Motion Picture News (Oct 1913 - Jan 1914)

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THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS 1 1 1 V 1^ 1 ^ ADVER1 isi: us BKI.OW i> .1 reproduction of one of our service bulletins giving aJvtint c notice ot new ami projected picture theatres. Www Tart. V. T M«*>n« Picture T Water ft |M| Otitoi I -J WtlW Vtii if im D C Mil— PWtar* Tbcaler • cvv teal*). I n bhf ft I'wHw Artkt , I'aak (»/ad. Aa Wail, agte* 0 C U . ■ , I ■ • . | ay. A/ cat. h r. I, era. B~od Haw-* Onn'i —mm .-HBfM An M| Haifa* tsmtm, U Imi AM bgyi. AiUnix Aa>u**w»*ai Co. cm . i » w-t -i i-u». |mI m«<4 ■ HI '• mm wilkH*Ul I'UtM Arckitect. Plan* ■> p<»g<e*a niijti • c:*»*4aad. 0 -11mm r •rauaajggWaaaV FaV — ll*v>ag Plata** irr (eawAaagj BBS) I Ml k York. V. T. — Moving Picture T kraler 1 My. kOallk 1M.MM |1.ftto Af«ft4U Obvee *i I • My. UiK W*,0#*. UlW, Artkl . Herman Miller. 1410 tVnlnut 1 101 hkeaftal ~ wilkbekl Prebaaraarj plena <* WntH 0. Partaw* TVntrt t k ***. SIM** Owe. J W •raUli |. <a<« V»li>» IWil'i. • M<«( lowaaalM* by **, Ubar. X*w York. >. T— Moving P*tur* |„M Oleij ■ kjaigaka * Block, ■Ml 1 •<> >*«I00 Owner. S B fok' S«itk F.ltk S* are race* Vang (wji' akeaon. Ilk Broadway PVana (oat. Wted. architect »tU probably tab* b»da WHkkkHlf . »— Utekakitli »■ : I ety ImI TlH|l1l 0.-M*t*ee> PW> Brooklyn. M T Mi ih*a Fattare ••«?J Owrn**, Gk*. W. SaykVy. ia>« TW*m • Skare Hldg • «i k beater I Hi Malts k>< 004 Owner Wdiwetdiog. PoetpowrJ Waa. Utile t>*,ao* Im Ycuag* oocoiil Pkoto Play Ow* IH Saehett i-ww Owwet. H. J. Hi kakjai. car* > M taking tub-bid*. M bs " nM FkMrtTW Area* . Cwa W V*«gk*n. I I* imiiiI t»r St -r k Hat Bid* iTbeater w.t t 111* Arrkateet bee tea wed a I* a I H*M Brooklyn. N T.— Mono* P>etur* »*« »nd 1 Bata): f My. k U< Tlik* <ap uaiJ mii aweing. Water I ity. liilOO flO.000. Owner. ttO.000 AuM o Owner. t_ U Bn.rd. •bilip R..*en»oa. f »7 Dtiwj* Ave., m AuMn, will aaoa Uka R«urea lakawaad. 0.— Mae nf P<etw/e TWi fkraaaa. aUaV— Ptetsra Taaaarr ft *•*> 1 * •.*■'••. ua.neaa Bldf I I aty. 1 mmLi Vi»U.'. p »%•• n,«. M0.0O0. Owner. Hirry Slrawaber... mam Uwoar. P. nana. ITT unna |».iwm. b.j, ,a Bmft»»cr. IW1 Meal link SC. Oe-re St. Plana in protrcaa. " u^a ■yaaklya, V. T. — Moving Picture Loa Anyalaa. OaJ.— Moving Pact ore ra-aaaa A Mm^w r_j — ■■ TWater l.ltY 4T.100 fcs.000 Owner. Taraterk Store : I My IkHIHiMi ^^^n , ■ . a i!T. tba. N "blan. 7M Sew LoU Rd . •• m. About IIJ.000 Owner. E U .TiZf* £21-J TmmmZ U,. ■ r mb-bida McMUmct ft J. M. Ilobb**. Tafaa ii*^. \T Theater 1 .ty »0a l»tv $4 SO0 O^icra. Laa AngaJaa, Okl-Pxttiee Tkeater War»«s Uft -Vakaa PV»«r. Joftn McKeon ft Son. 411 Smitk St . a/a , M. jy.iOO Owner*, A. \V. '*f*i'"« ^f' L» * *T"* taking b.a^ ft (" S. Lord. Plana coeapletel Waaa-a-A. Bat* Schenectady. NT M t^j Pki»Ua . . . _ The iter I ate tl»»0 ta.000 Private WaaklBftOB. D. C — Moving Pactnre St Paal. Mlaa— Mov-mg PAct ma lllo "\ew T be* lev Ova*. Mawc) : ft 000 Art *U£2, cVrT a L r-r,r*» R~ Bvl« HarawtAeid Amuaenvrat Co . care Art architect. Arckt. received figure* unt I Itawark. K. J. — Moving Picture Sept. totb. This bulletin is mailed to all our advertisers and not published, enabling them to get in immediate touch with these prospects. Also a copy of publication carrying your advertisement, given to each of these neir buyers. Vox further information address: MOTION PICTURE NEWS 220 West Forty-second Street, New York Advertising Department Telephone. Bryant /650 In writing to advertisers please mention "THE MOTION PICTL'RE NEW?"