Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1930)

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October 4 , 1930 .1/ alio n 1' i c t it i ,■ Y i w i 2" Sound Equipment Costs to be Lowered Due to Economies, Otterson Promises "Just Imagine" San Diego — Fox's "Just Imagine," previewed here, met with great approval. The novel theme of the talker gained much favorable comment. The performance of El Brendel is great, and the De Sylva, Brown Henderson song numbers most pleasing. CROUCH Met. Studios and Christies Form New Corporation Hollywood — To fortify the financial standing of both, Christie Film Co. has been merged with Metropolitan Sound Studios into a $10,000,000 corporation called Metropolitan Christie Pictures Corp. Charles H. Christie is president and William S. Holam general manager of the new firm, which will make features and comedies. The merger will not change the policy of Metropolitan studios. Famous Adds 3 More Houses in Canada Toronto — Three more Toronto theatres have been added to the group owned or controlled by Famous Players. Premier Theatres. Ltd.. affiliated with the latter, has acquired the Rogers Road, Major-St. Clair and Mount Dennis theatres and Western Electric installations have been made. Programs are changed every two days. There are now 29 suburban houses in Toronto owned or operated by Famous PlayersPublix and affiliated companies. New British Color System Makes Its London Debut London — Initial demonstration of the new Raycol color process reveals technical workings of a system which requires only an ordinary camera with special lens and filters, said to cost no more than $60. The process consists of taking two images, one above the other, on each frame. Each image is photographed through a color filter, and is then projected through the special lens. 3-Year Operator Pact At Oklahoma City Oklahoma City — Both Publix and Warner theatres have signed contracts with the operators granting $5 per week increase in wages to be spread over a period of three years. Negotiations are progressing with the stagehands and other employees. M-G-M Borrows Le Roy Hollywood — Mervyn Le Roy has been loaned to M-G-M by First National to direct "Two Little Girls Together," a story bv Mildred Cram. ERPI President Hits "Bootleg" Equipments; 5,000 U. S. Installations Electrical Research Products is operating on a controlled profit basis and economies effected in manufacture of sound reproducing equipment have been and will continue to be passed on to exhibitors. This was the promise made Wednesday by John E. Otterson, president of Electrical Research, at an informal luncheon to members of the trade press. The company set a maximum profit of JO per cent when it started in the theatre equipment business. At no time has its margin of profit exceeded that figure, and usually has been considerably less, the ERPI chief said. However, as rapidly as the cost of manufacture of equipment is lowered the price to theatres will be dropped proportionately, Otterson declared. Hils "Bootleg" Equipment Otterson hit "bootleg" equipments and said that one-half of the company's business now is in replacing unsatisfactory equipments. The company has nearly 5,000 installations out of the nation's possibilities, which he said total but 14,000. Credit to the extent of $20,000,000 has been extended to exhibitors, Otterson declared. The ERPI president paid tribute to the speed with which producers and exhibitors "changed their business over night" to meet the demands of sound. 'ErnV Expanding Acoustics Service Expansion of its theatre acoustics department to meet demands for its services outside the theatre field has been completed by Electrical Research Products, with Sidney K. Wolf, head of the theatre acoustics department, as director. Promises Savings The Armistice Fighting hombres in the theatre field this week laid down the cudgels in the never-ending battle against daylight saving, and neatly tucked them away in moth balls until next spring, when the tilt is expected to continue. The lost hour, in most spots, was regained early in the week. Hunter Invents Magnachrome for Wide Pictures Hollywood — Magnachrome, wide film effect, which puts two images on one frame of standard film, giving a ratio of two to one, has been developed by C. Roy Hunter, Universal technical expert. The film has two instead of four sprocket holes on the frame. The shutter speed is increased from 90 to ISO feet per minute. When the image is projected through the special lens it is twice as wide as it is high. Special film evidently is used as the grain is not apparent. Stallman Named District Manager at Wilmington Wilmington — J. L. Stallman of Philadelphia has succeeded B. D. Cockrill as district manager of Warner theatres here. The latter has gone to York, Pa., where he will direct affairs of the Nathan Appell chain which Warners recently acquired. Stallman has charge of the Queen, Arcadia, Savoy, Aldine, Garrick and Grand Opera House. Stallman has been with the Stanley firm for ten years. Cabanne to Direct Buck Jones Film for Columbia Hollywood — Buck Jones' next outdoor talker will be directed by Christy Cabanne, Columbia having just placed the latter under contract for the one picture, "Dawn Trail." Another assignment on the Columbia lot gives direction of Barbara Stanwyck's new film to Lionel Barrymore. Three to Be Starred for Work in "Just Imagine" Hollywood — Three Fox players are to achieve stardom as a result of their work in "Just Imagine." They are El Brendel, John Garrick and Maureen O'Sullivan. JOHN E. OTTERSON Lonergan a Paramount Director Hollywood — Lester Lonergan, whose experience in the theatre covers about thirtyfive years in directing, acting and writing capacities, has been added to the directorial staff at Paramount.