Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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1191 February 25, 1922 I LILLIAN “BILLIE" DOVE MACEY HARLAM VIRGINIA LEE GEORGE FAWCETT ■■£&(/ yp«l ROSE COGHLAN EDMUND BREESE A young girl at a Fifth Avenue Ball sends this message to a millionaire who loves theladies— a barber passing as a count — an ex-convict in a trusted post — a lovely typist posing as an heiress. Just imagine what happened. Bedlam broke loose. Lovers quarrelled. Husbands and wives bickered. Impostors fled. And the millionaire was shot! The unravelling of the crime and the romance of the lovers makes an enthralling screen masterpiece. Play this hit. It’s the “clean up picture” you’ve been hoping for. DIANA ALLEN o4n R-C PICTURE HUNTLY GORDON