Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1930)

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CONSISTENCY A good comedy now and then is a good thing. But a good one on every show is a far better thing. You can get an occasional good one almost anywhere. But that isn't enough. It's consistency that counts . . . that makes your patrons walk up to your boxoffice confident of enjoying your whole show. IMA T BITE VOIR »EVriST"-MACK SEN. S'ETT goes back to slam-bang omedy with a vengeance in in uproarious, fast-moving tieture featuring Andy Clyde, daphne Pollard, Patsy yiearyandLincolnStedman. The Film Daily says it's 'a corker." And the Film )aily is 100 per cent right! DIVORCED SWEETHEARTS'* — Divorced but still in love. Double-crossed by his "best friend" and tricked bv a nosev aunt. One of MACK SENNETTS smartest ultra-modern laugh gems. With a fine cast including Daphne Pollard, Ann Christy, and Charles Iricin. „.. BRACKET CHEERS" A brilliant satire on the racketeering theme, with a m ile-a-minute hairraisingfinish that brings out most of the big PaciBc fleet. One of the most impressive comedies MACK SENNETT has made in many months, with Andy Clyde, Daphne Pollard, Charles Irtcin, Marjorie Beebe and Patsy O'feary all contributing to the fun. -LOVE A LA >IODE"-Love and laughs in the modern mode. A beautiful country club setting. Romance in the air. A big deal at stake. And then he picked the wrong girl! A MERMAID COMEDY that features Bernard Granville and lives up to the famous MERMAID standard for laughs and speed. "SCOTCH HIGHBALL"-Every PAIL TKHII Y-TOn.\ tries to out-do fits forerunners in laughs. Watch the rec«l "IIMSH STKU \ "FRIED < IIU KE>*\ "JUMPIXC HEAIVS" and, now, "SCOTCH HIGH HALL". Every one faster and funnier. And more .popular with the millions of cartoon fans. "Ml HAREM" ,Just two American boys trying to see the world. But they never dreamed of seeing anything like this. And they almost lose an eye or two before they trap the villains and save the day, and the harem beauties, for themselves. An 'IDEALCOMEDY featuring Lee Moran and James Bradbury, Jr. "WON BY A NECK"*Wins in a walk away for LLOYD HAMILTON who has never had a funnier role in talking comedies than this new one where he plays a correspondence school detective who blunders his way through a thousand laughs to the capture of dangerous "One Shot Louie."