Motion Picture News (Oct 1913 - Jan 1914)

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THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS Once upon a time a man went fishing. The man's name was Bill. Bill didn't know anything about fishing, but his intentions were excellent. He studied the advertisements of the fishing tackle makers. Then he purchased an equipment of the finest rod, reel, line, hooks and sinker. Taking these with him, Bill put out in a brand new skiff to the fishing grounds. But when everything was ready for the first cast, Bill found that he had entirely overlooked a most essential item, BAIT. Bait had not been mentioned in the fishing tackle ads. Bill knew nothing at all about BAIT. But his confidence in his equipment was such that he went right ahead fishing with bare hooks. With a patience born of ignorance Bill kept at his work until the day was done, and then started to reel up to go home. There was something heavy on his line. It proved to be an old leather satchel. It was filled with paper money — slimy and soft, but still negotiable. Bill's story soon spread throughout the country — people everywhere began reading the fishing tackle ads and investing their money in good equipments and taking their time from regular business to go fishing for money with bare hooks. Needless to say, there were no more money bags caught, and many a man who had been well-to-do became well done and ended his days in a county poorhouse. But the lesson was valuable. Thousands of other fishermen discovered their folly in time. They set aside their equipments for a while and studied Bait. Then they experimented a little, and found that, while an occasional fish could be tempted with cheap, dead bait, the big and frequent catches could be made only with live, fresh, selected bait. And thereafter these men waxed prosperous, and were known as successful fishermen. The Motion Picture game is like fishing on shore. Bill is the Exhibitor. The tackle and boat are the equipment and the theatre. The good BAIT is the good picture. Occasionally there is a Bill who catches money with bad pictures. He uses bare hooks. There are hundreds of other exhibitors who have heard of Bill's blind luck. They have read the fishing tackle advertisements and purchased the finest equipment, only to find that the public will not bite. These men should Study the Bait Question Nozv. They should learn the positive truth that no matter how fine the theatre, or how happy the location, it is the Picture that draws and holds the crowds. The exhibitors who learn this lesson will wax prosperous. They will be known as successful exhibitors. Here's the answer to the bait question: A selection of the finest pictures in the world, made by the ten manufacturers whose films have long been acknowledged as incomparably superior to all others, on one program. On one program. GENERAL FILM COMPANY ' (INC.) 200 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK m In writing to advertisers please mention "THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS"