anniversary of the birth of the feature picture. In 1912 Adolph Zukor presented Sarah Bernhardt in “Queen Elizabeth,” and out of that has grown the mighty industry which supplies the chief entertainment of the entire world. So the whole country will join in the celebration of Paramount’s Tenth Birthday. Three full pages in the Saturday Evening Post, and advertising in 906 newspapers, will start the public looking for theatres showing Paramount Pictures. Five million souvenir booklets, given free to exhibitors for distribution, supply the direct theatre tie-up with the national advertising. **■ °ST Get in on this nation-wide celebration 1 fl FAMOUS PLAYERSLAS KY CORPORATION ») ADOLPH ZUKOR Pw.drmt ANNIVERSARY