Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1929)

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October 5. 19 29 1279 MANACf RJ' ROUND TABLE CLUB E.E. Bair Always Springs New Ones At His Theatres Our good friend, E. E. Bair, Manager of the State Theatre, East Liverpool, Ohio, offers a mighty good suggestion. In this photograph show^ "^^— ^^^ ing the "poor" business at the State Theatre in a fine night shot, you will notice how his upright sign stands out so prominently. Well, E. E.'s idea was after taking his photograph that he could get a fine looking signature cut for a newspaper ad. and the accompanying a d shows how he used this idea to good advantage. This is a mighty good suggestion, and if there is some sign on your theatre that lends itself to this idea, why not take advantage of it? We also want you all to take a look an another angle of the usher advertising idea which Mr. Bair recently used in the form of a regular newspaper ad. Mr. Bair informs us that Mr. B. C. Bailey, connected with the local newspaper staff, was entirely responsible for this ad, and it . gives the R O U N D TABLE CLUB great pleasure in p u b 1 i c I y crediting him with the fine work that he is doing in co-operation with Mr. Bair. You probably all recall the fine usher card angle which we received originally from Mr. Bair, and this is right in line with the same idea, we suggest that you take advantage of it as soon as you can. (YOUR USHER SPEAKING) ladles and Gentlemen Dae la the Tremendoas Crowds I Advue You to Came Early "or Vmo i onrr, . Thr nuuugrmcul H., A... . Elf«t*eNw, 3 Shows Every Night 6:00 8:00 10:00 P.M. Thu Will Perm,! Eve™ One to See This Fint AU Natural Color, Singing. Talking and Dancing Senaabon "On With The Show" Wn*h I Thr Word On Evri, Ton[ur , Town Tnrrr*. A Good Contra, Too Co to the STATE Tonight— Earl- It is damned good advertising, and I am sure Mr. Bair, would gladly tell you where to get the cut that goes with it. Write him direct to the State or American Theatre, East Liverpool, Ohio. Thank you for your usual co-operation, and we are grateful fur this opportunity of passing along another of your fine ideas. Let's hear from you again very soon. "Don't Be A Step-Child" I made a little trip to a theatre not far from New York last week-end because I had heard of some fine exploitation being engineered and felt that since the manager of the house was a member of the Club he should certainly tell me why he had failed to send in some of the details of his campaigns. After meeting this manager (the first time I had the pleasure) we spent a mighty interesting hour chatting about the business in general and his theatre in particular. When I brought up the primary object of my visit he was very frank to tell me: — "I didn't think anyone would want to waste good magazine space on anything I had to say. I've always thought that a manager had to be a 'big shot' or connected with one of the large chains in order to get something printed in a trade paper." Now that I have convinced this manager that he was all wrong to entertain any such impression, I hasten to shout to the show-world at large and every manager and showman in the business that as far as the MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE CLUB OF MOTION PICTURE XEWS is concerned no one is a "step child " Our Club pages are just as wide open for the "little" guy as well as the bigger boys. As a truthful statement of fact, I, personally, would sooner give space on these pages to the little fellows than the big ones. And I'm sure that the big boys won't feel peeved at my saying so because we can all learn something new from some of the managers in the smaller theatres and towns. Get wise you showmen and don't keep yourself a deep, dark secret. Here is the medium for everybody to come out in the open and make themselves known to the whole industry. If more and more showmen every day were not agreeing with our viewpoint, why would we be increasing the number of pages so often? We said it and we repeat it: We are — "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL." And How—!!! Manager E. M. Prendergast, of the Lyric Theatre, in Port Maria, Jamaica, B. W. I., hastens to acknowl <•" The Real Club Spirit! All For One And One For Air Prendergast Is Proud Of His Club Membership edge our entering him as a *__ member of the M A N AGERS' ROUND TABLE CLUB by assuring us that any contributions he can make up will be forthcoming very shortly. Mr. Prendergast was very proud to receive his attractive .Membership Certificate and promises us, in the very near future, a photograph of the certificate hanging on the wall of his office.