Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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1210 Motion Picture News Let's Go! The Big Week is here at last! Here’s where Franchise holders drive home the fact that the franchise gives them absolute ownership in their community of a steady supply of the best pictures with the biggest stars. Keep Your Eye on This Li MARSHALL NEILAN’S “PENROD” with FRECKLES BARRY MACK SENNETT’S “MOLLY O” with MABEL NORMAND Selig-Rork’s “THE ROSARY” ANITA STEWART In “Her Mad Bargain” Thomas H. Ince’s “HAIL THE WOMAN” RICHARD BARTHELMESS in “The Seventh Day” J. L. Frothingham’s “SHATTERED IDOLS” KATHERINE MACDONALD in “The Beautiful Liar” King Vidor’s “LOVE NEVER DIES” H. O. Davis’s “THE SILENT CALL” MACK SENNETT’S “By Heck” SENNETT-TURPIN “Bright Eyes” You Can Bet That This is the Waj 1