Motion Picture News (Oct 1913 - Jan 1914)

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FEATURE FILM NEWS \XT HEN Philip Klein, treasurer of y » the All-Star ' Feature Corporation, sails for Europe on the Mauretania next Wednesday (October 22nd) he will go prepared to spend some busy weeks in England and on the Continent. Primarily, Mr. Klein's trip is undertaken to secure some of the works of noted foreign authors for film production by the All-Star Feature Corporation. He will also treat with some of the distinguished dramatic stars of England and the Continent regarding their appearance in feature films to be made by the All-Star. With both authors and stars negotiations have already been opened. Of peculiar assistance to Mr. Klein in this part of the diplomatic mission is the fact that his father, Charles Klein, now makes his home in London. While in England Mr. Klein will assist the officials of the Gaumont Company in exploiting to the British public "Arizona" and the forthcoming productions of the All-Star Feature Corporation, to which productions the Gaumont Company has purchased the rights for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Exclusive Features, Inc., of which Harry Samwick is secretary and treasurer, have contracted for the entire Itala feature output for Greater New York and Northern New Jersey, beginning with "The Gypsy's Kiss." The Exclusive Features now also have standing orders on all Eclectic, Lewis Pennant and Eclair features for the same territory, giving the Exclusive Features two new subjects weekly. Among the sales of Itala features during the week have been that of "Unmasked" to the Wolverine Feature Film Co., of Detroit, for the Michigan territory; Exclusive Features, of Cleveland, for Ohio ; European Feature Film Co., of New York, for Greater New York and Northern New Jersey. The Itala Film Company of America announces that it is in no way connected with the Italian-American Film Company, whose offices are supposed to be in the Columbia Theatre Building, where the Itala offices formerly were. Much confusion has arisen on account of the similarity in the names. The Itala Film Company of America now has its offices in the Candler Building, New York City, and all communications should be sent to that address. and labor, introducing Clarence Darrow, the champion of labor, in a reproduction of the "conspiracy trial" at Los Angeles, has been booked with the Loew Circuit of theatres in Greater New York. A number of companies presenting this five-reel feature has been sent out on tour and the picture is doing a splendid business. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany has not been slow to recognize the educational as well as the permanent pictorial value of motography. King Alfonso of Spain, who is up-to-date in all his desires and employments, from the automobile to the aeroplane, is also interested in animated photography, and his children have appeared on numerous films and been shown The Unique Feature Co., inc. 145 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Exchange Building Telephone Bryant 6332 Renters, Producers and Importers of Exclusive Feature Subjects Reels Blanche Walsh in Resurrection 4 Hiawatha 4 Wanted by Police 3 The Contraband 3 Gypsy Blood 3 Zigomar 3 Redemption 3 Marconi Operator 3 Unlucky Horseshoe 3 Petrosino 3 Thunderbolt 3 Trials to Victory 3 Yellow Man 3 Ninth Commandment 3 Red Falcon 3 Penalty 2 Wizard of Jungle 2 Cast Up by Sea 2 Rip Van Winkle 2 Outcast Child 2 Land of Darkness 2 Frank Merriwell's School Days 2 Frank Merriwell's Fight for a Fortune 2 Giants vs. Red Sox 1 "From Dusk to Dawn," which exposes the struggle between capital POSITIVELY THE SEASON'S GREATEST SENSATIONS DR. NICHOLSON AND THE BLUE DIAMOND 4 REELS Itala's Supreme Release THE WAR CORRESPONDENTS Four Massive Parts — 110 Scenes — Colossal Greek, Bulgarian, Servian and Turkish Troops swell the number of the enormous cast. For Illinois Write for our list. GENERAL SPECIAL FEATURE FILM CO. 112 N. LaSalle St., Chcago, 111. for the edification of his loyal subjects. The cable last week stated, as a royal joke, that King Christian of Denmark played a striking though involuntary part in a cinematograph drama off the coast of Jutland. The King, on seeing a cinematograph camera in another boat, was much amused at his mistake and ordered the yacht to stop so he might watch the rest of the play. In a few minutes the beautiful heroine jumped into the water and began to swim ashore, but near the royal yacht she gave a cry of exhaustion, and was evidently in difficulties. The King hurriedly ordered one of the yacht's lifeboats to be lowered, and himself directed the operation. Modern Kings are popular in the ratio of their versatility. ADVANCE SLIDES FOR ALL FEATURES 2 11 r. IT » r K Special Price to J C LaCn Exchanges NOVELTY SLIDE CO. NEW YORK 20 East 14th Street 145 West 45th Street WE SELL ALL MAKES MACHINES ON TINE or FOR CASH Liberal allowance on your old machine on purchase of new one. Genuine Repair Parts for all makes machines. Send for our Catalog and Parts List AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO E-uerytktng from Screens to Booths 160-E No. Fifth Ave Chicago HOUSE of FEATURE FILMS Forty-fifth Street Exchange 145 W. 45th Street, New York For office or loft space, apply to A. E. THOMSON, Agent Phone 2607 Bryant Pilgrim's Progress (Ambrosio Version) 4 reels In the Sultan's Power 2 reels *Voodoo Vengeance 3 reels "Trapping and Training Wild Animals I reel The Death Ship 3 reels 'Produced under the personal supervision of Capt. Jack Bonavita, the world famous lion tamer. Telephone Bryant 326. World's Best Film Co. 1600 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY In writing to advertisers please mention "THE MOTIOX PICTURE NEWS"