Motion Picture News (Oct-Dec 1930)

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November 22, 1930 Motion Picture News 43 Critics Boost "Up the River" to $36,200 in Chi Chicago — "Skimmed-milk'' business ran into its second week in the Loop with only a couple of houses getting a taste of the cream. In the more or less active group was the Roosevelt, which got $36,200 (124%) from "Up the River" in its first ten days. Swell reviews steered the crowds in and business held fairly steadily. Palace had another big week, getting $26,650. Though "Big Money," the feature, caught nice reviews, the bulk of the "above-average" business is credited to the Marx Brothers, who headed the stage show. "Lottery Bride" got a nice $24,200 at the United Artists, and "The Squealer" finished its second week at the Woods with $15,600, less than two grand off from the first week. Oriental also did well in getting $37,400 with "Her Wedding Night." The little spots, Castle and Punch & Judy, were also strong. "Big Trail" fell to $24,600 in its third week at McVickers and was replaced by "Feet First." "Check and Double Check" finished three weeks at the State-Lake with $21,200, a little more than a ten grand drop from the second week, and less than half of the first week's gross. Fox's Monroe Theatre, running the first double feature program to be offered by a Loop theatre, had its worst week in a history that includes plenty of bad ones. Estimated takings: "A DEVIL WITH WOMEN" (Fox) (2nd Loop run) CASTLE— (300). 60c, 7 days. Other attractions: News. Picture came in here after a first week at the Fox Monroe, and grossed nearly two grand more in its second run at this smaller house than it did first run in the larger, out-of-the-way house. "Reno" (Sono Art) replaced. Gross: $4,800. "Rating: 146%. "THOSE THREE FRENCH GIRLS" (M-G-M) CHICAGO— (3,940). 3Sc-85c, 7 days. Other attractions: Stage show, orchestra, comedy, news, novelty short. Picture did only fair business in spite of Cosmopolitan's lavish display ads in Hearst papers. Gross: $44,650. Rating: 93%. "THE BIG TRAIL" (Fox) McVICKERS— (2,284), 35c-85c. 3d and final week. Other attractions: News, comedy. A nice three weeks total for this one. "Feet First" (Paramount, replaced. Gross: $24,600. Rating: 88%. "CAUGHT SHORT" (M-G-M)— "SPOILERS" (Para) (2nd Loop run for both features) MONROE— (962), 25c-40c, 7 days. Other attractions: Thirty minutes of news, comedy. Loop's first doublefeature and this poverty house's worst week in a long time. Gross: $2,900.' Rating: 48%. "HER WEDDING NIGHT" (Paramount) ORIENTAL— (3,900), 3Sc-85c, 7 days. Other attractions: Stage show, organ, comedy, news, musical short. Benny Meroff in as new m. c. for house; the sixth to be spotted here in as many months. Good business for this hard luck house. Gross: $37,400. Rating: 89%. "OFFICE WIFE" (Warners) ORPHBUM— (762), 35c-50c. 7 days. Other attractions: Thirty minutes of news, Vitaphone Variety. Gross: $5,000. Rating: 70%. "BIG MONEY" (Pathe) PALACE— (2,509), 35c-75c, 7 days. Other attractions: Four vaude acts headed by Marx Brothers, cartoon, news, orchestra. Big name stage acts are turning in nice business here. Gross is excellent and may have been held down a little by the fact that only three Marxes showed— Groucho having been hospitalled by appendicitis on his arrival in town. Gross: $26,650. Rating: 111%. "JUNO AND THE PAYCOCK" (British Int.) PUNCH & JUDY— (390), 50c-75c, 1st week. Other attractions: News, comedy. Rave reviews and price cut bringing house's scale to Loop level sent them swarming in here. Gross: $5,400. Rating: 142% (new rating on basis of new price scale). "UP THE RIVER" (Fox) ROOSEVELT— (1,591). 35c-85c. first 10 days. Other attractions: News, musical short, cartoon. Nice trade to satisfied customers. Gross: $36,200. Rating: (10-day basis) 124%. "CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK" (Radio) STATE-LAKE— (2.776), 3Sc-75c. 3d and final week. Other attractions: News, musical short. Last week less than half of first week's gross. "Danger Lights" Menjou in German Talker Hollywood — Adolphe Menjou, who specializes in foreign versions and now and then an English role, is at present headlining a German talker called "Seeing Hollywood." The picture will show the inside of Hollywood night life and has Paul Morgan, German star, in a comedy role. I" "Check" Grosses $92,000 in Three Weeks in Detroit Detroit — After three record-breaking weeks, during which time house records were hung up which will no doubt stand for many moons to come, Amos 'n' Andy checked and double-checked out of the RKO Downtown, total gross for the three weeks being about $92,000. Over at the Fox "The Big Trail" began to hang up new records also, with 65,000, more or less, passing the gates over the week-end of the opening. The piece will be held for a second week to permit a few more thousands of Detroit school children to see the show. John Gilbert's "Way for a Sailor" flopped, though big things were expected of it. "Lottery Bride" at the United Artists was held over for an eighth day, to permit "Hell's Angels" to open on Wednesday. The rest of the houses just about held their own. Estimated takings: "THE BIG TRAIL" (Fox) FOX— (5,500), 15c-25c-50c, 7 days. Other attractions: F. & M. Victor Herbert Idea. news. Gross: $37,000. "REMOTE CONTROL" (M-G-M) MICHIGAN— (4,100). 35c-50c75c, 7 days. Other attractions: Publix "Hello Paree" unit, news, comedy. Gross: $26,000. "WAY FOR A SAJLOR" (M-G-M) FISHER— (2,800), 35c-40c-75c, 7 days. Other attractions: Publix "Hotter 'n' Hot" unit, news, comedv. Gross: $12,000. "DOORWAY TO HELL" (Warner) STATE— (3,000), 15c 25c-50c, 7 days, first week. Other attractions: News, comedy. Gross: $13,000. "LOTTERY BRIDE" (Paramount) UNITED ARTISTS— (2,070), 35c-50c-75c, 8 days. Other attractions: News, comedy. Gross: $14,000. "FEET FIRST" (Paramount) PARAMOUNT— (3,448), 35c-50c75c, 7 days, first week. Other attractions: News, comedy. Gross: $19,000. "CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK" (Radio) RKO DOWNTOWN— (2,750), 25c-50c, 7 days, third and final week. Other attractions: News, comedy. Gross: $30,000. "WHAT A WIDOW" (United Artists) RIVIERA— (2,800), 15c-25c-50c, 7 days, second run. Other attractions: News, comedy, travelogue. Gross: $12,000. "HALF SHOT AT SUNRISE" (Radio) HOLLYWOOD— (3,436), 10c-25c-50c, 4 days, second run. Other attractions: Stage show, news, comedy. Gross: $8,000. "HER MAN" (Pathe) HOLLYWOOD— (3,436), 10c-25c-50c, 3 days, second run. Other attractions: Stage show, news, comedy. Gross: $7,500. See Page 38 for report of week ending Nov. ^i. (Radio) replaced with Spoor-Berggren "natural vision" equipment. Opened nicely without anything unusual in the way of extra advertising. Amos and Andy picture still profitable at closing figure. Gross: $21,200. Rating: 58%. "THE LOTTERY BRIDE" (U. A.) UNITED ARTISTS— (1,700), 35c-85c. 1st week. Other attractions: Comedy, news, musical short. Good business holding picture another week. Gross: $24,200. Rating: 110%. "THE SQUEALER" (Columbia) WOODS— (1,166), 35c-75c. 2nd week. Other attractions: News, cartoon. Only a few grand under first week, but being replaced Thursday by "Only Saps Work" (Paramount). Gross: $15,600. Rating: 138%. "Billy, the Kid' Gets Only $1,500 At Minneapolis Minneapolis— M-G-M's "Billy, the Kid" proved pretty much of a brodie at the Lyric, where it was good for only $1,500 for the seven days. The Hennepin-Orpheum apparently has settled down, after its Amos 'n' Andy box-office spree, with that film grabbing off $2,152 at the Seventh Street, where it went after its two weeks at the Hennepin. Exhibitors here are reported peeved over the second run of the film at the Seventh Street, the neighborhoods figuring they should have been given the break on the picture. Estimated takings: "HEADS UP (Para.) MINNESOTA-(4.025>. 30c-40c-60c, 7 days. 7 shows daily. Other attractions: Stage show, Stanley Smith in person, overture, organ novelty, news. Gross: $25,600. "THE SILVER HORDE" (Radio) RKO ORPHEUM— (2,900). 35c-SOc-7Sc, 7 days. 3 shows daily. Other attractions: Four acts vaude, shorts, news. Gross: $17,400. "WHOOPEE" (U. A.) CENTURY— (1.640). 25c-35c-60c, 7 days, 6 shows, 2nd week. ..Other attractions: News. Gross: $8,500. "PLAYBOY OF PARIS" (Para.) STATE— (2,300), 25c-35c-60c, 7 days, 6 shows daily. Other attractions: Comedy, screen novelties, news. Gross: $7,000. "BILLY, THE KID" (M-G-M) LYRIC— (1,238), 15c-25c-40c, 7 days, 7 shows daily. Other attractions: News. Gross: $1,500. "ONE NIGHT AT SUSIE'S" (First Nafl) ASTER— (812), 15c-25c-30c. 7 days, 7 shows daily. Other attractions: News. Gross: $1,155. "CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK" (Radio) RKO SEVENTH STREET— (1,300), 25c-35c-50c, 7 days, 6 shows daily, 3rd week. Other attractions: News, comedy. Gross: $2,152. Being held for a fourth week. "Feet First" Sets Providence Pace, Grossing $15,000 Providence — The frisky Harold Lloyd in his high and dizzy stunts in "Feet First" did the week's big business at the Paramount, bringing in the crowds to the tune of $15,000, which is oke by one and all. All of the downtown houses were helped by the Armistice holiday, although only half of little Rhody's population was on the loaf. Loew's, playing "Remote Control" for only six days, clicked into $18,000, which is fair enough, and the Albee with "The Silver Horde" was strong at $11,000. The Majestic, with "Scarlet Pages," caught around $10,500, and the RKO Victory was a bit off with "Today," catching around $7,500. Estimated takings : "FEET FIRST" (Par.) PARAMOUNT— (2,300), 10c-50c, 7 days. Other at. tractions: News. Gross: $15,000. Rating: 115%. "REMOTE CONTROL" (M-G-M) LOEW'S STATE— (3,800). 10c-50c, 7 days. Other attractions: "Pups Is Pups" (Our Gang), "The Clock Shoppe," News. Gross: $18,000. Rating: 90%. "THE SILVER HORDE" (Radio) RKO ALBEE— (2.300). 10c-50c. 7 days. Other attractions: "Backfield Aces" (Rockne), "Razored in Old Kentucky." News. Cross: $11,000. Rating: 90%. "SCARLET PAGES" (F-N) MAJESTIC— (2,400). 10c-50c. 7 days. Other attractions: Buster West in "Don't Gve Up," "The Bluffer." "The Nightingale," news. Gross: $10,500. Rating: 90%. "TODAY" (Hollywood Pictures) RKO VICTORY— (1.600). 10c-50c. 7 days. Other attractions: Screen Snapshots, "Kid the Kidder," Audio Review, news. Gross: $7,500. Rating: 80%.