Motion Picture News (Jan-Feb 1922)

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1282 Motion Picture New Jackie Coogan and the giant spot light used in his studio Installations of Barton Organs F. W. Fischer, who owns a string of theatres comprising the cities of LaSalle, 111., Kewanee, 111., and Madison, \\ is., has recently purchased the Grand Opera House building in Appleton, Wis. Mr. Dan Barton of the Bartola Musical Instrument Co., has personally laid out an organ installation which will rank with the best in the State of Wisconsin. A large model Barton Organ will be installed in the proscenium. The instrument will have a special instrumentation to provide for all orchestral effects. Mr. Fischer’s entire circuit of theatres is equipped with Barton Musical Instruments. John Herziger installed a large model Barton Organ in his Orpheum Theatre at Menasha, Wis., one year ago and has made a special feature of the organ music featuring Mr. T. D. Waiss, a prominent theatre organist. The Barton Organ has been such an attraction in the Orpheum Theatre, that Mr. Herziger is now installing a Barton Organ of even larger size than the Menasha instrument in his theatre at Neenah, Wis. The organ is a three manual instrument and will cost $18,000. The new $400,000 theatre which will soon open at Kenosha, Wis., will be equipped with the latest model Barton Organ. This instrument is fitted with a new organ invention 1 HE DI\ IDED MANUAL. The installation will be on each side of the stage in especially prepared organ lofts. A complete orchestral division in the organ has been provided, giving the instrumentation of a large symphony orchestra. The Barton Organ will be made a teature of the beautiful new theatre. Largest Spot Light in Studio Work Property of Jackie Coogan The 20th Century mode of lighting in motion picture studios is indeed one of perfection. This has been evinced in the completion recently of the largest spot light to be used in studio lighting work. Jackie Coogan, the screen star, is the proud owner of the lamp which was purchased by the Coogan organization. The lamp was manufac tured by the United Studios in Hollywoc under the personal direction of Walter Strohr the electrical engineer of the studio plant. It. is 110 volts and 150 amperes. It is autc matically fed and will carry a light 10 mil* distant. With reflectors, it will send a paralh ray a distance of 20 miles. Jackie Coogan is a very sincere student o electricity. When he grows, up he tells th studio folks he wants to be an electrician. Th moment he completes a scene he rushes off tthis huge lamp and tests its many controls turns the lights all around the huge interio stage and takes great pleasure in telling visi tors just how it works. “The Kid” can rui the lamp with the skill of any electrician I is being used in all the future Jackie Coogat productions. Your Patrons’ Comfort It is now time for the exhibitor to consider the advisability of installing a venmating system. The public of to-day demands a great deal and the exhibitor who can best meet the demands of this public will naturally obtain the greater success. The Motion Picture News would be very glad to cooperate with any exhibitor in helping him make a decision on ventilating systems. We offer you our engineering services. Newark Movie Operators Ball Moving Picture Operators Local 244 helc their annual entertainment and ball on Saturday, Feb. 4th in the Armor} at Newark, N. J A number of movie stars including Vera Gor don, Frank .Mayo, Dolores Cassinelli and Priscilia Dean attended the affair. Grand march led by Harry L. Spencer, assistant president of I. A. T. S. E., and Vera Gordon, Frank Mayo, Mrs. Wm. Francke. Invited guests included Harrv L. Spencer assistant president of I. A. T. S. E. ; James R Cameron, author of Motion Ficture Projection; U m. Francke, Simplex Machine Co. ; Dick De Martin, business agent Local 233 Buffalo; Sam Kaplan, president Local 306, N. Y. C. ; Hariy Sherman, secretary Local 306, N. Y. C.’ AIusic by 113th Infantry Band and Wm Dorns Orchestra. Entertainment of eight headline acts from the Newark Theatres started 8 p. m. Dancing from 10 till 3 a. m. Arrangements made by Lou Kaufman, business agent of Newark Local. Bill in Legislature Relates Solely to Projectionists The first bill relating to motion pictures to be introduced at the present session of the New York state legislature was handed in the past week by Assemblyman Joseph D. McKee af New York. The bill relates solely to motion picture operators. It seeks to amend the general city law relative to the licensing of such persons. The bill provides, among other things, that a permit can be issued to any person over 18 years of age desiring to serve as an apprentice to a licensed operator, but that the apprentice is not to be permitted to operate any apparatus except under the personal supervision of a licensed operator. Furthermore the bill provides that no license can be granted to an applicant unless that person has served an apprenticeship of at least six months with a licensed operator, or that he has had at least six months’ experience as an operator in a theatre or place of public assemblage. — GRANT.