Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1929)

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December 28,1929 M o t i o n Picture .V 45 MANAGE!?*' POUND TABLE CLUB Harry Stearn Gives Advt. A Local Slant With Fine Results Harry D. Stearn, manager of the Capitol Theatre for Wilmer and Vincent, in Reading, Pa., used exceptionally good judgment in tying in the local football ^ ^ ■" —— squad with the picture "Forward Pass." In this accompanying ad which we show here, which ran approximately four columns by 10 in., you will note how he superimposed a picture YOU'LL STAND UP AND CHEER' afORWAM> PASS Douglas Fairbanks. Jr. Loretta Young Own WllllKll lid LJM CI of the entire squad announcing that they would be at the theatre on the Monday night that the picture played there. In addition you will notice the small ad whereby he ties in the captain of the team with a special small teaser ad which undoubtedly created a tremendous amount of interest in the football squad, the attraction and the theatre. In surrounding the attraction and the special Albright night at the Capitol, most of the students attended in a body and the college cheer leaders led them in the different college songs and cheers. The picture and the invitation night was also announced at their game the Saturday previous to the special night over the football stadium public address system and at the same time 5,000 heralds had been handed to all of those attending the game and banners placed at all the entrances. On the night of the special performance the Albright College Band played at the break of the show at nine o'clock and then turned over the stage to the cheer leaders for about ten minutes which in itself made this a mighty fine tieup and business booster for the theatre. Not content with this one tieup, he made a similar tieup with the Reading High School who boast of a student body of close to 2,500, and on another night with the West Reading High School. All of these tie ups are productive of a tremendous amount of local interest, besides attracting all this attention to the theatre itself, and we are certain that Harry has scooped the rest of the boys in Reading on football attractions on the way he has handled this one. And knowing some of the gang out there in Reading, he has got to step some to get ahead of them. We do not want to close this story without letting you see a fine looking float which Harry had made up to exploit "Big Time" and you must admit that it hands out a little different slant from the general run of floats on this particular attraction. The tying in of the big clock which, of course, has no bearing on the picture itself, is however, sufficiently attractive to make folks know that there is a picture that they should see at the Capitol. Thank you, Harry, and you can certainly rest assured that we do like to know what you are doing out your way and we are sure that many of the other members and read Will He Cite the Siful Foraud Pui Tb't Afltir will he ■! the Cipilgl tujjht te tee „,!„N oon'H* Momli, THE o F I W A R D P S is i ll-l HiicFABUUIE HITH . St. Douglas Fairhank Loretta Youn NEXT WEEK CAPITOL THEATRE J WATCH THESE DATES: Jan. 8th, Battle Of New Orleans (La.) Jan. 19th, Robt. E. Lee's Birthday. Feb. 12th, Lincoln's Birthday. Feb. 12th, Georgia Day (Ga.) Feb. 14th, St. Valentine's Day Feb. 22nd Washington's Birthday. Plus those usual local dates and events. # * * M. R. T. C. ers of our pages will find much to interest them in your most recent contribution. We sincerely trust that you will continue to keep us posted on this fine exhibit of showmanship and at the same time we would like to have you know that we consider you one of our most active members. Best regards to the rest of the boys in Reading, and let's hope I can make good my promise to get in town and meet you all personally. The Real Club Spirit! "All For One And One For All"