Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1930)

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.V ov cm ber 2 2 , 1 930 M o l i o n P i c t it r c N e w 33 Zoning Plan Sunk as Illinois Showmen Sign Up for Product Under Old Terms Gets "City Lights" Hollywood — Charles Chaplin plans to play his synchronized picture, "City Lights,'* in Publix key city houses, but to the highest bidders elsewhere. The picture is to have its premiere here New Year's Eve. Long term deal between United Artists and Publix keys will send the picture to the Publix houses. Spurt in United Amusements' Net Shown in Report Montreal — Evidence of real prosperity is found in the annual financial statement, just issued, of United Amusements, Ltd., operating 20 theatres in the Province of Quebec. The report, which is for the fiscal year ended Aug. 30, shows an increase in net earnings from $3.41 to $3.75 per common share and an increase in the surplus account from $610,828 to $724,200. Xet profit of $296,452 compares with $270,440, which was registered one year ago. Propertv account was increased bv $278,666 to a total of $3,111,224. It is pointed out that current assets do not include investments in other enterprises shown at $422,500. The company now has outstanding a total of 74,137 shares. United Amusements, Ltd.. which is owned principally by residents of Montreal, operates 17 theatres in Montreal, two in Lachine and one in Sherbrooke. The company is now building another theatre in Montreal. Ernest A. Cousins of Montreal is president and George Nicholas Ganetakos is managing director. Kane Sailing Robert T. Kane is booked on the He de France, which sails Friday night for Paris. He is returning to Paramount's studio at Joinville. where the company is producing multi-lingual talkers. It is reported, but unconfirmed, that production will be trimmed, but published yarns that the project will be entirely abandoned are understood to be without foundation. Plans Hollywood Operetta Hollywood — Oscar Straus is planning an operetta based on Hollywood. He has completed scores for three pictures. "A Lady of Morals." "Daybreak" and "The Danube Waltz." and is going back to Vienna for premiere of one of his new operettas. Thomas in Para. Pictorial Lowell Thomas is featured in the current issue of the Paramount Pictorial, recentlyinaugurated screen magazine. Thomas speaks nightly over the radio in the Literary Digest Hour. Independents' Booking Body And Exchanges Satisfied With Situation Chicago — An Illinois zoning plan, approved by both distributors and exhibitors, definitely became a lost hope for another season at least with the completion of independent buying here this week. The Illinois independents' booking organization, and independent exhibitors not members of that booking unit, have their contracts for the year's product all signed and on file. Nothing, now, could induce them to approve a new plan of release and protection which would nullify those contracts and usurp them with new ones less advantageous. Motion Picture News was told. "The fact that our buying is done and our contracts on record is indication enough that the deals were satisfactory to the exchanges," said a spokesman for the independent booking organization. "Release and protection in all these contracts is exactly as it was last year and as it has been for many years before. We're satisfied with things as they are and, apparently, so are the exchanges. "If the independents approve a new zoning plan now," he continued, "it means that we agree to scrap the contracts we have just made and with which we are entirely satisfied in favor of something which we have every reason to believe would be less advantageous to ourselves. How likely do you imagine that is?" Independent approval of the new zoning plan would scrap the existing contracts, as these contracts carry a clause which specifies that the provisions of any new zoning plan approved by all the distributors and all the exhibitors in the territory will immediately prevail over the existing provisions for release and protection. Starts Second Comedy Mack Stark placed the second of his Simple Simon comedies featuring Louis Simon in production Thursday at the Ideal Studios in Hudson Heights. N. J., with direction in the hands of Mort Blumenstock. "Radio Madness" is the working title of the new two-reeler, which is an original story by William A. Grew, adapted by Grew and Rube Welch. In a Jam Los Angeles — Paying alimony to two wives is something of a problem in these days of unemployment, particularly when one has only $100 and no job, take it from Luther Reed. The director outlined his tough predicament in petitioning the court to reduce the alimony of his ex-wife, Naomi Childers, to $50 monthly, and of Jocelyn Lee, another ex-, to $75 monthly. In addition, he has been cited for contempt in action brought by Mrs. Reed No. 1, and must answer the charge Nov. 30. Real Charity Free noonday meals for the unemployed is the charitable contribution being made in the present situation by Julius Levine at his Brass Rail, popular eating place of film men at Seventh Ave., near 50th St. The initial day, more than 1,500 jobless partook of Levine's hospitality. Independents in Chicago Escape Score Charges l bicago — Illinois independents' booking organization completed its buying this week after arranging a rather novel price agreement with all exchanges. Aaron Saperstein, buyer for the unit, met with representatives of the exchanges and, after computing prices on individual films, offered a flat rate per picture, based on an average cost price, for the entire product of every company with whom he was negotiating. An average uniform figure for each picture was agreed upon. This buying method permitted the independents to contract for Warner and First National product without specifically paying a score charge, which the independents bad declared emphatically they would not do, and which Warners, just as emphatically, had declared either they would or else go without Warner and First National product. Thus the resolves and dignity of both parties were preserved. The independents are satisfied with the uniform flat rate per picture which they will pay, and nothing is said about a score charge in their contracts. On the other hand. Warners and First National are just as satisfied with the price they received, which would indicate that they consider it ample to cover score charges, even though they are not specified in the contracts. Bobbins Returns J. J. Robbins. head of Robbins Music Corp., affiliated with M-G-.M. returns today from Europe where he negotiated deals with Keith-Prowse & Co., Ltd., Alberti and Francis Day Co., these firms to represent the Robbins interests in England, ( iermany and France, respectively. Julian Abeles, attorney for the music corporation accompanied Robbins. Robbins announced that conditions abroad "were satisfactory, with American music still a great favorite of Europeans, due in a large measure to the success of the talker." New Representative for Big 4 Milwaukee — William Aschmann, former Pathe branch manager, has been appointed Big 4 sales representative out of the Capitol Pictures at Omaha.